Thursday, October 31, 2019
Discussion unit 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Discussion unit 2 - Assignment Example Therefore, giving them a new pair of shoes will be like a miracle to them. When a person receives a present that he was not expecting, it is magical and unique. In the case of children walking bare footed in Africa, they are facilitated by the company and made to experience the beauty of putting on shoes when they know they cannot even afford the shoes. Such approaches show the power of miracle or fate as explained in the society. The support of the underprivileged in the society is vital because it makes the world a better place for everyone. The support of such programs as one for one shoe program of the company should be the ultimate goal for the members of the society. In addition, several privileges are not enjoyed by the less fortunate in the society. In fact, the main goal of the society is to offer support for the less fortunate. There are several people who will assist me in the writing process, and the most integral person is my close friend. He has been of immense help when handling the issues of writing. In addition, I intend to address look at Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic as an inspirational
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
A Man That Holds My Heart Essay Example for Free
A Man That Holds My Heart Essay Many people have ways of influencing others. Most people use words to affect other people. An amount of individuals would utilize their gift of persuasion to convince others of their causes or maybe arguments, while some use authority to force people to do as they are told. These several differences can apply to fathers as well. Not all fathers are similar when it comes to educating their children. Many are gentle, while some are more dominant. Randy T Caldwell, a somewhat young spirited middle aged man. Dark skinned with black Gucci frames to accommodate his big brown eyes. Standing 5’11, board shoulders, happy, loving, man of Christ and always seen with a look upon his face that means business falls under those descriptions of a father. My father is a man of many words. He is a very talkative man, somewhat quiet but only when listening to someone of when needed. He is not a very persuasive person like others, nor does he use authority to get his message across. All the lessons I’ve learned from my father were never taught in lectures or by long stories. Instead, he gave me real life examples for me to follow. I learned everything I needed to know from my father, through his own life. It was the way he lived his poverty stricken and fearful life which taught me how to live a more effective, goal reaching, non-poverty stricken live. Indeed, my father was a man of many words and was a man of many words but yet he had a soft heart. My father has simple interests. He is very fond of watching college football, and often watches when he can. When he has time he would go hiking occasionally. However, his favorite thing to do is go fishing. At such a young age, I was very fascinated with the fact that he would bring home huge, 10 foot long, stinky fish but I always loved it. Aside from being an outdoor, outgoing , talkative man ; my father was a man of Christ. Just like on the man that are always, dressed up , Stay Adams , the best pen striped suit, at the front of the church serving communion on first Sundays . That’s My Father! Even though he had a horrible, poverty stricken, gangster life as a child he is a firm believer in Christ. He has not preached about his faith even though he is very talkative; he has never given lessons on religious and mortality. He just simply lived by example. Whenever faced with difficulty, he simply thinks about what Christ would do in a situation as such. It was one the most remarkable things I find remember able about him. In one instance, I went fishing with my father. I’m not really fond of the outdoors like he was, but I loved spending time with him. It had been raining earlier that morning, so the fishing area was wet. He insisted we go to is regular spot so we did. It was under an old rugged beat down bridge that was covered with green algae. By the time we were done fishing we both were hungry. We proceeded to the nearest fast food place, which happened to be McDonald’s. As I ate my lunch it began to rain very badly; I than begin to look out the window at an old man whose clothes torn with the look of death in his eyes, standing in the middle of the parking lot. As my father made his way to the table where I was dining he caught my gaze. He immediately re packed his Big Mac fully made all the way everything on it , his supersized fry, and even his drink and went right out the door. Just as hungry as he was he gave the old man his meal. On the way home my father said nothing. Again, he taught me a lesson through his own example. My father can be described as many things talkative, outgoing, loving, caring, and firm believer in Christ. But one thing he will always be described as to me would be the man that has taught me to be the best I can be. My father is a good father, he is rather different than other fathers; but that’s what makes him the best.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
A Reflection on different volunteer work
A Reflection on different volunteer work It was my first day to join Market Craft Day as part of team of Pt Chevalier Community Centre. This market uses to be held on every third Saturday of the month and the purpose is for everyone in this community having a place to buy and sell goods such as second-hand house ware, handmade craft, food or anything they want to bring from home. This activity also provides resident, small business and organization an opportunity to connect with the community, to promote themselves and make a payback to the community because the fee from the stall booking is part of funding to operate the Community Centre and its programmes. My job was as an assistant to sell BBQ sausage with John, a committee member who has been called as Sausage manager and Sausage expert. That is because he has volunteered in this job for a long time. This is a joke between those team members as John is the youngest of the team and it is the way how they treat each other like family. From their conversation and the small talk, I found out Kiwis love to have humour and make jokes to express their concern for each other, especially for well-known friends. They also made jokes to me but not much that I think they might worry about I could not understand their jokes then get embarrassed. They were easy-going and had an opened heart to make friend with me even though I am from a different ethnic group. I could feel that how I was accepted as part of group and been treated like a family. I was really enjoying my time with them as they had shown me the most important cultural ritual of New Zealand treat everyone equally. In addition, during my volunteering, I learned how to cut onions and how to make BBQ sausage and custom-made sandwich. This is the first time of my life for doing this job. Through my work, I have known it is a very common recipe in New Zealand to have BBQ sausage with onion, mustard sauce and toast as a snack for outdoor activity. Besides, as John did, some people love to have toast with Spaghetti and tomato sauce which is another special western style that different from Asians. Compared with Taiwan, we use to have various traditional foods as our snack such as Chinese bun, Stinky tofu (smelly tofu) and Oyster omelette. The mobile stalls in Taiwan also need to be approved by local council for a licence to sell goods/food at roadside or local late-night market. There will be a penalty for no licensed stall. Reflection: Day 2 Core office work (Wednesday, 9.30am~1pm, 22 Sep 2010) Karen, the Coordinator of the organization, called me to come in to the centre and gave me some works to know the way around the place. She was also my interviewee who gave detailed information for my 10 culture and society questions and how this community centre operate. Based on her job description, I know she is a key to execute the programme of community centre and the committee of this non-profit organization are people to outline and to decide what programme can be launch for the community. I realized how important to have a community centre in the community after I did the office work and the interview. According to Karens information, every community centre is a Hub to link local public library, education institution and business/organization together to provide information and activities for people live in the local area. Any individual or various groups can use this place for any activity by just hiring a room of building, or leave their poster/brochure on the notice board to promote themselves. For example, a private childcare centre, where also provide free Spanish language learning environment, has its flyer placed on notice board so everyone might see its information when visit the centre. This is a free and convenient service that provide from the community centre for its community. I think it is also a proper place to exchange cultural value from different ethnic groups by having their activities here. Moreover, the School Holiday Programme is a good example to show how this community centre pays proper regard to education and multiculturalism. For example, it has various activities for age 5 to 13 years old children. The activities of September and October programme in this year included the First Aid course for kids, Hip Pop dance workshop, Surf lifesaving workshop and a play for a Chinese story The Secret of Dongting Lake which are very meaningful for developing childrens skill, personal ability and an opportunity to understand different cultural aspect. I think it is very clever to let children learn while playing through those seasonal programme and activities. Everyone, including their parents, can also make friends and have a connection for their social life after the activity. Its a very valuable contribution that the community centre gives us and the NZ society. Reflection: Day 3 Work in the Op-Shop (Thursday, 10.30am~1pm, 23 Sep 2010) Things that I had learned were not from my work in this Op-shop but from people here. Their behaviour and their thought gave me an idea to know why many New Zealander, especially the senior, have willing to be volunteer and how they made the changes for their community. Op-Shop of Pt Chevalier Community Centre is operated by volunteers who are Erin, Julie and a lady who I havent met yet. Erin is the team leader and the one to assist my learning. She makes the decisions and manages the shop to keep it run for its customers. This is not difficult to find out she is quite reliable and motivated in her role. She has an enthusiasm and a good intend to help people in this community. She low the price down or gave free gifts to the customers who seem to have financial difficulty. She notices the regular customer and keeps the goods, which they may need, beside her desk and give an acceptable price when they have come. She said there are not many people have enough money to buy what they want, therefore, the purpose of community centre is to help people for their need, that is the reason she gives the cheaper price and support them in this way. Under her management, the Op-shop has offered a free service for everyone who needs to promote their home business to have their price menu and business card display on the checkout desk. This is another way how Erin does to help and encourage people who is unemployed but has the skills for starting a new life. Her whole family include her daughter and grand-daughters, are all happy to involve in the volunteering work. They used to donate good quality clothes and purchase second hand goods from this shop. These is a very good example which Erin and her family have showed us for how people help each other in their community. This is good to see everyone happy, she said. In Taiwan, there are also many people work for charity foundations or religious institutions who contribute themselves to help the society. A quantity of them even has joined the global charity events such as what Red-Cross does. This is positive manner to give payback to our society. The truth is, we never know there will be one day we may need help from others so that why we dont try to give what we have at first. More cooperation between people in the society may have higher quality living environment that everyone may get the benefit from. In this case, I believe most of New Zealander has done this well from what I have seen in this community centre. Language learned from my volunteering work The committee members and volunteers of Pt Chevalier Community Centre are like a big family to me. They knew each other and have a good connection with local residents. The language they used in our interaction was between formal and informal which may depend on the level of relationship they have had with this person. There are two different ways of the language using that I had noticed from my participation. To well-known friends or relations, the words using and the topics of conversation choosing were quite flexible and included a lot of humour and colloquial words that I might not pick up from those natives utterance. In their small talk, they talked about friends or families they knew, gossiped about everyday matters and made jokes to each other. From here, I confirmed my impression of what I have seen when I first came to NZ that Kiwis are easy-going and love to make friends. On the other hand, when communicated with me, those people were quite friendly and had tended to slow down their speed and simple their words to make me understand them well. From their words usage, I could know they had a quality of education level that their behaviour and speaking were gentle and sophisticated. In this case, I remember what Karen said in my interview and indeed most of team member in this organization has had a strong social skill which is people skill. They know how to speak felicitously with people from different background and how to make their conversation smoothly to make both of us happy. Generally, the conversations with the team members had given me an opportunity to evaluate my English speaking level and to practice my communication skill with native speakers. In my self-evaluation, the positive I got is I dont have much trouble to make communication with them by using everyday language, such as greeting, telling the personal story, give the opinions of what I think about everyday matter and follow the instructions that I had been asked. Most of conversations were run smoothly but I knew there is still a gap to be narrowed if I could increase my English vocabulary to express myself properly and my comprehension of listening in English to understand their words. That is the negative side of my evaluation from my interactive tasks in this community centre. The racial tension in NZ multicultural society? From my volunteered work in Pt Chevalier Community Centre, I have met many people who have an open-mind to accept NZs multicultural aspect and treat it with respect. However, some information from people who work in this centre had widened my mind to see how native New Zealanders think about the immigrants, especially for Asian people. That has given me an idea how I behave and interact with native people who have different opinion about us. The Committee Chairman of this organization, Bruce, is a very gentle old man who was quite enthusiastic to assist my learning through my work in the Market and Craft day. He had given me some advices to make my CV and job application more successful through our interview. When we had a relevant conversation about people from different racial background like me, he told me a story of his sons employee who had been fired because his intention of refusing the service to customers who were Asian looking. Bruce had told me that many Kiwis have a misunderstanding about all Asian people in NZ are bad driver. I had made the complaint about this mistaken thought as kind of racial bias and I just realized that is the reason why my friends, my family and myself had experienced of being stared or shouted by Pakeha drivers when we drove a bit slow or made a wrong way driving accidently as it may sometimes be made by themselves as well. Just like the information acquired from Karen, the Coordinator of the organization, that when a number of Asian first came to NZ, many kiwis were very affronted about it for a long time. They thought Asian people may be able to come and take our country, our city and our lifestyle; and they took a couple of years, maybe 2 ~ 5 years to settle down. This is long time ago when they refused to have that immigration policy to allow more Asian people into the country. But now it just really accepted, generally it really accepted, [SIC] it was Karens reference of the general opinion of native resident. From her words, I was disappointed about the previous thinking of native people but pleased with the change that they have made. In fact, there are always two sides of a coin that people will see from different angel of view. Most people in this community that I have met are very kind to accept NZs multicultural society which they are living in but just a few have negative behaviour to us, immigrant from Asia countries, which I really like to ignore to live in peace with them. In conclusion, I agree that people in NZ are just like people in Taiwan who are definitely allowed to have a right to give critical opinions to people who may cause any harm to this beautiful and peaceful country. However, it is better to keep their thinking in objective way and not so subjective to create a difficult living environment for those immigrants to live in. That is absolutely unfair for what we have faced the racial tension in NZ.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Shirley Jacksons The Lottery and Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour Es
Shirley Jackson's The Lottery and Kate Chopin's The Story of an Hour "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, and "The Story of the Hour" by Kate Chopin, both have similarities and differences when it comes to the elements of literature. Particularly, when the authors use foreshadowing to manipulate the moods of the stories and add irony to cleverly deceive the reader. Both of these stories possess similarities and differences when it comes to their components of the story, specifically the authors' usage of elements of mood and the tone of irony.      In Shirley Jackson's 'The Lottery,' irony is a major theme. This story is about a town full of elitist snobs that are stuck on their tradition of a lottery, even though it is a grim ritual and rather detrimental to the people in the town. The characters are honoring a tradition that is handed down to them from former generations. The reader is led through the outwardly normal and charming little village, and is taken on a ride of ironic horror as they slowly grasp the annual fate of one the village?s inhabitants. The title ?The Lottery? implies a contest with a winner of some kind, like a sweepstakes. When in reality the winner is actually the loser or person that will die by stoning. At the beginning of this story, the main character, Mrs. Hutchinson, is in favor of the lottery. The atmosphere of the town is casual yet anxious. Mrs. Hutchinson arrives late because she ?clean forgot? what day it is. This seems quite impossible to any reader that anyone would forge t a day like lottery day. Her procrastination is reasonable but her excuse is lame. Mrs. Hutchinson complains that her husband, Bill, ?didn?t have enough time to choose.? And that the results of the drawing were not fair. In these statements, she is implying that the other villagers had more time to choose, and in fact given an advantage over the Hutchinson family. In reality, time had little to do with the drawing of the ?slips of paper.? As soon as they hold the second drawing, Mrs. Hutchinson is chosen. This is the climax of irony of this story. Mrs. Hutchinson is chosen for the lottery. She is shocked and astounded, having believed that she couldn?t possibly be chosen for the lottery. She begs or mercy, but the townspeople are strict with keeping to their traditions and her pleas of mercy fall on deaf ears and she is stoned to death.      ?... ...the mention of her health. However, in ?The Lottery? the reader knows that something bad will eventually happen, but the reader has no idea who the ill-fated winner is going to be.      I feel that ?The Story of an Hour? is a better example of the elements of irony and foreshadowing than ?The Lottery.? In ?The Story of an Hour? the author uses a writing style that is easy to follow and simple to understand. The plot is orderly and follows a sequential order of events. The imagery is vivid, but is it easy to understand and doesn?t confuse the reader. ?The Lottery? was not an adequate story. The foreshadowing was presented in an irksome fashion, and the language confused and baffled me. ?The Lottery? was difficult to follow, and I was unable to understand anything about it until I had completed the story. In closing, I feel that Kate Chopin did a superb job with ?The Story of an Hour? in reaching her audience on a level that made it simple to understand her story and to have a sense of perceptive knowledge of how the story would end.     Works Cited: Jackson, Shirley. "The Lottery." The Harper Anthology of Fiction. Ed Sylvan Barnet. New York: HarperCollins, 1986. 862-868
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Police System In Japan Essay
In Japan, police system generally enjoy wide community support and respect. The system, so called keisatsu seido consists of approximately 220,000 police officers who are organized into prefectural forces coordinated and partially controlled by the National Police Agency in Tokyo. Concerning the historical development, during the Edo period – we are talking about the years 1600 – 1868 here, the Tokugawa Shogunate ( the form of those days governing the country ) developed elaborate police system based on town magistrates who held samurai status and served as chiefs of police, prosecutors and criminal judges. The system was extended by citizens  ´s groups such as five-family associations ( gonin gumi ) . These groups were composed of neighbours, collectively liable to the government for the activities of their membership. After the Meiji Restoration in 1868, the main change in the whole Japanese history, the Home Ministry was established in 1873. With jurisdiction over the Police Bureau, it effectively controlled the police. This new, centralized police system had wide-ranging responsibilities, includng the authority to issue ordinances and handle quasi-judicial functions. It also regulated public health, factories, constructions, businesses and issued permits, licenses and orders. In 1911 the Special Higher Police was established to help control proscribed political activities. Later in 1928 it was strengthened with the introduction of the Peace Preservation Law. When the Sino-Japanese War began in 1937, the police were given the added responsibilities of regulating business activities for the war efforts, mobilizing labour and controlling transportatioon. Also regulation of publications, motion pictures, political meetings, and election campaigns came under police direction. After World War II, Japan as a defeated country was under strong pressure and influence mainly from the U.S., on all branches of life, including the police system. The National Diet – the highest organ of state power was required to enact a new Police Law. This 1947 law abolished the previous Home Ministry. It decentralized the system by establishing about 1,600 independent municipal police forces in all cities and towns with population of over 5,000 smaller communities. These were served by the newly created National Rural Police. General contol of the police was supposed to be ensured by the establishment of civilian public safety commissions. As to present structure, today the Japanese police system is based on prefectural units that are autonomous in daily operations yet are linked nationalwide under the National Police Agency. Prefectural police headquarters, including the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, control everyday police operations in each prefecture. In effect, the prefectures pay for the patrol man on the beat, traffic control over domestic security units, which are funded by the national government, as are the salaries of senior national and prefectural police officials. Prefectures are divided into districts, each with its own police station under direct control of prefectural police headquarters. There are about 1,250 of these police stations nationwide. Districts are further subdivided into jurisdictions of urban police boxes ( koban ) and rural residential police boxes ( chuzaisho). The mainstay of the Japanese police system is the uniformed patrol officer (omawari san ). The patrol officers supply the police boxes and patrol cars and comprised 40 percent of al incidents and crimes and then move them to the specialized units for further investigation. The sphere of police resposibilities remains broad. Besides solving ordinary crimes, criminal investigators establish the causes of fires and industrial accidents. Crime prevention police hold added responsibility for juveniles, businesses and the enforcement of â€Å"special laws†regulating gun and sword ownership, drugs, smuggling, prostitution, pornography and industrial pollution. Public safety commissions usually defer to police decisions. Police contact with the community is extended by the requirement that koban based police visit every home in their jurisdiction to gather information, pass on suggestions regarding crime prevention and hear complaints. Neighbourhood crime prevention and traffic safety associations provide another link between police and community, further promoting extensive public involvement in law and order.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Metabical Case Essay
The weight loss drug vailable in three four-week packages. The four week packaging was at the specific point where the consumer did not have to spend too much money to buy it, yet got invested in the product enough that they would come back to buy the second and third portions Marketing Research – According to the US survey 34% overweight 25. % obese 4. 7% severely obese – Health care providers were positive about the prospects of weight loss drugs. – Responses of individuals: indicates 12% would immediately opt for such a solution. – Focus group: Need of Prescription-strength drug with FDA approval & clinical results o backup weight loss results. Decision making The process of decision making for the consumers would follow the hierarchy of effects and would include the following steps Users involved in word of outh publicity – First prescription drug to be approved by the FDA specifically for weight loss of overweight individuals – credibility – First prescription drug for BMI of 25-30 – It worked on low dose formulation hence stress on liver and heart was lesser – Side effects were less severe and conditional – Behavioral modifications and healthier eating habits – Results were seen on an average in 12 weeks – More comprehensive support plan – The above advantage could be used for positioning in the following ways: Premium pricing as it is the only FDA approved prescription drug for weight loss. Strikingly different from dietary supplements for weight loss Segmentation & Targeting multi cluster segmentation Demographic – Income levels – High Income group, since they are ready to pay out of their pockets. – Gender- Females are more weight conscious. – Age: 35+ – Educa tion: college plus Psychographic : Based on, Physical activity, Food preferences, Nutrition, Self image, Overall health – â€Å"l want to be healthier†– †I want to fit into my skinny Jeans†Geographic : US is the largest geographic segment where 65% of the entire adult population is over-weight, obese or severely obese . Targeting customers with a BMI of 25-30 Positioning Strategy Positioning as a ?Life saving drug†Those 20 extra pounds can kill you. Being overweight leads to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes â€Å"It†s time to get Healthy- Metabical can help. †Positioning as a ?Motivational Therapeutic drug†â€Å"Discover a happier and a more attractive you†– Increases confidence – Boosts self- esteem Marketing Communication Strategy Electronic media – TV – Radio – Social media Print media – NEWS – Magazines Viral media DTC and prescriber advertising ?Free lunch†pre launch program Metabical Challenge – Biggest looser contest Medical education events Thank you
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
All conflict in literature is, in its simplest form, a struggle between good and evil
All conflict in literature is, in its simplest form, a struggle between good and evil "All conflict in literature is, in its simplest form, a struggle between good and evil". This statement simplifies the idea that all themes and struggles in literature when broken down to their most basic forms are a conflict of good versus evil. This is a valid statement because good and evil are the basis of all conflict. A conflict is a two-sided and any struggle implies a difference of opinion or emotion which can be broken down into both "good" and "evil" parts. such works that emphasize this statement are George Orwell's novel, "Animal Farm" and the play, "Othello", a tragedy written by William Shakespeare.William Shakespeare's use of characterization in "Othello" describes the character Othello as a brave, courageous, and honorable soldier. Shakespeare also introduces the complete contrast of Othello in the character Iago. Iago is portrayed as two-faced and manipulation, representing the evil aspect in the play.Animal Farm - Rebelià ³n en la Granja
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Superorder Dictyoptera, Roaches and Mantids
Superorder Dictyoptera, Roaches and Mantids Dictyoptera means network wings, referring to the visible network of veins present in the wings of this order. The superorder Dictyoptera includes orders of insects related by evolution and features: Blattodea (sometimes called Blattaria), the cockroaches, and Mantodea, the mantids. That being said, the world of science is ever-evolving, and taxonomy is no exception. This branch of the insect taxonomic tree is currently under revision. Some insect taxonomists also group termites in the superorder Dictyoptera. In some entomology references, the Dictyoptera may be ranked at the order level, with the mantids and roaches listed as suborders. Description: Perhaps no other pairing of insects seems as unlikely as cockroaches and mantids of the order Dictyoptera. Cockroaches are almost universally reviled, while mantids, also called praying mantises, are often revered. Taxonomists rely only on physical and functional characteristics to determine groups of like insects, however. Compare a cockroach and a mantid, and youll notice both have leathery forewings. Called tegmina, these wings are held like a roof over the abdomen. Roaches and mantids have long and spiny middle and hind legs. Their feet, or tarsi, nearly always have five segments. Dictyopterans use chewing mouthparts to consume their food, and have long, segmented antennae. Both cockroaches and mantids also share a few anatomical features that you would only see through close examination and dissection, but theyre important clues to establishing the relationship between these seemingly different insect groups. Insects have a platelike sternite near the end of their abdomens, under the genitalia, and in the Dictyoptera, this genital plate is enlarged. Roaches and mantids also share a special digestive system structure. Between the foregut and midgut, they have a gizzard-like structure called a proventriculus, and in the Dictyoptera the proventriculus has internal teeth that break down solid bits of food before sending them along the alimentary canal. Finally, in roaches and mantids, the tentorium – a skull-like structure in the head that cradles the brain and gives the head capsule its form – is perforated. Members of this order undergo incomplete or simple metamorphosis with three stages of development: egg, nymph, and adult. The female lays eggs in groups, then encases them in foam which hardens into a protective capsule, or ootheca. Habitat and Distribution: The superorder Dictyoptera contains nearly 6,000 species, distributed worldwide. Most species live in terrestrial habitats in the tropics. Major Families in the Superorder: Blattidae - Oriental and American cockroachesBlattellidae- German and wood cockroachesPolyphagidae - desert cockroachesBlaberidae - giant cockroachesMantidae - mantids Dictyopterans of Interest: Blatta orientalis, the Oriental cockroach, gains access to homes through plumbing pipes.The brown-banded cockroach, Supella longipalpa, is called the TV roach. It likes to hide inside warm electronic appliances.Brown-hooded cockroaches (Cryptocercus punctulatus) live in family groups. Females give birth to live young; the nymphs take 6 years to reach maturity.The Mediterranean mantid takes its scientific name, Iris oratoria from an unusual marking on the underside of its wing. Literally, the name means talking eye, a smart description of the eyespot which is displayed when the mantid feels threatened. Sources: Dictyoptera, Kendall Bioresearch Services. Accessed online March 19, 2008.Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America, by Eric R. Eaton Kenn KaufmanDictyoptera, Tree of Life Web. Accessed online March 19, 2008.Evolution of the Insects, by David Grimaldi, Michael S. Engel.External Anatomy - The Insects Head, by John R. Meyer, North Carolina State University Department of Entomology. Accessed online November 9, 2015.Unlikely Sisters – Roaches and Mantises, by Nancy Miorelli, Ask an Entomologist website. Accessed online November 9, 2015.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Bowlby Juvenile Study
Bowlby Juvenile Study In the following essay I will be looking at the case study of John Bowlby and the 44 Juvenile thieves. I will be describing the original hypothesis of the study and what Bowlby aimed to find. I will then look at two other key psychological studies into human behaviour. Once I have looked at all three of the studies, I will then look at the research methods used by all three. I will closely look at the ethical implications of the studies as well as the practical applications used in each. John Bowlby (1907-1990) was a Psychoanalyst who worked at the London Child Guidance Clinic between 1936 and 1939. Bowlby believed that mental health and behavioural problems could be attached to early childhood experience just as Freud did. He aimed to prove that separation from Mothers or sole carers before the age of five affected children’s adolescent behaviour. Bowlby took 44 patients that had come into his clinic who were thieves that had been recommended by their school, parents or soci al carers. The group of thieves were split into two groups, these were grade I who had only stolen once, and the other was grade IV who were repeat offenders. He then took another group of 44 children who were emotionally disturbed but not thieves, this group was known as the control group. The 88 children involved in this study were all aged between five and sixteen. In the group of thieves there were 31 boys and 13 girls whilst in the control group there were 34 boys and 10 girls. There were three key studies in this case study which were run by a psychologist, social worker and a psychiatrist. The first was an IQ test which was invigilated by one of the clinic psychologists; the test was done as each of the participants entered into the clinic. The psychologist found that as well as all of the participants being similar in age, they were all similar in their IQ so they were no anomalies when comparing the educational background of the children. The second study was an interview o f the participant’s parents that was held by a social worker, the aim of this was to record details of the child’s early life. The third study was an interview held with the child and the parent that they were with; this was held by a psychiatrist to see if the details given by the parents matched with those of the child. The social worker and psychiatrist made separate reports which were compared when they had completed them in regard to each child. Once the reports had been compared, the children were then split into different groups, these were; Normal No Abnormal symptoms Depressed Showing symptoms of depression Circular Showing symptoms of depression and over activity Hyperthymic Over activity Affectionless No affection for others and no sense of shame or responsibility Schizoid Withdrawn and lacking relationships with others Priggish Showing symptoms of anxiety or hysteria  The results have some significant anomalies; the 14 affect ionless characters are statistically significant, this is because 13 of the 14 (93%) were grade IV thieves; this clearly shows that the affectionless have been very misguided and uncared for in the childhood. Over half of the grade IV thieves were affectionless. Other findings are that 19 of the cases had suffered prolonged separation from their sole carer during their first five years. 17 of the 19 that had suffered prolonged separation were thieves and 12 of these 17 were classed as affectionless. Of the 23 that were grade IV thieves, 14 of them had suffered prolonged separation.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Analysis of the Business Environment - Oil Prices Coursework
Analysis of the Business Environment - Oil Prices - Coursework Example There are a number of intrinsic features of oil supply and demand that are significant to any study of crude oil price instability. Important features encompass competing price and income elasticity, a bifurcated and complex supply response, variable data quality, single currency prizing and the interaction of multiple refined oil product market with discrete elasticity of supply and demand. Consequently they do have a shock on elasticity of supply and demand and can have an impact on the wide-ranging elasticity of the crude oil market (Williams 1996). It is generally understood that OPEC (organization of petroleum exporting counties), has the biggest oil reserves in the world, and is accountable for most of the supply and pricing of petroleum products. OPEC is a permanent intergovernmental organization which at present consists of 12 oil producing and exporting countries, as members spread across three continents of America, Asia and Africa (Taylor 2006). The 12 member’s stat es of OPEC are: Algeria, UAE, Angola, Qatar, Ecuador, Kuwait, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Causes of Short Run Price Movement of Oil Global oil prices have more than tripled since the year 2003, and volatility has become the rule rather than the expectation. The market price of oil is volatile in the short run. This is because of the following causes: 1. The price elasticity of supply The price elasticity of supply is a measure used to measure the connection between the change in quantity supplied and change in price (Kellick 1995). If supply is elastic, producers can raise output without rise in cost or time delay. If supply is inelastic, firms find it hard to alter production in a given period of time. The price elasticity of supply is equated to the Percentage change in quantity supplied divided by the percentage change in price When the result of this is: More than one, then supply is elastic, Less than one then supply is price inelastic, Zero, then supply is preferably inelastic and When the result is infinity supply is perfectible elastic following a change in demand. Factors That Affect Price Elasticity of Supply of Oil Several factors affect the price elasticity of supply of oil, these are: a) The spare production capacity- the spare production capacity of oil have reduced over the years, this has been one of the major reason for the rapid increase in the prices of crude oil. When there is spare capacity, businesses can expand output easily to meet rising demand pressure on cost (Wakeford, 2010). However, when this spare capacity lacks then the business cannot be able to increase production and would mean that the high prices will persist due to the scarceness of the commodity (Clo, 2000). b) The period involved in the production process – when supply is more price elastic the longer the time period that a firm is permissible to adjust its production levels. In some markets for example in agricultural mark ets, the quick supply is fixed and is determined generally by planting decision made mouths before, and also the climatic condition, which have an effect on the overall production (Gibbs 2010). c) Factors substitution possibility-when factors substitution is achievable at low cost, then supply will be elastic. When factors are highly specialized as in our case here then
The Leader as a Strategist Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Leader as a Strategist Report - Assignment Example Analysis of the strategic cascade According to Michael E. Porter, strategy is the ability of the organization to make an informed decision about when, how and where to target the customers, set the desired objectives and facilitate resources and thereby make a difference between mangers who thinks strategically for future prospects. Therefore anticipating these desired movements into the current decision making process helps to set stage in order to create a competitive advantages. Porter had referred to operational effectiveness as â€Å"performing similar activities better than rivals†and referred strategic positioning as activities performed by organization in different way. Real strategy for an organization is to choose a different path in order to deliver mix of activities and values. According to Porter, strategy is about choices and not about what to do and what not. Thus it can be said that Strategy is all about combing the activities and Google has adopted the simila r strategy which has made it the top most search engine company across the globe. Business Strategy Target market Goggle has targeted both consumers and the business enterprises or the advertisers. Google searchable database favors the big business houses and the established merchants. Google deals with viral marketing and has been able to attract the attention of media for both paid and free promotions. Goggle has also targeted the software market; the search engine has let firms run the email calendar and other services in order to build in the offerings for the individuals (BBC News, 2006). Value proposition Goggle is search engine and it derives its value proposition by delivering with all the important and necessary information that is need by the target customers. Google value proposition is based on the concept of reaching people actively who are looking for information about the products and services online. Thus it becomes easier for a searcher to reach the concerned people who are looking exactly for the products or services that one is offering. Therefore the value to users and to the advertisers is aligned hence everybody wins, the advertisers and the users. And most important in Google when something is searched for, the ads are in the form of result that is meeting with the needs and wants of the customers. Positioning Google has positioned its products and services in the market and with its respective target market as a search engine which provides information about everything that the customer’s types in, which means that search with Google gets smarter and faster. One can share document without having to cut and paste through Gmail contacts and use all the necessary services. Google defines itself as the â€Å"perfect search engine†as it tends to understands what a customer wants and gives back exactly the desired information (Google-a, n.d). Google earns most of the revenue from advertising and is one of the most visited sites on the internet. In order to produce user fees, the company has supplemented their searches which are free with a service named Google Answers. Google pays about three quarter of its revenue who answers the question and keeps with it the other 25% of the fees. Fees start at a price of $2.50 and at an average point of $75 (Kotler, 2008, p.283).
MKTG 406 = MID EXAM & FINAL EXAM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words
MKTG 406 = MID EXAM & FINAL EXAM - Assignment Example This can be anything, a stable income or job, etc. The next level of needs which is requirement by the person is the need of love and society. The sense of belongingness is his concern at this stage. He or she starts a family and wants to become a part of the society. The next step in the level of needs is the requirement of self esteem. The person wishes to have a successful carrier and wants to be known for his success. He or she thinks himself or herself to be special. Once the self esteem stage has been achieved, the person goes on to the final level of needs known as the self-actualization. This need is way more important than anything; the aspirations come into play over here. Now having discussed the Maslow’s Hierarchy, let us go on to relating these 5 levels of needs with marketing. As the person goes through the different level of needs, he is always influenced by the some products or services at some point of time. In the first step where the person is looking for the basic needs such as food and shelter, he or she will try to select a food is cheap at the same time nutritious, the advertisement displayed or shown will play a major role in his choice. Similarly, in the second stage the person is looking for security and safety. The security can job or life insurance. Again in this situation, the various firms will try to divert his or her mind to purchase their product or services by saying how different and exclusive their services are. This way the person may or may not get manipulated in purchasing the above services. Again in the next three stages also there are various forms of marketing involved which are used against the consumers. For e xample Vodafone might call a person saying that he or she is their most valued customer and that is he or she is being offered a new mobile connection free of charge. This in return tends to affect the person emotionally and the person will most likely go ahead with the deal. Another
Thursday, October 17, 2019
MGT Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
MGT - Coursework Example The character David Bunzik does not perfectly fit in this type of personality. But he exhibits some traits of this personality during the argument on the plane which gets him sent to rehab. He however has a boss who exhibits all the traits of an abrasive personality. In the movie has several conflict handling styles are employed especially between David Bunzik and Doctor Buddy. The job responsibilities are clarified so as to reduce the conflicts. The two parties also find ways of coming together in order to foster an understanding amongst them. The two characters result in changing their focus to much larger goals so as to minimize the level of conflict between them. These methods do work since they are able to get through with the therapy and achieve the desired results. I have learnt that there is need to understand the different characters that exist in the work place. Another lesson from the movie is that conflicts which are a part of human interaction can be resolved to enhance coexistence. Managing Teams The team in the movie â€Å"Remember the Titans†went through all the stages of group development. First the team underwent formation, a period during which Washington was hired to take over as the coach of the T.C. Williams High School. During this period Washington decides to honor his predecessor (Yoast) with an assistant coordinators position. Patton declines this position at first. During the storming stage, the white players of the team pledge to boycott their team if Yoast does not accept the offer. The athletes are also involved in racial-related conflicts in their camp. After seeing how bad the situation had gotten Yoast decides to accept the offer and at this point the team enters the norming stage. The conflicts are resolved following the rigorous coaching by William. The team enters the performing stage as demonstrated in the scene where even after the loss of their star player, they still go ahead and win the championship. One of the s trategies that were employed by the two coaches was that of helping the members of the team to stay together and to view matters as a team. The two coaches were instrumental in creating the rules for the team in order to establish team spirit. The issues that plagued individual members did not escape the two coaches who ensured that they dealt with them firmly. The coaches also celebrated the team’s success. All these actions help in ensuring that a team mentality is developed among the different members of the team. I believe the two coaches handled their team in a very professional manner. If I had been managing the team, I would have sort to grant the team members more autonomy much earlier so as to facilitate the members to develop a sense of responsibility towards the team. The lesson here is that teams are usually built through the tactful use of skill. For the team to achieve its goals, all the members need to play their part. Organizational Culture The organization cu lture in Enron Corporation that is the subject of the movie is very wanting. The values held by the organization do not uphold upright integrity. This is evident since the management team diverts the corporation’s money to offshore accounts. The lack of integrity is also evident as the executives end up with criminal cases. The executives are also involv
THE GREAT GLOBAL WARNING SWINDLE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
THE GREAT GLOBAL WARNING SWINDLE - Essay Example The relentless quest for the so called betterment of society has resulted in a drastic increase in the so called greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Many studies have shown that these gases that are released from factories and other manufacturing establishments have contributed to warming of the earth’s atmosphere. This factor could have far reaching consequences with regard to survival of the human species and other living organisms in the planet in the sense that increased temperature could result in rising of the levels of water bodies in the world. The argument is that polar ice caps will begin to melt resulting in rise in water levels of the oceans and seas across the globe. This rise in water levels can result in large areas of inhabited land being inundated by seas and oceans, ultimately resulting in destruction of human habitation (and other species). In effect, the layman is now presented with an apocalypse view of what might happen to Mot her Earth if this so called progress of technology is left unchecked. In fact, it is one of the most controversial and contentious issues that is probably facing the world in the long run. What is to be considered is that temperatures have risen overall that life in any form is precious and any activity that is detrimental to this should be stopped. This argument, primarily by environmentalists and those concerned with sustainability is that industrialization in its current form is a sure way to ensure destruction of life on planet earth. But other arguments by equally qualified scientists and other experts show that human activity does not have the capability to imbalance the power of nature. In other words, the so called pollution and the greenhouse gases is not a major factor in contributing to the future of life on earth for any species including human beings. One of the most controversial films regarding the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
MKTG 406 = MID EXAM & FINAL EXAM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words
MKTG 406 = MID EXAM & FINAL EXAM - Assignment Example This can be anything, a stable income or job, etc. The next level of needs which is requirement by the person is the need of love and society. The sense of belongingness is his concern at this stage. He or she starts a family and wants to become a part of the society. The next step in the level of needs is the requirement of self esteem. The person wishes to have a successful carrier and wants to be known for his success. He or she thinks himself or herself to be special. Once the self esteem stage has been achieved, the person goes on to the final level of needs known as the self-actualization. This need is way more important than anything; the aspirations come into play over here. Now having discussed the Maslow’s Hierarchy, let us go on to relating these 5 levels of needs with marketing. As the person goes through the different level of needs, he is always influenced by the some products or services at some point of time. In the first step where the person is looking for the basic needs such as food and shelter, he or she will try to select a food is cheap at the same time nutritious, the advertisement displayed or shown will play a major role in his choice. Similarly, in the second stage the person is looking for security and safety. The security can job or life insurance. Again in this situation, the various firms will try to divert his or her mind to purchase their product or services by saying how different and exclusive their services are. This way the person may or may not get manipulated in purchasing the above services. Again in the next three stages also there are various forms of marketing involved which are used against the consumers. For e xample Vodafone might call a person saying that he or she is their most valued customer and that is he or she is being offered a new mobile connection free of charge. This in return tends to affect the person emotionally and the person will most likely go ahead with the deal. Another
THE GREAT GLOBAL WARNING SWINDLE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
THE GREAT GLOBAL WARNING SWINDLE - Essay Example The relentless quest for the so called betterment of society has resulted in a drastic increase in the so called greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Many studies have shown that these gases that are released from factories and other manufacturing establishments have contributed to warming of the earth’s atmosphere. This factor could have far reaching consequences with regard to survival of the human species and other living organisms in the planet in the sense that increased temperature could result in rising of the levels of water bodies in the world. The argument is that polar ice caps will begin to melt resulting in rise in water levels of the oceans and seas across the globe. This rise in water levels can result in large areas of inhabited land being inundated by seas and oceans, ultimately resulting in destruction of human habitation (and other species). In effect, the layman is now presented with an apocalypse view of what might happen to Mot her Earth if this so called progress of technology is left unchecked. In fact, it is one of the most controversial and contentious issues that is probably facing the world in the long run. What is to be considered is that temperatures have risen overall that life in any form is precious and any activity that is detrimental to this should be stopped. This argument, primarily by environmentalists and those concerned with sustainability is that industrialization in its current form is a sure way to ensure destruction of life on planet earth. But other arguments by equally qualified scientists and other experts show that human activity does not have the capability to imbalance the power of nature. In other words, the so called pollution and the greenhouse gases is not a major factor in contributing to the future of life on earth for any species including human beings. One of the most controversial films regarding the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The communicative art of language a learning Essay Example for Free
The communicative art of language a learning Essay The existence of the diversity of Language made the communication ideas between people difficult enough because of language differences. It also affects the interaction of the teachers with their students who lacks the necessary need of the knowledge about the second language development. With these, a concept is made to introduce the process of acquiring language that involves the 5 major stages of language learning. The use of Language is a special human ability and the more advance use of it means to have added control to deal with the world where communication is the major outlet of understanding. Both in the lives of the children and the adults, there is a certain call to transmit the ideas and information they know and this is where the necessity to put all these into words and gestures comes in. One difficulty with language study is that, particularly, the learner has a language barrier that is uprooted from what is taught to them from the start. This scene occurs especially inside a classroom where a group of students could not process out what their instructor is saying due to the limited resources available to support the new language that are being introduced to them. From here, there is a concept developed to divert the second language acquisition to these students (from their teachers) which includes undergoing the five major stages of language learning that could be used as key concepts in applying the second language development in their very own classrooms. The Silent / Receptive or Preproduction Stage First of the five stages is the silent period that requires the skillful listening training. It is more focused on listening because in this early stage, students are not required to speak nor the teachers to force them to respond verbally. Here, gestures and facial expression is much needed by the students to show that they understand what is being said. Although there are some students who acquire enough self – confidence to produce their own generate language, it is best for them to give off some time understanding the new words or ideas to be receptive enough to them for further advance use. This stage usually can last from ten hours to six months, depending on the student’s capability to perceive. This initial stage shows the set-up wherein student starts to familiarize him / her self to the words or instructions offered to them and what it literally means. Though listening and understanding may be simple enough to do at the same time, students may face special conditions that may affect the usual length of time this stage may undergo. First, the environment could not be suitable enough for mere interaction as students may not apprehend the new language or what is being said because of the interference occurring around. He / she may not be comfortable enough to go along with the discussion and so as the lesson being taught to them. Second, the student could be directly affected by the personality of the speaker (which is the teacher) whose voice, gestures and presence are as often as the words being spoken. Thus there, this stage needs not only the adequate training for students but also of the teacher involve. Instructors could easily introduce the new language to the students at this early stage by doing the traditional teaching procedures such as; asking the students with queries that are subjected to be answerable with a yes or a no, initiate whole class activities that pose students to participate freely and willingly etc,. They could also encourage their students by letting them communicate on their own in form of games such as charades (which requires a lot of hand gestures and facial expressions). The Early Production Stage The early production stage enters when students could respond over 1000 active words and use them in everyday conversations. Awareness is needed in this stage because students are asked to speak in phrases or demonstrate what they know and even answering questions even with only one word. Soon students are given their freedom to relate their opinion over things with the kind of speech behavior with repetitive language patterns. Their words should be clear, precise and direct applying to the dialogue and questions asked to them. This second stage of language learning last an additional six months subsequent to the initial stage of training. But in this stage, there are things that may hinder the progress of the said language concept. One of these is that they may lose interest to respond simply because of the errors upon on their pronunciation of words or grammar. When they are corrected for over several times, the students may later learn not to respond anymore and could result into repeating again the first step of the conversation. Another is that the student may find it difficult to respond because of the lack of suitable to answer the questions being asked to them. Because of the demand to use what they have learned, they may be found it hard to alter the appropriate phrase the teacher had provided for them to respond with. The stage is eventually believed to be the first step for the development of speech usage in discussions and conversations and therefore, should be given enough time for the students to be able to understand again and again. Here, the teacher should be experimental in shifting working tactics to make learning a lot easier and fun. The teacher may ask the student certain things only answerable with a yes/ no, or just by giving short answers or in instances, requiring the students of their own opinion by nodding or shaking off their heads. With these, they would feel the security of being in a group that shares in a certain expression of thought.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Bowling For Columbine Essay
Bowling For Columbine Essay Throughout Bowling For Columbine an anti-political, critical and persuasive perspective is dominant. Bowling For Columbine is a documentary directed, written, produced and narrated by the controversial Michael Moore. The 2002 film aims to open the eyes of Americans and people worldwide to gun control. The movie is based on the shooting massacre that occurred at Columbine High School, where two students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold entered their Alma Mater and killed 15 people, also injuring an additional 21 students. The film investigates gun control in the USA and the lack of law and regulation on gun ownership. People have various controversial views on the movie Bowling For Columbine , especially relating to how much of Moore s film is supported by facts. This article will provide an unambiguous view on gun violence in the USA, whilst also seeking to reveal the truth behind the movie and about the persuasive power of documentary. The film positions the audience through the use of convincing techniques to accept the truth set forth in the film, although these issues are very real in the United States. Bowling For Columbine explores various exaggerated representations of the American populous, whilst also bestowing on the audience that there are problems with guns and their second amendment. The filmmaker is superficial with his questions that are pointed, the use of witty, dry and mocking remarks are used in his favour to lighten the fact that it s a movie about people shooting others. From the word go, Moore sets off on his routine prejudice pathway. This included Moore opening a new account at North Country Bank that offers him a gun, whilst asking sarcastic questions like Do you think it s a little dangerous handing out guns at a bank? and not letting the workers give a response. Moore uses such techniques to mock the staff, which helps him achieve his purpose, inadequately proving the truth over the evidence. In addition to Moore s scornful interrogations, he uses music to portray a certain light in the film. A truly touching and upsetting section of the documentary is the montage with What a Wonderful World played over the top flashes are shown of America s decisions in the past relating to war and foreign involvement. The use of Louis Armstrong s song is ridiculing the American government, which makes a suggestion how it isn t a wonderful world , in fact the opposite. The flashing by of the clips of people dying, being shot and interracial foreigners carrying American built guns aesthetically gives the feeling of a mismanaged government. Moore does this to turn his audience from the political leaders to his personal views through making the audience distraught. Furthermore throughout the film it continues on making the audience feel further troubled. This is experienced in the scene when the 911 calls overlay the slow motion video footage walking through the corridors of Columbine High School. Which is intended to position the audience as a first hand student and gives a distressed feeling due to the audience feeling remorse for these dying students. Then it cuts to video footage from the cafeteria on April 20, 1999, watching shots fired, students hiding scared under the lunch tables, bombs exploding, fires starting and students running to get out. This major scene, influences the audience to feel upset and the tone gives a scared feeling, which reinforces the issue of gun control. Following the scene vividly re-living the Columbine High shootings, Moore switches to the then NRA president, Charlton Heston, as he screams his famous five word line From my cold dead hands (Heston, 2002) and waves a gun above his head to a roaring crowd. A voiceover is played which explains how just ten days after the massacre, the NRA held a pro-gun rally in Denver despite the pleas of the community in mourning. Moore pushes this negative representation of the NRA when in fact Heston didn t scream his five words on this occasion; it actually was one year later in Charlotte (refer to picture underneath the column). Also the NRA meeting after the flint shootings occurred 8 months later. Moore uses his power to portray Heston as a villain, through using illusion of reality to converting the audience s perspective. Throughout the first hour, Moore uses an aggressive stance and reasons why America has a high rate of gun related violence, but to meet his intention he contests with a counterexample and provides a description. To start off he states the overwhelming number of guns must be the reason, and then subsequently he states that Canada has about the same ratio of guns, but only a third of the homicides. Moore also discusses Europe in comparison to America s violent history. During the closing scene of Columbine Moore is filmed going to Hollywood to interview and ridicule the NRA president Charlton Heston. At first when asking for the interview Moore appears as a keen and eager fan, then criticizes Heston. During the interview Heston repeatedly pauses and doesn t respond to the question asked, Moore uses these as an advantage to silence his opinion and asks relentless and rude remarks. Moore is a coward for taking advantage of Heston who was in the early stages of Alzheimer s Disease (A brain disease leading to a decrease in mental power). In the end, Heston quickly leaves after getting up and announcing that the interview is over. Moore uses this illusion of reality, portraying the negative NRA stance into the final scene making the audience reflect. After the final scene, Moore uses additional voiceovers providing additional bias. The documentary targets Americans and teenagers throughout the world, especially those who don t have a clear knowledge of why there is so much gun violence. Throughout the film there are bursts of music and loud grasping sounds that are used to grab the audiences attention. Moore uses a series of cleverly edited together loud and shocking clips, which are a combination of visual and auditory footage. This is designed to keep the attention and confuse the audience. Shocking and explosive newsflashes, strange circumstances, frustrated interviewees, sardonic twists, and animations all joined together into an hour and fifty-seven minutes, the movie is best described as a documentary for the new generation. Furthermore Moore uses analytical features and prejudicial techniques, which position the audience to accept his point of view over the NRA or Charlton Heston. Moore has been ridiculed for editing to su it his aim, which isn t following the documentary genre. Moore correspondingly marginalises to suit his aim. In the film, it is focused on an anti-gun stance, but there isn t time for pro gun enthusiasts to voice their opinion. Moore repetitively edits out responses to his questions so that it doesn t affect the state of mind he wants his viewers to feel, also mocking people through his voiceovers. Although his techniques are arguable, the issues of which he discusses are of significance. Gun loving is as American as having a pie on thanksgiving, although he shows more opinions antigun related, he doesn t make opinions up for his viewers, he used rhetorical questions which let the audience think about what they are watching. Columbine is a well-organised documentary, which helps raise issues in a political controlled society, and in the end it lets viewers think, which a lot of modern day movies lack. Do you believe that Moore depicts the American culture correctly? A group of people living and breathing in fear? Do you suppose that he is telling the truth? On first viewing the movie I believed Moore, did you?
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Hale In the Crucible Conforms Outwardly and Questions Inwardly Essay
The Crucible by Arthur Miller is an allegory written about the Salem witch trials in 1692. It includes a number of characters who fully conform to the trials and their consequences, it also contains the opposite, those who do not conform and fight it. Of course, as in any story there are characters in the middle that are not sure which side to take. They go along with it, not willing to stand up, but in their minds they are not completely sure whether or not what they’re doing is right. Reverend Hale is the best example of outward conformity and inward questioning. Hale does not start out as such however. In fact he is the reason the witch hunts are started. In the beginning of the play Hale is called to Salem to determine whether or not witchcraft is afoot. Witchcraft is expertise, and Hale, eager and naà ¯ve, wants to determine whether or not the devil is in Salem. His analysis is that Tituba is controlling the girls’ souls, leading the girls, starting with Abigail of course, to shout out various people they saw convening with the devil while they were under the control of Tituba. Hale, blindly and unquestioningly conforms to the rest of the town and believes the girls. In fact he leads the way, resulting in fourteen arrests. He is completely unphased by this, and wholly believes that they are all witches and that by arresting them he is doing God’s work. In Act II Hale, in his true moral values which do not change throughout the course of the play, goes to each house questioning the inhabitants on their loyalty to Christianity. He winds up at the Proctor home, where he questions both John and Elizabeth, who are angry at the reasoning of the questioning. They find out that he has questioned Rebecca Nurse as well and this anger... ...tension was picked up by Proctor sooner than most realized that Hale in fact did not believe what he was saying about the court. This aided proctor in doing what he knew was right. It was certainly not the main factor in Proctor’s quest for the defeat of the courts, but it undoubtedly contributed to his reasoning. Hale’s tensions also made Parris, Danforth, and the rest of the folks down at the old courthouse very nervous, which made them encourage the witch hunts even more, pressing the girls for more accusations. Hale’s radical change takes place throughout the play in three stages and throughout the play contributes greatly. He is the model by which the townspeople follow, though they are behind him they do eventually take his stance on the trials. His conformity and inward questioning are quintessential examples of what every story needs: the unsure character.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Pressure Groups Essay -- Politics, Public Engagement
Introduction Pressure groups are known to be small and extremely diverse formed on the basis of interest and activities, their functions give them a high public profile where minds are influenced and driven to make change. â€Å"A Pressure group is an organisation which seeks to influence the details of a comparatively small range of public policies and which is not a function of a recognised political party†(Baggott, 1995: p.2). An aim of pressure groups is to generate support which can influence political agendas; this can directly persuade the government to consider taking action. In this essay I will concentrate upon exploring on various issues on pressure groups, discussing the relationship between the groups, their use of the media and their status as â€Å"insiders†and â€Å"outsiders†in the political process. Pressure groups have two main types of groups the insiders and outsiders which each promote a common cause with a different relationship with the media and political party making one as an unheard voice in the public sphere. To the public Pressure groups is another form where the public can engage in politics, participating directly in the political process. I will also intricate in this essay the arguments against pressure groups from the New Right perspective to the Neo pluralist perspective as well as the growths of pressure groups due to the use of the media and their political engagement. The size of a group is a basic indicator of how much public support they get especially those that posse’s open membership, they mobilise through demonstrations, protest involving some non members through organised events. The different types of well known pressure groups that I will include are ‘Greenpeace’, ‘Child Poverty Action ... ...te and develop policies. Using a term called ‘reactive coverage’ which uses the media to put across its viewpoint and influence. â€Å"The child poverty action group used media coverage to demonstrate that an issue was of public concern and therefore reinforce a case being made civil servants†(Field, 1977, pp53- 4). Environment pressure groups i.e. ‘Greenpeace’ a well known pressure group backed by the government and the public has used the media to help change the ‘climate’ of public opinion having an immediate influence. â€Å"The growing use of the public relations and the media specialist by pressure groups reflects the influence which they believe the mass media have over public opinion and policy decisions†(Baggott, 1995: pp. 184). Other strategies that pressure groups have used are posters or press advertisement in order to get their message across to its public.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Legs by Post Essay
1.Who are the protagonists of this case? For what are they trying to solve / what decision are they trying to make? The protagonists of this case are Elizabeth Preis and Dickon Addis. Together they started a London-based mail-order business called Beautiful Legs by POST. They are trying to raise  £110,000 within the next month in order to mail out 20,000 catalogs each in January and February. In order to solve this, Preis and Dickon must find investors to fund the next phase of growth for their company. They need to know what the response rate would be, what the average size per order would be, and what percent of initial customers would reorder. Would they be able to rise the financing that they needed in order to stay on track? How could they get more free publicity? (Page2 of case) Answering these questions could help determine if Beautiful Legs by POST could be a feasible business. 2.Use the People-Opportunity-Context framework to evaluate this opportunity. People like Elizabeth Preis, Director of Marketing, and Dicken Addis, Director of Finance and Operations are worth being invested in. They both have experience The opportunity involved in Beautiful Legs by POST is the advantage of finding a gap in the marketplace for mail order in Europe. After market research they found that the gap was specifically in the U.K. Starting their business in this location gives them a competitive advantage of being one of the first companies in mail order. Another opportunity involved with tights is that they are a replenishment item that requires regular purchases. The analysis from Market research indicates clearly that there is a customer segment who wants to buy through mail-order, so business opportunity exists. People like Dicken Addis, Director of Finance and Elizabeth Preis, Director of Marketing are worth enough to be invested. They have valuable experience in their respective fields and also business plan shows that they understood the product. Competitive advantage being the 1st one in mail-order Break-even analysis and cash flows are convincing
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Rules of evidence
Why are Americas rules of evidence more restrictive than those established by other countries? America's rules of evidence are more restrictive because unlike some countries we have Constitutional protections that safeguard Individual rights. An example of this would be the Supreme courts determination that a state rule requiring that a defendant wanting to testify In a criminal case must do so before the admission of any other defense testimony Is a violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment due process clause.The due process clause protects citizens of the united States from unfair and disorderly legal proceedings, coupled with the right to be informed of the nature and charges in accusation against them among other privileges. With this in mind it can be easily concluded as to the necessity of the restrictive nature of the rules of evidence. Although America adopted the English system of evidentially rules, many changes have been made since that time.Although the adoption of the Federal Rules of Evidence and the uniform Rules of Evidence has not embraced the simplicity that the drafters of the constitution may eave envisioned, they do bring about more uniformity and consistency to the legal system. The Federal Rules of evidence regulate evidentially matters in all proceedings In the federal courts and they bring about a significant measure of uniformity In the federal system. Unfortunately there Is far less uniformity among the states. Only thirty-six jurisdictions have adopted evidence codes that model the Federal Rules of Evidence. Out of the fifty states only forty-two have adopted these rules completely or in part. Of the remaining eight states, my home state of Georgia is in this line up. About a week ago I had the opportunity to learn of this first hand.My attorney and I were preparing a witness list to give to the District Attorney in a criminal case we have. He asked me to research the statute cited on the States witness list and tell him what i t says about using a defendant as a witness. To my surprise this is what I learned. Pursuant to O. C. G. A. 17-16-1 (2010) the deflation of a â€Å"witness statement†In a criminal proceeding Is as follows: (2) â€Å"Statement of a witness†means:A) A written or recorded statement, or copies thereof, made by the witness that is signed or otherwise adopted or approved by the witness; (B) A substantially verbatim recital of an oral statement made by the witness that is recorded contemporaneously with the making of the oral statement and is contained in a stenographic, mechanical, electrical, or other recording or a transcription thereof; or (C) A summary of the substance of a statement made by a witness contained In a memorandum, report, or other type of written document but does not Include notes r summaries made by counsel.Paragraph three of this statute is the statement that demonstrates Georgia is not homogeneous with the Federal Rules of Evidence; and it also exclud ed our defendant as a witness in her own defense. I find to be ironic that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land yet individual states are allowed to have laws that are contrary. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the Judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. With the understanding that states can nullify federal laws that they determine to be â€Å"unconstitutional†, as was the case in Oklahoma regarding the Affordable Care Act; it is quite perplexing that Georgia along with seven other states find it unconstitutional to deny a defendant the right to testify in their own defense.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Best Buy company in 2012
Best Buy company in 2012 The company best buy was facing several issues in 2012. To improve its financial position, the company launched a strategic plan it called â€Å"renew blue†. The plan called for strengthening relationships with vendors, revamping stores, increasing same-store sales, eliminating unnecessary costs, and ramping up Best Buy’s online business. The company has been able to reduce cost by closing underperforming stores, shrinking its workforce, and making supply chain efficiencies. It aims to reduce cost further by reducing product returns, replacements, and damages, and by streamlining its logistics and supply chain, as well as its procurement process. To mitigate competition, Best Buy has arranged to open stores-within-a-store with certain key suppliers. In response to competition with Amazon, Best Buy is now highly focused on growing its online business. The company has extended its online sales distribution network with its ship-from-store concept. As part of its turnaround strategy, Best Buy is also revamping its stores and trying to encourage more robust store traffic. Best Buy is closing underperforming stores, optimizing space, and improving the ease with which customers can shop in stores. One of Best Buy’s optimization goals is to avoid out-of-stock situations online, especially during holiday season. Best Buy increased inventory availability by rolling out its ship-from-store concept. This has helped boost online sales, as previously, products were shipped only from select stores. Best buy announced that it would fight show rooming by offering low-price guarantees online as well as at its retail stores. Best Buy sp ent millions of dollars on a holiday TV campaign to combat show rooming. Thus Best Buy is aggressively implementing restructuring initiatives to take back market share. Some of these initiatives include cost-reduction measures, online business expansion, and the sale of underperforming stores.Tyco was accused of corporate fraud in 2002. Its top management was accused of misusing the company’s loan system and misrepresenting the company’s financial status. The first thing the company did in its effort to transformation is the replacement of executive position. The entire corporate management team needed to be changed. They established new systems, hired new talent, and set a new strategic direction for the company. The company followed the highest standards of business practices and ethics, which made it easier to recruit high-quality talent. Many of the former board members had had strong financial, rather than operational, backgrounds. There weren’t clear delineations between finance and operations management. as a part of the restructuring process the audit function reports directly to the board’s audit committee rather than to the CFO; utilizes a more formalized risk-based planning process; and leverages rigorous audit techniques to better monitor internal controls, the integrity of the company’s financial information, and compliance with company policies and procedures. With a mix of board members who have run large public and private organizations, and who have financial and accounting expertise, today the company have a stronger orientation toward operations and toward a philosophy of controllership and accountability.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
What are the marketing strategies of Amazon Research Paper
What are the marketing strategies of Amazon - Research Paper Example Political environment is slightly unfavourable for Amazon as several political parties in several countries opposing FDI due to several political interests. These oppositions may affect the global business expansion strategy of Amazon. Economic environment is unfavourable for Amazon. Recent financial crisis and global economic recession affected the economic condition of common people. Low disposable income and limited purchasing power are the major consequences of this economic crunch. People trying to save more rather than consumption. This may affect the business performance of Amazon. Social environment is favourable for Amazon. People are trying to consume products through internet and web-sources due to increase in the number of internet and social media users. This favourable socio-cultural aspect can help the organisation to maintain its business growth. Technological environment is favourable for Amazon. The business operation of Amazon requires effective support of advanced technological applications and web sources. Recent technological revolution is helping Amazon to enhance effective business operation activities. Legal environment is slightly unfavourable for Amazon. It is a multinational organisation. Therefore, the organisation has to follow different legal policies in different countries. Sometime, it affects the communication process among the employees and employers within the organisation in different market places. Government of each and every country is developing environmental sustainability policy in order to reduce the level of carbon foot print and carbon emission. The management and officials of Amazon are trying to follow the policy by integrating sustainable business approaches in business operation process. Government is supporting the initiatives that have been taken by the
Monday, October 7, 2019
Article Analysis Report (Macroeconomics) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Article Analysis Report (Macroeconomics) - Essay Example The world economic situation is apparently under deep scrutiny owing to its frequent fluctuations and rapid alterations which has left multiple countries, irrespective of their global presence as a developing or a developed economy, unstable. It is in this context that fluctuations in the global economic environment also lead to fluctuations in the national contexts of various economies including the US, one of the leading and large economies. Owing to the current economic conditions of the US, Denham (2012) pointed that a larger proportion of funds have been allocated to the public sector of the economy which has left private sector with average funds that might prove insufficient in the future due to international competitions and altering demographic features. Denham (2012) also noted that as the economy intends to massively increase its tax rates, US is likely to witness the challenge of ‘fiscal cliff’ in the near future. In the international context, EU being a larg e contributor to the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and therefore operate partially as a world economic power house, may also impose an inevitable impact upon the economic stability of the US owing to the currently witnessed Euro Zone debt crisis. Additionally, poor oil market and export-import industrial performances, US is also quite likely to face the issue of fiscal deficit in the preceding years (Denham, 2012). In the words of Denham (201), â€Å"it seems the fiscal cliff saga is the main focus topic and the rest has little influence†. However, as stated by Denham (2012), ‘fiscal cliff’ is not the only economic challenge that attracts attention with concern to the US economic stability from the global sphere. Furthermore, as stated by Moore (2012), such measures can again lead to a double-dip crisis situation. Indeed, the issues noted by Denham (2012) are noteworthy to ensure economic stability in the US from a future perspective. Nevertheless, agreeing with the issues noted by Denham (2012), Newman (2012) stated that apart from the alleged ‘
Sunday, October 6, 2019
The Customer Service Perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Customer Service Perspective - Essay Example THE MOST VIABLE OPTION As the world turns into the global village melting all the cultures and blurring all the boundaries with the use of technology, competitive landscape is much tougher than ever before. Information is easily accessible to the customers, availability of substitutes has given more power to the customers and the only choice left to the suppliers is to; â€Å"delight their customers†. Thus the rule of the game is not only to meet the requirements of the customer but to step further in creating a value for the customer. Here, Niven advises that; â€Å"companies need to offer all three – innovation, outstanding customer care and flawless execution – because of today’s hyper-competitive environment. Only then can companies meet customer expectations and succeed at performance management that translates into leadership in the marketplace and customer minds.†(Niven, 2004) Customers make the most important link in the chain of success. C ompanies have to carefully identify their potential customers, segmenting the right market and targeting the potential customers serve as competitive advantages to a company. Innovation, customer care and execution along with quality offerings are required to maintain the customer base. Since now there are so many substitutes for a product that companies need to take a leap in satisfying them by providing the best customer care services. Bollen believes that customer complain is an opportunity for the company to win his trust, loyalty and long term commitment. Only if the company gauge it right and makes the customer feels that he is being valued an enduring relationship can happen. (Bollen, 2008) Bollen has related the choice of a customer to his emotional attachment in order to make companies realize that no matter... No other perspective is given more importance than the customer perspective because no matter how good your product is if you are unable to translate its need to your customer one can’t earn the desired results. After thoroughly reading various articles from the web and examples of companies using balance score card with special important to customers perspective, I felt a lot of tilt towards innovation and value proposition of the product in order to satisfy the customer. What more I would like to add is the â€Å"human factor†. Companies should divert their attention towards customer care; employees should be given a lot of important. But since it is an internet economy and a lot of transactions take place virtually all the aspects that are used to communicate or encounter with the customers should be carefully handled. Web sites and customer portals should be user friendly and incorporate all the answers to the customer. Strong emphasis should be placed on the commun ication strategy of the business. The features and benefits of a product should be translated to the customers as per their needs and wants. Usage of jargons and words customers don’t know can be trouble shooting.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Economics suffers from a form of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Essay
Economics suffers from a form of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Explain with reference to modelling , theoretical paradigms and empirical testing - Essay Example 29-30). Normally, the change in momentum of a particle turns out more ill defined as the function of wave is confined to a lesser region. The nature of the wave to particles implies a particle is a wave package, the composite of a number of waves. A number of waves refer to many momentums; only one momentum can be made by observation out of many. The exact facts of complimentary pairs (time, energy, position) are impossible. For instance, it is possible to measure an electron’s position, but not its energy (momentum) simultaneously. Complementarity also implies that dissimilar experiments results into dissimilar outcomes (such as the two slit experiment). Thus, a single reality at the quantum level cannot be applied. Mathematically the uncertainty principle can be described as follows, where p is momentum and x is position: ∆x X ∆p> Ä §/2À (Romanovsky & Romanovsky, 2007, pp. 114-116). It fundamentally shows that the mixture of the error in momentum times the error in position should usually be bigger than Planck’s constant. Therefore, it is possible to measure an electron’s position to some accuracy; however, its momentum will appear in a bigger range of values. Similarly, it is possible to measure an electron’s momentum accurately; however, its position remains unidentified at that particular time (Romanovsky & Romanovsky, 2007, pp. 113-114). It is evident that there is uncertainty in modeling, foretelling and interpretation of prevailing socio-economic circumstances. This can be visible in the global financial systems’ instability, depending on natural and ordinary disturbances in the contemporary markets and greatly undesirable financial crises (Hilgevoord, 2005, pp. 30-36). This brings the necessity of not only researching on uncertainty in economics, but also establishing the connection to the Heisenberg’s uncertainty
Friday, October 4, 2019
Should and United and States and government and supply and health and Essay
Should and United and States and government and supply and health and care and all and citizens and their and families - Essay Example The health of citizens in any given country is vital to the growth and development of that country. In order to guarantee that the government does not enlarge its budget deficit by treating preventable diseases as well as maintain the productivity of its citizens, it is necessary that the United States Federal government provide health care to citizens who cannot afford their own. Lange writes that the portrayal of Obama healthcare reform as a foray into socialism is ironical at best since programs such as Medicare and Medicaid consume eight percent of the national budget, which is the same amount in socialist European countries. The only difference is that their medical programs cater for every citizen, not just the seniors. He quotes Reid who points out in his book ‘The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care’ on the need to pattern American health care reform after that employed by other developed nations. Reid states that close to 18,000 Americans die every year, since they lack access to the basic medical treatment that would otherwise save their lives, based on statistics from the Institute of Medicine. Despite some people having access to healthcare, approximately 200,000 lose their lives owing to preventable medical errors as well as preventable hospital infections. cites the Medicaid report stating that the death of people who earn a salary of less than 10,000 dollars is three times more than that of people with an income of 30,000 dollars. Overall, lack of a proper healthcare is seventy times more dangerous to American citizens each year compared to the September 11 attacks. Reid further points out the fact that other wealthy nations around the world have been able to provide accessible health care to their citizens at a more affordable rate than the US. He explains a set of health care models that exist in these nations.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Popular Entertainment, Performing Arts Essay Example for Free
Popular Entertainment, Performing Arts Essay Popular entertainment is â€Å"ideas, perspectives, altitudes, memes, and other phenomena that are preferred by an informal consensus within the mainstream of a given culture. †Now like me most people would think, â€Å"I still don’t get it. †Popular entertainment is basically a genre of entertainment based on the popularity it has gained. Many people often confuse popular culture which is basically popular entertainment with pop culture. The most important difference between the two is that popular culture is gained popularity regardless of the style whereas pop culture is based on a specific society and historic period which contains qualities of mass appeal. Popular Entertainment is often stereotyped as trivial and one could almost say dumbed down to be accepted by the masses of society, which allows those who aren’t part of the main stream such as religious groups and countercultural groups to heavily criticize it. These groups deem it superficial, consumerist, sensational and even corrupted. The Distinction between Popular and Higher Culture Popular entertainment can be traced back to the 19th century where it was considered education and general culture of the lower class as opposed to the official or dominant class of society. By the end of World War 2 the following big cultural and social changes brought by most media innovations caused Popular Entertainments meaning to overlap with that of mass culture, media culture, image culture and culture for mass consumption. It is believed that there are as many as six different meanings of Popular Entertainment. The quantitive meaning often sets in the confusion of certain â€Å"higher culture†that is also popular. * It is also described as the left over culture after â€Å"higher culture†has been defined and taken from the equation. * It is also said that it is equivalent to mass culture and ideas. Then it is described as commercial culture which is mass produced for mass consumption by mass media from Western Europe which can be compared to American Culture. * It has been known as the authenticate culture of the people * That it has a political dimension to it Personally I think it can be most relevantly described as the struggle between the resistant of lower groups in society and forces of incorporation of the dominant groups of society with regards to the entertainment world. Popular Entertainment or culture can easily be recognized by the distinction between that which is considered popular and that which is considered as high class. It has emerged from urbanisation of industrial revolution. Confusion comes in when Bart Simpsons for example, which is a television animation which can be considered as higher class has elements of popular entertainment in it. Studies of Shakespeare notice that many characteristic vitality of his drama in its participation in Renaissance Popular Culture while contemporary practitioners such as Dario Fo and John McGarth use popular culture in its Gramscian sense that includes ancient folk tradition like comedia dell‘arte. This makes it difficult for the average person to then differentiate between Popular Entertainment and Higher forms of entertainment. Popular entertainment constantly changes and occurs specifically in place and time. It boils down to that which represents a complex of mutually interdependent perspectives and values that influences society and its influences in various ways. Popular Entertainment is therefore commonly more appealing to the broader spectrum of society. Popular Entertainment can therefore be related to that which people can easily relate to. Popular culture is also associated with self-referentiality. This basically means that Popular Entertainment is mainly based on exploring every realm of corrective experience instead of just relying on reality. Many media outputs devote it to other images whereas self-referentiality is all-embracing. It is said that the side effect of mass consumerism reflects a fundamental paradox which is basically the increase in technological and cultural sophistication combined with the increase in superficial and dehumanization. What makes Popular Entertainment Popular? Anyone who enjoys the streets who enjoys feasting his eyes on shop windows piled high with all kinds of everyday wares and artful trifles; anyone who enjoys the cafes is unlikely to be moved by the polished art of the serious theatre. Unless the theatre shouts as lustily as the streets it won’t attract an audience for love or money. The Parisian derives far more enjoyment from the fetes and traveling theatres than from anything the dramatic theatre has to offer- Vsevolod Meyerhold We must give credit to the basic principles of the circus and the music hall. In olden times there was the influence of French comedians and of Chaplin. The first news of fox trot and jazz, this early love thrived. The music hall element was obviously eeded at the time for the emergence of a montage form of thought- Sergei Einstein, tr. Daniel Gerould Playfulness is a volatile sometimes dangerously explosive essence which cultural institutions seek to bottle or contain in the vials of games, of competition, chance, and strength in modes of simulation such as theatre and in control disorientation from roller coasters to dervish dancing- Victor Turner What is Popular Entertainment? Popular Entertainment is basically any form of entertainment that is considered relevant to those who form part of the lower and middle class. It is the entertainment which as gained popularity not for the specific style that is used, but for its relevance. Popular entertainment therefore cannot simply be associated with its level of popularity since there can be other, much higher levels of entertainment that can also be popular. This does not mean that the element of popularity is completely cut from what popular entertainment is, it just means that it is not solely based on the level of popularity but more so on the level of popularity the style of entertainment has gained regardless of it style. Genres in popular entertainment Folklore Folklore is a form Popular Entertainment but is not mass produced. Folklore persists today by word of mouth instead of through mass media, e. g. jokes and urban legends. Folklores element of popular entertainment engages big time with the commercial element. The public has its own tastes and it may not embrace all sorts of entertainment. Popular entertainment has an interconnected nature. Things such as when you sulk and the clock strikes 12:00 that your face would stay like that can be considered as folklore. Many people embrace this form, but instead of being spread in masses it gets carried over from generation to generation by word of mouth. Burlesque Burlesque is often stereotyped with strippers walking on a run way. This is not a complete myth although, burlesque in its essence was a form of popular entertainment that over stepped the boundaries of what was considered â€Å"right†in the time frame. Burlesque generally consists of music and comedy. The main attraction towards burlesque was its sense of making fun of sex. This is one of the main reasons why the female cast members bodies were exposed in sexy tight fitting and short costumes. Burlesque in the period of its peak was very popular mainly because the form of exposure was considered immoral in that time. The woman of that time covered their bodies’ true form with frills and puffs of material while those on the burlesque stage had their garters sticking out with tights and body suits, leaving very little for the imagination. Its sense of humour was solely based on exposed humans’ sexual nature and they relied on comedy with double meanings. It was a very clever way of getting people to laugh as they would make comments like I’m sorry I was late, but my gadget broke. Allowing the audience to wonder what was she late for and what gadget broke. She could mean she was late or she didn’t â€Å"come†in time because her g-string broke. This form of comedy an exposure of the female body made burlesque a leading genre through the 1840s up until the 1960s. Burlesque then introduced other genres such as vaudeville to fill the show, but at the time many vaudeville performers considered burlesque as demoralising but when they times were tough they would perform in burlesque under aliases. The female cast members were soon playing men roles. Burlesque was never really about a strong script but more about the power of the star playing the role to keep audiences stimulated and coming back for more, â€Å"Underdressed woman playing sexual aggressors, combining good looks with impertinent comedy- in a production written and managed by woman? Unthinkable! †Burlesque was basically dominated by daring woman who with enough will power believed that they could accomplish anything. Burlesque evolved into making fun of relevant topics and popular shows along with a sexual connotation which kept audiences intrigued. Burlesque became a variety act that included song, dance, juggling, comics, etc. Burlesque soon took on the format of a minstrel show. It was when males took over the management of Burlesque that female wit was replaced with trying to reveal as much of the female body as possible. Millie Deleon, Burlesques biggest star in the 20th century, threw her garters in the audiences and at times did not wear tights. This got her arrested but also assisted in giving burlesque a bad reputation. A typical burlesque stage setting was based on common places that the middle and lower class audience could relate to as they were the target audience. Common settings were courtrooms, street corners, class rooms, as well as examining rooms. Burlesque comedy focussed a lot of misunderstandings which kept it interesting. Cabaret Cabaret is unique for its venue. Originally the word means a place where alcohol is served. Cabaret in the world of entertainment refers to a performance in an intimate restaurant or nightclub setting where adults can enjoy entertainment that stretches the boundaries of what was permitted in the time of origin. A cabaret can more so be described as intellectuals that gathered in an intimate environment to share ideas by means of comedy, song, dance and theatre. These ideas were mainly based on politics and themes that had social relevance. The first Cabaret â€Å"Cabaret Artistique†opened in 1881 in Paris, France. It was later renamed to â€Å"Le Chat Noir. Its main attraction was not the half dressed woman as in Burlesque but rather the sharing of ideas in the associated venue. Cabarets can be considered as the outcasts or those who went against the norms of society and performed their opinions through skits that they would often come up with in a span of an evening or during the day. Cabarets content is almost always relevant to society of its time frame. The comedy used in cabaret was not just any old jokes or random making fun of whatever was relevant but rather very clever. The comedy they used was satire which is often described as being tickled with a blade. Cabarets relied on using content that was sensitive in society and they would make fun of that only to later make the audience later realise that they were laughing about something that is actually very serious. For example the news may show how babies get raped on a regular basis then cabaret performers would satirically perform these rapes but with the idea that they want people to be aware of the seriousness of the problem. This may seem complicated as they make are making fun of very sensitive things but most cabarets was a very clever way of influencing an audience member’s frame of thought. Cabaret is also unique for its audience interaction. A typical cabaret often involved the audience completely in the performance. In cabaret it is specifically important to keep the audience intrigued by the performance, but also being able to allow them a chance to embrace the intimate space they are in with whoever they are with. Cabarets gave room for the audience to interact with one another. It is vital to know that a cabaret is specifically targeted at the adult audience and is not appropriate for all ages or families. Cabaret is about being able to explore the boundaries that have been set by society in this intimate environment. Cabaret also has variety acts like jugglers, singers, dances, clowns, etc. but it was mainly based on the message that they are trying to bring across. In a cabaret the audience did not have to abide by the laws of society, so the audience was automatically comfortable. The audience did not have to sit in a specific way or take off their hats when they came to the cabaret instead they were free to be, socialise as they pleased and also enjoy the entertainment of a cabaret. Later cabaret gained a jazz element to it but its main focus has barely changed besides the misconceptions modern society has. Vaudeville This is basically any form of inoffensive entertainment which solely relied on the audience response. Vaudeville could include anything from juggling, freak acts to dumb acts. It focuses on entertaining, fascinating and reaching the unthinkable. Anyone could enjoy a vaudeville act and while it often included song and dance the core of a vaudeville act was doing something extraordinarily. The audience is very interactive in this style of entertainment and an audience response could either make or break an act. For a vaudevillian it is vital to always be at their best as a slip up in one act could ruin their reputation for good. Vaudevilles format was never about the importance of the act but rather based on the order of appearance. Vaudeville affected the normal comedy world as vaudeville was fun, entertaining and often humorous. It was only later that comics were emerged into vaudeville by means of a master of ceremonies which also assisted in making certain bills hit shows instead of just normal. It is vital to realise that vaudeville bills weren’t always entertaining. Some were really boring and others just average, vaudeville relies on the fact that it consists of 8acts and if an audience does not like a particular act they had the next act to rely on, to fulfil the audience taste. Comparisons and contrasts The one thing almost all the genres within popular entertainment have in common is that their target audience are all the lower class or working class of its time. The difference is evident where it’s a given that Burlesque is more specifically targeted at male audience, while cabaret is targeted at adults who don’t always agree with government and vaudeville is targeted at everyone. Burlesque and cabaret can compare in the sense that they both are more appropriate at night but while burlesque relies on its sexual connotation and exposed females, cabaret relies on the relevance of the topics that they use and the ideas they share. Vaudeville is basically any type of entertainment within the parameters of society while burlesque and cabaret is more anti-society than anything else. It is evident that dominant classes of the time of each of these genres basically looked down on all the styles mentioned, but this is what kept the middle and lower classes entertained. In each style, song, dance and comedy is relevant but while vaudeville relied on slapstick and amusing comedy cabaret relies of clever, satirical and black humour and burlesque makes use of confusing or misinterpreting or even witty comedy. Wit and satire can be very closely associated but satires method to tickle with a blade makes it unique to cabaret. While vaudeville could be showed in a theatre or even a park and burlesque can be showed in any theatre or circuit it is vital that the cabaret has the intimate bar or restaurant vibe attached to it. While vaudeville can be identified for its entertainment and fascinations, burlesque can be identified for its guts while cabaret can be identified by the roughness and the â€Å"balls†in its skits. Cabaret and Burlesque is very closely associated while they both may contain vaudeville acts it is strictly prohibited to have any sort of burlesque or cabaret acts or skits in vaudeville as it is not sociably accepted. Many vaudevillians considered Burlesque as demoralising and if any vaudevillian act offends an audience member they could be dismissed. Cabaret almost everything is allowed the cast could cleverly insult an audience member often cabarets are successful for the odd uncomfortable feeling that the audience may feel during skits or a scene. The historical developments of Popular Entertainment Ancient Greek history Popular entertainment in its essence can be traced as far back as the 5th century BC. This is linked by the ancient Greeks who added song and dance in their comedies and tragedies. Athenian playwrights also had songs in their plays which were sometimes self-composed. These plays were staged in open air amphitheatres which included sexual humour, political and social satire, jugglers and everything else that might entertain the majority. The songs were often a way to allow the chorus to comment on the action on stage. It is evident that ancient musicals had no direct on modern musicals or popular culture. It does prove that the concept has been present for approximately 25 hundred years.
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