Monday, September 30, 2019
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner Chapters 15
â€Å"Come with us. Don't make one rash move or I will take you down.†I felt angry again as he glared at me, and a smal part of me wanted to snarl and show my teeth, but I had a feeling he was looking for just that kind of excuse. Jasper paused as if he'd just thought of something. â€Å"Close your eyes,†he commanded. I hesitated. Had he decided to kil me after al ? â€Å"Do it!†I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes. I felt twice as helpless as I had before. â€Å"Fol ow the sound of my voice and don't open your eyes. You look, you lose, got it?†I nodded, wondering what he didn't want me to see. I felt some relief that he was bothering to protect a secret. There was no reason to do so if he was just going to kil me. â€Å"This way.†I walked slowly after him, careful to give him no excuses. He was considerate in the way he led, not walking me into any trees, at least. I could hear the way the sound changed when we were in the open; the feel of the wind was different, too, and the smel of my coven burning was stronger. I could feel the warmth of the sun on my face, and the insides of my eyelids were brighter as I sparkled. He led me closer and closer to the muffled crackle of the flames, so close that I could feel the smoke brush my skin. I knew he could have kil ed me at any time, but the nearness of the fire stil made me nervous. â€Å"Sit here. Eyes closed.†The ground was warm from the sun and the fire. I kept very stil and tried to concentrate on looking harmless, but I could feel his glare on me, and it made me agitated. Though I was not mad at these vampires, who I truly believed had only been defending themselves, I felt the oddest stirrings of fury. It was almost outside myself, as if it were some leftover echo from the battle that had just taken place. The anger didn't make me stupid, though, because I was too sad – miserable to my core. Diego was aways in my mind, and I couldn't help thinking about how he must have died. I was sure there was no way he would have voluntarily told Riley our secrets – secrets that had given me a reason to trust Riley just enough until it was too late. In my head, I saw Riley's face again – that cold, smooth expression that had formed as he'd threatened to punish any of us who wouldn't behave. I heard again his macabre and oddly detailed description – when I take you to her and hold you as she tears off your legs and then slowly, slowly burns off your fingers, ears, lips, tongue, and every other superfluous appendage one by one. I realized now that I'd been hearing the description of Diego's death. That night, I'd been sure that something had changed in Riley. Kil ing Diego was what had changed Riley, had hardened him. I believed only one thing that Riley had ever told me: he had valued Diego more than any of the rest of us. Had even been fond of him. And yet he'd watched our creator hurt him. No doubt he'd helped her. Kil ed Diego with her. I wondered how much pain it would have taken to make me betray Diego. I imagined it would have taken quite a lot. And I was sure it had taken at least that much to make Diego betray me. I felt sick. I wanted the image of Diego screaming in agony out of my head, but it wouldn't leave. And then there was screaming there in the field. My eyelids fluttered, but Jasper snarled furiously and I clenched them together at once. I'd seen nothing but heavy lavender smoke. I heard shouting and a strange, savage howling. It was loud, and there was a lot of it. I couldn't imagine how a face would have to contort to create such a noise, and the not knowing made the sound more frightening. These yel ow-eyed vampires were so different from the rest of us. Or different from me, I guess, since I was the only one left. Riley and our creator were long gone by now. I heard names cal ed, Jacob, Leah, Sam. There were lots of distinct voices, though the howls continued. Of course Riley had lied to us about the number of vampires here, too. The sound of the howling tapered off until it was just one voice, one agonized, inhuman yowling that made me grit my teeth. I could see Diego's face so clearly in my mind, and the sound was like him screaming. I heard Carlisle talking over the other voices and the howling. He was begging to look at something. â€Å"Please let me take a look. Please let me help.†I didn't hear anyone arguing with him, but for some reason his tone made it sound like he was losing the dispute. And then the yowling reached a strident new pitch, and suddenly Carlisle was saying â€Å"thank you†in a fervent voice, and under the yowl there was the sound of a lot of movement by a lot of bodies. Many heavy footsteps coming closer. I listened harder and heard something unexpected and impossible. Along with some heavy breathing – and I've never heard anyone in my coven breathe like that – there were dozens of deep thumping noises. Almost like†¦ heartbeats. But definitely not human hearts. I knew that particular sound wel . I sniffed hard, but the wind was blowing from the other direction, and I could only smel the smoke. Without a warning sound, something touched me, clapped down firmly on either side of my head. My eyes started open in panic as I lurched up, straining to jerk free of this hold, and instantly met Jasper's warning gaze about two inches from my face. â€Å"Stop it,†he snapped, yanking me back down on my butt. I could only just hear him, and I realized that his hands were sealed tight against my head, covering my ears entirely. â€Å"Close your eyes,†he instructed again, probably at a normal volume, but it was hushed for me. I struggled to calm myself and shut my eyes again. There were things they didn't want me to hear, either. I could live with that – if it meant I could live. For a second I saw Fred's face behind my eyelids. He had said he would wait for one day. I wondered if he would keep his word. I wished I could tel him the truth about the yel ow-eyes, and how much more there seemed to be that we didn't know. This whole world that we real y knew nothing about. It would be interesting to explore that world. Particularly with someone who could make me invisible and safe. But Diego was gone. He wouldn't be coming to find Fred with me. That made imagining the future faintly repugnant. I could stil hear some of what was going on, but just the howling and a few voices. Whatever those weird thumping sounds had been, they were too muted now for me to examine them. I did make out the words when, a few minutes later, Carlisle said, â€Å"You have to†¦Ã¢â‚¬ – his voice was too low for a second, and then – â€Å"†¦ from here now. If we could help we would, but we cannot leave.†There was a growl, but it was oddly unmenacing. The yowling became a low whine that disappeared slowly, as if it was moving away from me. It was quiet for a few minutes. I heard some low voices, Carlisle and Esme among them, but also some I didn't know. I wished I could smel something – the blindness combined with the muted sound left me straining for some source of sensory information. But al I could smel was the horribly sweet smoke. There was one voice, higher and clearer than the others, that I could hear most easily. â€Å"Another five minutes,†I heard whoever it was say. I was sure it was a girl who was speaking. â€Å"And Bel a wil open her eyes in thirty-seven seconds. I wouldn't doubt that she can hear us now.†I tried to make sense of this. Was someone else being forced to keep her eyes shut, like me? Or did she think my name was Bel a? I hadn't told anyone my name. I struggled again to smel something. More mumbling. I thought that one voice sounded off – I couldn't hear any ring to it at al . But I couldn't be sure with Jasper's hands so securely over my ears. â€Å"Three minutes,†the high, clear voice said. Jasper's hands left my head. â€Å"You'd better open your eyes now,†he told me from a few steps away. The way he said this frightened me. I looked around myself quickly, searching for the danger hinted at in his tone. One whole field of my vision was obscured by the dark smoke. Close by, Jasper was frowning. His teeth were gritted together and he was looking at me with an expression that was almost†¦ frightened. Not like he was scared of me, but like he was scared because of me. I remembered what he'd said before, about my putting them in danger with something cal ed a Volturi. I wondered what a Volturi was. I couldn't imagine what this scarred-up, dangerous vampire would be afraid of. Behind Jasper, four vampires were spaced out in a loose line with their backs to me. One was Esme. With her were a tal blonde woman, a tiny black-haired girl, and a dark-haired male vampire so big that he was scary just to look at – the one I'd seen kil Kevin. For an instant I imagined that vampire getting a hold on Raoul. It was a strangely pleasant picture. There were three more vampires behind the big one. I couldn't see exactly what they were doing with him in the way. Carlisle was kneeling on the gr ound, and next to him was a male vampire with dark red hair. Lying flat on the ground was another figure, but I couldn't see much of that one, only jeans and smal brown boots. It was either a female or a young male. I wondered if they were putting the vampire back together. So eight yel ow-eyes total, plus al that howling before, whatever strange kind of vampire that had been; there had been at least eight more voices involved. Sixteen, maybe more. More than twice as many as Riley had told us to expect. I found myself fiercely hoping that those black-cloaked vampires would catch up to Riley, and that they would make him suffer. The vampire on the ground started to get slowly to her feet – moving awkwardly, almost like she was some clumsy human. The breeze shifted, blowing the smoke across me and Jasper. For a moment, everything was invisible except for him. Though I was not as blind as before, I suddenly felt much more anxious, for some reason. It was like I could feel the anxiety bleeding out of the vampire next to me. The light wind gusted back in the next second, and I could see and smel everything. Jasper hissed at me furiously and shoved me out of my crouch and back onto the ground. It was her – the human I'd been hunting just a few minutes ago. The scent my whole body had been focused toward. The sweet, wet scent of the most delicious blood I'd ever tracked. My mouth and throat felt like they were on fire. I tried wildly to hold on to my reason – to focus on the fact that Jasper was just waiting for me to jump up again so that he could kil me – but only part of me could do it. I felt like I was about to pul into two halves trying to keep myself here. The human named Bel a stared at me with stunned brown eyes. Looking at her made it worse. I could see the blood flushing through her thin skin. I tried to look anywhere else, but my eyes kept circling back to her. The redhead spoke to her in a low voice. â€Å"She surrendered. That's one I've never seen before. Only Carlisle would think of offering. Jasper doesn't approve.†Carlisle must have explained to that one when my ears were covered. The vampire had both his arms around the human girl, and she had both hands pressed to his chest. Her throat was just inches from his mouth, but she didn't look frightened of him at al . And he didn't look like he was hunting. I had tried to wrap my head around the idea of a coven with a pet human, but this was not close to what I had imagined. If she'd been a vampire, I would have guessed that they were together. â€Å"Is Jasper al right?†the human whispered. â€Å"He's fine. The venom stings,†the vampire said. â€Å"He was bitten?†she asked, sounding shocked by the idea. Who was this girl? Why did the vampires al ow her to be with them? Why hadn't they kil ed her yet? Why did she seem so comfortable with them, like they didn't scare her? She seemed like she was a part of this world, and yet she didn't understand its realities. Of course Jasper was bitten. He'd just fought – and destroyed – my entire coven. Did this girl even know what we were? Ugh, the burn in my throat was impossible! I tried not to think about washing it away with her blood, but the wind was blowing her smel right in my face! It was too late to keep my head – I had scented the prey I was hunting, and nothing could change that now. â€Å"He was trying to be everywhere at once,†the redhead told the human. â€Å"Trying to make sure Alice had nothing to do, actual y.†He shook his head as he looked at the tiny blackhaired girl. â€Å"Alice doesn't need anyone's help.†The vampire named Alice shot a glare at Jasper. â€Å"Overprotective fool,†she said in her clear soprano voice. Jasper met her stare with a half smile, seeming to forget for a second that I existed. I could barely fight the instinct that wanted me to make use of his lapse and spring at the human girl. It would take less than an instant and then her warm blood – blood I could hear pumping through her heart – would quench the burn. She was so close – The vampire with the dark red hair met my eyes with a fierce warning glare, and I knew I would die if I tried for the girl, but the agony in my throat made me feel like I would die if I didn't. It hurt so much that I screamed out loud in frustration. Jasper snarled at me, and I tried to keep myself from moving, but it felt like the scent of her blood was a giant hand yanking me off the ground. I had never tried to stop myself from feeding once I had committed to a hunt. I dug my hands into the ground looking for something to hold on to but finding nothing. Jasper leaned into a crouch, and even knowing I was two seconds from death, I couldn't focus my thirsty thoughts. And then Carlisle was right there, his hand on Jasper's arm. He looked at me with kind, calm eyes. â€Å"Have you changed your mind, young one?†he asked me. â€Å"We don't want to destroy you, but we wil if you can't control yourself.†â€Å"How can you stand it?†I asked him, almost begging. Wasn't he burning, too? â€Å"I want her.†I stared at her, desperately wishing the distance between us was gone. My fingers raked uselessly through the rocky dirt. â€Å"You must stand it,†Carlisle said solemnly. â€Å"You must exercise control. It is possible, and it is the only thing that wil save you now.†If being able to tolerate the human the way these strange vampires did was my only hope for survival, then I was already doomed. I couldn't stand the fire. And I was of two minds about survival anyway. I didn't want to die, I didn't want pain, but what was the point? Everyone else was dead. Diego had been dead for days. His name was right on my lips. I almost whispered it aloud. Instead, I gripped my skul with both hands and tried to think about something that wouldn't hurt. Not the girl, and not Diego. It didn't work very wel . â€Å"Shouldn't we move away from her?†the human whispered roughly, breaking my concentration. My eyes snapped back to her. Her skin was so thin and soft. I could see the pulse in her neck. â€Å"We have to stay here,†said the vampire she was clinging to. â€Å"They are coming to the north end of the clearing now.†They? I glanced to the north, but there was nothing but smoke. Did he mean Riley and my creator? I felt a new thril of panic, fol owed by a little spasm of hope. There was no way she and Riley could stand against these vampires who had kil ed so many of us, was there? Even if the howly ones were gone, Jasper alone looked capable of dealing with the two of them. Or did he mean this mysterious Volturi? The wind teased the girl's scent across my face again, and my thoughts scattered. I glared at her thirstily. The girl met my stare, but her expression was so different from what it should have been. Though I could feel that my lips were curled back from my teeth, though I trembled with the effort to stop myself from springing at her, she did not look afraid of me. Instead she seemed fascinated. It almost looked like she wanted to speak to me – like she had a question she wanted me to answer. Then Carlisle and Jasper began to back away from the fire – and me – closing ranks with the others and the human. They al were staring past me into the smoke, so whatever they were afraid of was closer to me than it was to them. I huddled tighter to the smoke in spite of the nearby flames. Should I make a run for it? Were they distracted enough that I could escape? Where would I go? To Fred? Off on my own? To find Riley and make him pay for what he'd done to Diego? As I hesitated, mesmerized by that last idea, the moment passed. I heard movement to the north and knew I was sandwiched between the yel ow-eyes and whatever was coming. â€Å"Hmm,†a dead voice said from behind the smoke. In that one syl able I knew exactly who it was, and if I hadn't been frozen solid with mindless terror I would have bolted. It was the dark-cloaks. What did this mean? Would a new battle begin now? I knew that the dark-cloaked vampires had wanted my creator to succeed in destroying these yel ow-eyes. My creator had clearly failed. Did that mean they would kil her? Or would they kil Carlisle and Esme and the rest here instead? If it had been my choice, I knew who I would want destroyed, and it wasn't my captors. The dark-cloaks ghosted through the vapor to face the yel ow-eyes. None of them looked in my direction. I held absolutely stil . There were only four of them, like last time. But it didn't make a difference that there were seven of the yel ow-eyes. I could tel that they were as wary of these dark-cloaks as Riley and my creator had been. There was something more to them than I could see, but I could definitely feel it. These were the punishers, and they didn't lose. â€Å"Welcome, Jane,†said the yel ow-eyed one who held the human. They knew each other. But the redhead's voice was not friendly – nor was it weak and eager to please like Riley's had been, or furiously terrified like my creator's. His voice was simply cold and polite and unsurprised. Were the dark-cloaks this Volturi, then? The smal vampire who led the dark-cloaks – Jane, apparently – slowly scanned across the seven yel ow-eyes and the human, and then final y turned her head toward me. I glimpsed her face for the first time. She was younger than me, but much older, too, I guessed. Her eyes were the velvet color of dark red roses. Knowing it was too late to escape notice, I put my head down, covering it with my hands. Maybe if it were clear that I didn't want to fight, Jane would treat me as Carlisle had. I didn't feel much hope of that, though. â€Å"I don't understand.†Jane's dead voice betrayed a hint of annoyance.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Interior design history Essay
The late Dorothy Draper who lived for eighty years was born to the family of Tuckenman in 1889 and died in 1969. She got married to Dr. George Draper in 1912. The family was blessed with kids. Dorothy Draper received no formal primary education. Far back in the middle 60s, Dorothy was credited as an excellent founder of interior design. She was a well respected designer. She used exceptional traditional materials and styles in designing. In the year 1939, Dorothy, drove by the passion to inspire the world around with the importance and practice of designing, she was an author of many designing books, one laying emphasis to how fun is generated from designing. The book subtitled – â€Å"How to Be Your Own Decorator†received wide attentions in the modern works of interior design. Of the Designer Dorothy, the absence of formal education was not a barrier to the vision of exploring the diverse fields of art. She was inspired by the privileged endowment of pleasant natural environment she lived. A creative task of translating an abstract experience into visible objects for the relish of viewers. Secondly, the reckoning adventure into the designing world was not unconnected to her numerous travelling experience around the cities of Europe. The breakthrough came shortly after her wedding to Dr George Draper when she painstakingly took up the task of decorating their home to taste. The beautiful home received steadfast attentions from their visitors and led to the publicity of her great ability. The Works of Dorothy Draper Sequel to publicity of her home interior decoration, she was consulting for an architectural company (Owned by Franck L. Wright) who hired her on partnership. She was employed to decorate a gigantic 37 floors Hamphire House, a hotel in Manhatten; she had in historical records decorated cars for Packard Company. For Convair airplane manufacturing company, she also made her contribution therein. She was a specialized interior designer of places like clubs, restaurants, hotels, institutions such as hospitals before her demise thirty-nine years ago. Though much of her works were not surviving to the modern age, they were however, serving the foundation upon which modern tips were consulted for design finishing. Some of her works are in the monument of Metropolitan Museum of Art, in New York City, U. S. A (created by Donald Albrecht). Howard Johnson restaurants all over reflects the commissioning of Dorothy Draper as a color specialist, this is an important aspect in the act of designing/decoration. Recently, starting about two years ago till now the works of Dorothy is under exhibition. Pictures showing two of her best works exhibited in New York City Museum included that of â€Å"the Arrowhead Spring Resorts and the Green Brier Hotel†. In December ’06 to June ’07, the exhibition at a Museum in Dallas also displayed a snapshot of her project in the Stoneliegh Hotel. Dorothy and the History of Design Dorothy Draper, a founder of interior design, recorded an exemplary dealings that any upbringing designer in the field of interior decoration cannot bye pass. A number of books she authored presently speak volume of her passionate contribution to the modern survival of design. It takes a creative mind to imagine. It takes a brilliant mind to extract the imagination into the reality and express good radiant to every beholder. In addition to her books is â€Å"How to be a popular Hostess†. This book emphasizes the fun embedded in the business of entertaining with designs (Varney, 1988, pp235-37). In conclusion, among women of substance all over the world, not reckoning with Dorothy Draper’s contribution in art industry is an unpardonable omission. References Varvey, Carleton. The Draper Touch the High Life and High Style of Dorothy Draper, New York: Prentice – Hall Inc. , 1988 (ISBN 0-13-219080-X) Jeanette J. Fisher, 2006. Interior Design Psychology, History of Interior Design Available at: http://www. jeanettefisher. com/dorothy_draper. htm Draper’s High Style, The Museum of the City of New York Remembers the Legendary Decorator, Aavailable at: http://www. architecturaldigest. com/architects/legends/archive/draper_article_052006 http://www. google. com. gh/search? hl=en&q=Dorothy+Draper%2C+works+in+design+history&btnG=Google+Search
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Salem Witch Trials (1692) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Salem Witch Trials (1692) - Essay Example The concept of white magic had been inherited from Britain, where the colonists who migrated to North America continued to practice their white magic, as a way of protecting their agriculture, wealth and property, just as it used to happen back in Britain. However, towards the end of the fifteenth century and running into the sixteenth century, religion became an important aspect of the North American colonists, and the traditional white magic which was initially common in the society became black magic in the eyes of the religious converts (Reed, 2015). Subsequently, any traditional aspect t of the magic became witchcraft, and those practicing the magic became evil and satanic. Thus, the Salem Witch Trials (1692) were purely informed by the rise of religious extremism and social anxiety, which did not tolerate what the society referred to as the non-believers (Reed, 2015). Therefore, the non-believers were targeted and branded witches, and their fate was sealed through a series of t rials, which condemned most of them to death or long-term prison sentences. The legal issue identifiable in the Salem Witch Trials (1692) is the due process of the law. The major issue of law in this case is the issue of misapplication of the due process of the law, which requires that an accused should only be charged based on evidence that is beyond reasonable doubt (Rissanen, 2012). Reasonable doubt was present throughout the process of identifying the accused, presenting witness statements and charging them in court, but the process of sentencing them continued anyway. Spectral evidence was the sole basis of determining the cases in the Salem Witch Trials (1692), where the powers of the accused to use shapes and specters that tormented the young girls in the village, which could not be proven or identified in any way, was the basis of charging the accused (Yool, 2007). The
Friday, September 27, 2019
Antimicrobial Agents in Microbiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Antimicrobial Agents in Microbiology - Essay Example Usually sterilization is attained through physical agents such as heat, radiation, etc.; however, few chemical agents are also employed to destroy spores. These are known as sterilants. Disinfection involves the utilization of a chemical agent usually referred as disinfectant or a physical process to demolish vegetative pathogens except bacterial endospores. These disinfectants are also mostly employed to kill microbes on the surface of inanimate objects as the concentrations employed to disinfect surfaces are very high and might be toxic to animal tissues. Disinfection processes also eliminate the destructive productions of microorganisms such as toxins from the surfaces. Examples include 5% bleach solution, immersion of thermometers in iodine solution and boiled food utensils (Talaro & Talaro, 1999, p. 358). Sepsis can be defined as the growth and development of microorganisms in living tissues such as blood. The asepsis thus refers to any particular practice that helps in preventing an infectious agent from entering into sterile tissues and cause infection. The commonly employed aseptic techniques include sterilization methodologies that help in the exclusion of all microorganisms to antisepsis. Moreover antiseptics are chemical compounds that can be directly applied to skin surface as well as on mucous membranes, surgical incisions, and wounds to inhibit or destroy vegetative pathogens. Examples include the preparation of skin with iodine compounds before surgical incisions and utilization of a germicidal soap for washing hand. Decontamination involves limiting the microbial organisms to minimum to prevent spoilage and infection. These techniques are utilized in breweries, restaurants, food industries and dairies such as cleansing utensils with a sanitizer (either detergent or soap). Air sanitization is done in hospitals, laboratory installation and veterinary clinics using ultraviolet lamps (Shimeld & Rodgers, 1999, pp.77-79). Parasites either
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Researching Information for Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Researching Information for Business - Essay Example The data that is well indicated on the excel sheet shows that on given average 23 percent of this house holds was from the name items above. Inconspicuous gadgets like the routers have not been mentioned and this paper will give weight where it matters. It is believed that electricity consumptions in United Kingdom have recently grown tremendously and the need to meet this gap still remains a nightmare. Focusing on increased consumer electronics has begged for a 25 percent of domestic electricity consumption, (Mintel, 2006). Television set has traditionally become a means of entertainment and has also been used by the media world to sell their adverts. The grid to catch the eyes of the consumer has made the television companies have a smile due to the high demand of this equipment’s. They have penetrated the recreation centers and as well as the bars, pubs, and the streets, (Coleman, Wright & Firth, 2012). Big advertising companies have taken the initiative to hit the road and meet the consumer at their work place, follow them to the streets and still meet them in the comforts of their homes. There has been a great increase in sales volumes from the year 2007 to the year 2011 showing a positive increase of 7 percent in the market response. These consumer able goods have been given other items that match the suit of entertainment. The video players have been on demands perhaps to catch the latest movies and series in the market, (Mintel, 2006). Parents have always been looking for ways and means to empty the high energy levels in their growing children. The have discovered that game consoles is another way to keep their children’s mind busy. The need for game consoles has given this parent a breathing space as the kids are now occupied with games during their leisure time, (Coleman, Wright & Firth, 2012). The parent can feel
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Analysis of the poor country Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Analysis of the poor country - Essay Example Pakistan does not have a well-developed industrial sector but some of the important industries are Cotton Textile, Woolen Textile, Cement, Sugar factories, Fertilizers, Leather, and paper industries (F. K. Khan). Political History of Pakistan Pakistan came into being on 14 August 1947, with two parts. West Pakistan constituted NWFP, Punjab, Baluchistan and Sindh, whereas East Pakistan constituted of East Bengal. The founder of the nation, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, was the first Governor General. Pakistan was declared as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (official name) with the adoption of parliamentary democratic system of government in 1956 when the first constitution was promulgated. From 1956-1965, the political situation remained unstable with the country’s first Martial Law enforced in 1958. In 1965, Pakistan and India engaged in war over the Kashmir dispute for the first time (Afzal). Pakistan and India fought again in 1971, which resulted in East Pakistan declaring itself as an independent nation to be called Bangladesh. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto formed Pakistan People’s Party and became President of Pakistan and a new Pakistan Constitution was formed in 1973. 1n 1977, Gen. Muhammad Zia-ul Haq promulgated Marshall Law and became the president and Z.A Bhutto was hanged. From 1985, when the Marshall Law was lifted to 1999 Pakistan saw two political leaders become prime ministers alternatively twice. Military Rule was one again established in 1999, and the Army General Musharraf declared himself President in 2001. In 2008, Musharraf stepped down and democracy was restored (H. Khan). Economic History of Pakistan Soon after independence Pakistan’s economy went into recession. The economy suffered in the 1950’s due to weak industrial base and lack of private organizations. By 1960’s, the economy started recovering but in 1970’s the economy fell again due to separation of East Pakistan. It took 12 years to recover from the second recession but that too was short lived. The reason behind this is the corruption and communal unrest (Jaffrelot). In 1998, economic sanctions by the West as Pakistan conducted its first nuclear test also affected the economy. During the time, when General Pervez Musharraf assumed his power he devoted his team to manage the economic crises. During this period, there was considerable progress in achieving macro-economic stability. There was a positive GDP growth rate, fiscal deficits improved, external debts, revenues, exports, and foreign exchange reserves all showed improvement. However, poverty and unemployment increased. The overall picture that emerges from a dispassionate examination of these indicators is that the country made significant economic achievements but had a disappointing record of social development (S. Khan). After 2008, Musharraf resigned a new Government led by Asif Ali Zardari was established. The GDP growth, which had been 5.0 % dropped to just 0.4 % (2008-09) . By October 2008, the inflation reached the highest level of 25 percent. The oil and other commodities prices showed an unprecedented increase. In addition to this, the natural climate in 2010 and 2011 also added to the economic suffering. Extreme power shortages were causing huge losses. Even though, the growth rate of the economy was 6%, there were the worst crises in public enterprises, energy sufferings, and economic mismanagement during these years (United Nations) Current Economy Pakistan’
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Bmw Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Bmw - Essay Example From the marketing side three developments make the need for information greater now than in the past: global marketing, the customer-oriented marketing approach and the nonprice competition. Information transforms the financial decisions governed by the numbers into business decisions based on the probability of alternative strategic assumptions thus it requires that the business has formulated a strategy and this strategy and its assumptions are challenged. Therefore, the organization needs to continuously innovate in order to remain and become antagonistic. The management requires sales data especially up-to-the minute reports on current sales. It needs to have accurate data on stock levels of products, it needs information on customer profiles (financial and personal data), on marketing expenditure, on customers’ perception about the company and its products, on industry sales and market shares, on staff’s training needs, on financial aspects of the company (debts, loans, cash-flow, budgeting etc.), on R&D and on production line requirements. The BMW Group follows the efficient dynamics strategy i.e. the environmental friendly car production and the customer orientation. Thanks to the use of flexible working methods and working-time accounts, the BMW Group directs its production capacities highly efficiently to changes in demand on the various sales markets. Identify an example of each of strategic, tactical and operational decisions which might be/have been taken by your chosen business. Explain why these decisions are respectively strategic, tactical and operational. 18 marks Number ONE expresses our claim to leadership, its letters O, N and E stand for Opportunities, New and Efficiency: we want to make the most of new opportunities and achieve new levels of efficiency. Essentially, the name Number ONE stands for everything we do in relation
Monday, September 23, 2019
Health issues and reforms Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Health issues and reforms - Assignment Example Additionally, the paper outlines other crucial aspects of health economics not discussed in the videos and other appropriate objective functions. Discussion 1. The three videos discussed the cost effectiveness and recommendations for modern health care. The videos are relevant because they dealt with modern issues of economics and how they can be improved. The narrators talked about where the government might start to improve the system’s efficiency. It is believed that systems of health care lack equity and are costly. Every person is responsible in the structure of the health care system today1. In the present world, doctors cannot understand everything. It is believed that the most expensive treatments are the best, which is not true. With the help of doctors, everyone should involve in shaping up the health care system. Better health care control should have the following elements: ability to flag out failures and success of current techniques, ability to develop solutions for health care problems, and ability to employ solutions worldwide. Health care groups must embrace teamwork, and use checklists to ensure every patient follows protocol. The three videos also differed in certain aspects. Ms. Rebecca Onie discussed the relationship between difficulties in socio-economic and the kind of risky prone people. She emphasizes on incompetency among nurses and doctors whom the society trust. Administrative specialists and social workers have been sidelined yet they possess expertise and knowledge in getting things done. However, Eric Dishman, talks about his personal experience to illustrate the point of reinventing the health care system around the world. Compared to other videos, he used his personal experience to pass issues in health economics2. Atul Gwande emphasized on the effectiveness of cost in health care. 2. Other health issues not addressed in the three videos include: availability of care which accounts for 11 percent in the world. Another is sue is corporate bureaucracy which accounts 11 percent. Also, errors in medicine have not been addressed. Medical errors accounts for 11% of health economic issues. Consequently, prescription to drug cost forms a major health concern in the world. 3. Allocating resources optimally depends on what the consumer needs to achieve. All models of health economics must have objective functions, even when states implicitly. The objective functions must specify resources distribution at hand. For instance, in maximizing health, health care is differently allocated from the normal if the objective were to satisfy those that are severely. Models of health economics make assumptions on the relationship between outputs and inputs. The objective that needs to be achieved is the maximization of health care3. The key input factors are medicinal drugs(X) and human capital (Y). The constraints accompanying these objectives are the cost of health and technology. Max U=f (x2y) s.t x2 + y2 =24 Constrain t 1: x, y ? 24 Constraint 2: x, y ? 0 U= x2y-?(x2 + y2 -24) F.O.C for x 2xy-2 ? x=0---1 F.O.C for y x2-2 ?y=0----2 F.O.C for ? x2 + y2 -24=0----3 Solving the equation. 2xy-2 ? x=0-----4 2xy/2x=? ?=y x2-2 ?y=0--------5 x2=2 ?y ?= x2/2y y= x2/2y 2 y2= x2 Substituting in 3 2 y2+y2=24 y2=8 x2=16 x=4 y=8^ (1/2) 4. Some of the crucial constraints facing the health system include: severe deficiency in trained health employees. This undermined the effort to provide better health care. Lack of financial support to set up isolation facilities and drug purchase is
Sunday, September 22, 2019
My Mother, My Hero Essay Example for Free
My Mother, My Hero Essay When I was about ten years old, I watched an episode of Sesame Street that provided valuable lesson about who mothers are to their children. I would like to start this narrative with that story. A little girl got lost in the park and was crying hysterically. She caught the attention of a security officer nearby. The officer approached the child and tried to calm her. He asked her who she was with and the child said she was with her mother. They were crossing the street and there were so many people. She got confused and she thought she was following her mother but later found out that it was another woman. The child continued to cry remembering her mother who would be worried by then. The officer asked the little girl to describe her mother. She said her mother is â€Å"the most wonderful woman in the whole world†. So the security officer looked for the beautiful women and presented them to her, but the child kept crying and insisted that her mother is â€Å"the most wonderful woman in the whole world†. After many attempts to find a beautiful lady fitting the child’s description, a plump, old woman who looked very worried rushed to the child and embraced her tight. The child was so happy and told the officer that the lady is her mother. The child, relieved to be in her mother’s arms again, said to the officer, â€Å"This is my mother; she is the most wonderful woman in the whole world†. It was only then that the officer realized what the child meant. When a woman finds herself pregnant, she is transformed into a selfless individual, one who would put the child’s interest first above her own. It is like bearing a child fulfills her womanhood and in her child’s eyes, she literally is the most wonderful woman. Some women had to stop working because they need to personally take care of their babies. Some had to change their lifestyle to favor the needs of the child. Some had to find a new place that is ideal for the child to grow up. Some women simply do not dream of anything else but to be good mothers to their children. To bring the child in one’s womb for nine months is a lot of sacrifice. To feed the baby from one’s breast until the baby is old enough is a lot more sacrifice. To care, protect and guide the baby until he grows and becomes an adult is a lifetime sacrifice for a mother. Mothers are heroes and the world is lucky to have them. So is my mother and she is my hero. I may not be able to remember all the wonderful things my mother has done to me; it could make a long list and keep adding to it for as long as we both live. If ever I was not conscious of how she brought me in her womb for nine long enduring months, I could have certainly felt it and carried the feeling with me as I grew up. I was told that I was a perfectly healthy baby when I was born. My family especially my mother was so proud of me. She probably did not realize that if I was born good looking and very healthy, it was because she took care of her own health and successfully nurtured me in her own body. I breathed in her breath, I ate what she ate and I lived in her; we were literally one during the most crucial time of my life. Aside from making it happen, she paved the way for me to grow in her healthily and safely. Like many perfectly healthy children, I was told that I was breastfed for two years. My memory does not help me enough to make me remember how it felt to be breastfed by my mother. But as I look at her now, I see a beautiful woman who was so blessed to provide the nutrition to keep her baby alive. Every drop of milk that I took from her was a result of all her efforts to keep herself clean and nutritious. She must have eaten plenty of vegetables and avoided dirty food. She must have taken vitamins that would give her milk the nutrients that my body would need. She must have sacrificed being awake when I was hungry and set aside what she was doing whenever I cried and asked for food. I would have been so gratifying if I could remember how it was; being carried by my mother and making me feed from her breast. Simply knowing it makes me feel the intensity of her love, and I treasure this knowledge. I am happy to remember instances when my mother brought me to the grocery store and bought me some candy bars and chocolates. I felt my eyes feast on the colors that I saw at the store. The feeling of security that I was with my mother added to the enjoyment I had. The feeling was like that most of the time. I felt that with my mother, I am safe. Nothing wrong can happen to me and she will give me everything. I did not have to ask, she knew when I needed something. When she bought me candy bars and chocolates in the grocery store made me very happy. But it was not just the candy bars and chocolates, or the trip at the grocery store that made me feel so good, it was because they were given by my mother. Since my childhood, simply looking at my mother sent me good feelings. There was a time when I was running in a building, I don’t remember where it was, but it was a building with stairs and I was running recklessly. My mother was right behind me but I somehow made a wrong step and fell about three or four steps on the stairs going down. My immediate reaction was shock. I then felt a mixture of pain in my body and embarrassment because I attracted the attention of the other children playing there. It was instinct that I looked for my mother and looked at her eyes. She was rushing towards me to give me the comfort that I needed. I remember crying and embracing my mother, asking her to caress me and tell me that everything was alright. It was also the comfort that assures me that it is not that embarrassing and nobody will laugh at me. That alone made me feel better and I knew that my mother was the best person who could do that for me. She was really my hero. I may be older now and stronger. I have learned many lessons in life as I gained experiences with all my mother’s love and guidance. She may not be physically present, following me in all my activities, but she continues to be my guardian. Whatever I have become is owed much to my mother. For my mother, she may not have been conscious of the magnitude of the sacrifices she has made, just for me. Because every time she did something for me, her eyes would glow and I knew that she has always been so happy to do those things for me. I guess it is the magic of a mother’s love that makes a child whole. She is my hero and I will be grateful to her for being my mother for the rest of my life.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Planning a system to handle school records Essay Example for Free
Planning a system to handle school records Essay Real user: The examination department of CAMS School has to maintain the student progress record. Part of the education process requires the examination department need to assess the students at regular intervals throughout the school year and keep a record of achievement for each student at the end of the year. The examination record should build up over the duration of the course to allow the staff, students and parents to see how the students are progressing. The examination officer Mr. Ahmed has asked if I can help them with a particular project to satisfy their need. The examination department and the examination officer Mr.Ahmed will be my end user. The problem and how I discover it: My friend Asad study in CAMS school. In May 2008 he gave his year 10 exams and left for his holiday without taking his result. On his return when he went to collect his result with me he found lots of mistake in the report card. The term marks of history and literature were written incorrect. He marked absent in mathematics. We informed the examination department about this blunder and asked them to rechecked and correct it. After two weeks the examination department could not done anything about the history and literature result as they had lost the record while they marked present him on mathematics paper. My friend was very upset with his result. Why Has This Problem Arisen? Cams school is keeping and making their school results manually, the manual files are prepared for each class and course and class teacher prepare result in register, from where they were shifted to big result sheet and then to report cards. there is no system in place at present to record assessment results efficiently and allow the staff to monitor the students progress throughout the year. Resultantly, the staff must find the time to meet these needs and are finding it difficult and time consuming to record and collate the assessment marks using a manual system. Some evidences of problem: * Every year many student complain as they were not satisfied with the result, as they complain that they had got different marks in monthly test and in term but in report card the marks appeared are different. So the recheck of the whole term marks are extremely difficult and time consuming. * Many errors like calculation in cumulative marks or wrong percentage were found in the report card which affected in not only on grades but also in their ranks. * Many test marks were either entered wrong or forget to enter. * In case of any urgent placement of faculty member, the term result could not collect from the teacher. * The teacher had lost the term result and there was no backup of it. * Some times student does not appear in the final term due to any medical grounds or any other uncertainty and they need to be promote on their past performance basis, in such situation , to find their past result of each subject is time consuming and problem as it is not visible in one page and the examiner and the teacher has to search User requirement: Mr. Ahmed wants me to develop a system which can perform following functions. * Develop a system for recording and storing all the assessments undertaken by students. * Record end of unit assessment marks for all the theory and practical units. * Record all the marks for the projects completed within the course. * Keep details of the students name, and year badge. * Total up the marks for the different subjects, calculate averages for each student and the group and allocate grades against level of performance. * Develop a system to identify high achieving students and those with areas of concern. * Show results of group performance in graphical format. * Be able to alter the system to record and process all the results. * The system must be user friendly. * The system should not involve any additional hardware or software costs. Having considered all the above, I have come up with my own List of Objectives that I must achieve in order to develop a robust solution to this problem. I will use these throughout my project to check that I have satisfied the requirements of the user. Objectives: General objective: * The system must adhere to the working of old system whilst computerizing as much as possible. * The system should be automatic as possible, reducing the need of user intervention where possible. * The system should be secure. Unauthorized personnel must not be able to gain access to the details stored on the system. * The system must be stable and reliable; it must not breakdown or crash which may result in lost data. * Create a template that can be reused for each new year group * Produce graphs to show results graphically * Hard copy of reports should be formatted to be printed out on one page * Use color to identify certain groups of student Qualitative objective: * The system should store detail of all student result and their marks. * The result should be easily identified, thus allowing the user to show the result of individual student. * Record of individual student can be maintained. * By making folder of each year each class result would be easily identified. * The system should automatically calculate the cumulative marks, percentage and graph of individual student in every subject, * The system should allow user to gain accurate result in calculation. * The user should able to enter all the data and easily view it. * Every part of the system must be accessible to the user with minimum fuss. Quantitative objective: * The system should able to store the data of ten course and 15 children per class. * The data must be record and available to view with in 10 second. * Past result must be identified within 30 second. * Cumulative marks, percentage and graphs must be prepared within 30 second. * The user must be using the system within one week of receiving it without further help. Different solution of the problem: CAMS are already working with manual solution so it is useless to create any manual solution. My initial thoughts are that a solution could be developed using a Spreadsheet or Database package or maybe a Word Processing package. The following table identifies each of these applications, considering the function software can perform.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Analysis of The Justice Cascade by Kathryn Sikkink
Analysis of The Justice Cascade by Kathryn Sikkink The Justice Cascade: How Human Rights Prosecutions Are Changing World Politics. By Kathryn Sikkink. New York: W.W. Norton Company. 2011, 352, pp. $18.42 (Hardcover) The Justice Cascade: How Human Rights Prosecutions Are Changing World Politics Written by Kathryn Sikkink, is an exploration of the need for justice in the political scene. It is an assessment of the significance of accountability among politicians. It further reinforces the need for the empowerment of international tribunals to try cases that involve important political leaders to deter future recurrences of power abuse. Overall, the book seeks to answer the question on how human rights prosecutions influence the world politics? The exploration of this question results led the author to several findings. Firstly, in reinforcing the need for trials of leaders especially in cases of crimes against humanity, the author predicates that the initiative promotes the principle of democracy and promoting human rights as international norm. Logically, as more leaders are put on trial, it becomes more likely that in the future leaders will respect the rights of their people and will think twice before violating human rights. Likewise, it is also likely that individuals in high positions will avoid actions that border on corruption or abuse of power while they are in any governmental or nongovernmental position. The author provided cases of power abuse in several countries. On this manifestation, Sikkink indicates that over the years, a ruptured transition was no longer a condition for prosecutions (Sikkink 83). Secondly, the author undertakes to examine former high-profile cases which involved political figures on an i nternational platform. She negates the claims made by skeptics who prevail that the trials are often a sham intended to deceive the public. Such skeptics indicate that international system is largely intended to benefit the affluent and powerful figures, while neglect the need for the application of the law in its entirety. Sikkink noted that such prosecutions comprise some of the most effective ways by which occurrences of abuse of power and dictatorship nationally and internationally are negated. She attributes the increase in democracy across the globe to such prosecutions. According to Sikkink, the justice cascade is a basic example of norm cascade. The author opts for the term cascades to describe the newly emerging phenomenon. For instance, the social life in the United States is full of these cascades. An example is a policy of banning public smoking which after proposition became widely accepted as the norm (Sikkink 15). Sikkink suggested that the political leaders prosecuti ons will be worldwide accepted as a universal norm. More than ever, countries in Africa, Europe and Latin America do not have to bear the brunt of aggressive leadership as a result of the publicized prosecutions. Leaders of these countries ended up losing immunity for any acts of human rights violation. Shkkink acknowledge the role of human rights activists in these countries. Human rights activists helps to correct the behaviour of political leaders around the globe. In this book, the author discredits the critics who reject the need for the early prosecutorial interventions in the political environment. Such critics suggest that this may be the cause of further conflict in the countries affected by the prosecutions. However, Sikkink supports the idea that such prosecutions have greatly augmented human rights empowerment and democratic efforts initiated in many countries today. The book presents historical and global cases. Sikkink considers the reality of justice and the international norm, the book took a comprehensive approach. It does not limit itself to a particular region of the world, but rather explores the manifestation of political abuses and injustice on a global scale. The global approach ensures that the justice cascade or the prosecutions of political leaders become an international norm. The author hints that without the pursuance of political leaders prosecutions as an international norm, conflicts may continue to arise and resolving these conflicts may be postponed, which leads to division, chaos or maybe civil war in a given country. In engaging an inclusive tone to assess the implications of human rights in the international community, the book succeeds in exploring the contrasts between the previous political environments in many countries and the prevailing stability in countries that were previously unstable. The author predicates that leaders are subjected to fear when they are made to witness the prosecution of their fellows on an international platform (Sikkink 174). The author asserted that, The culminating point of the justice cascade was the creation of the International Criminal Court (Sikkink 209). The International Criminal Court (ICC) was created to ensure that individuals are responsible and will be held accountable for their actions. The author explores the history of the tribunal and the factors that led to its establishment and empowerment. Most of the critics feels that the ICC is partisan and avoids cases that involve superpowers while imposing its power on the weak nations. The book determines that leaders of the powerful countries have not yet charged or prosecuted for their crimes against humanity. For instance, the events that took place in the aftermath of September 11 attack in New York, which led to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The author dissected that at the time, the binding frameworks between the US and the ICC were not fully ratified to prosecute individuals who were found to have propagated torture of suspects. Although , the United States have signed the Rome statute, but on May 6, 2002 the United States formally withdrew its intent of ratification. The book answers the tough questions with regards to the power of the international tribunals to prosecute political and high-ranking figures. It attributes the reduction in cases of political abuse to the increased empowerment of international prosecutions. Sikkinks analysis allows the reader access to the history and progress of human rights protection frameworks on a global scale. It provides the readers the foundational knowledge that they require to fully understand the implications of human rights prosecutions on the international scene.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Nobody Ever Dies :: Essays Papers
Nobody Ever Dies â€Å"The Complete Short Stories of Earnest Hemingway†contains many kinds of stories, with themes ranging from the comic to the serious and the macabre, among which â€Å"Nobody Ever Dies†is my favorite one. The story is about a young man named Enrique, who had been away at war for 15 months. His comrades-in-arms secretly sent him back to a house, without knowing it was being watched. Enrique was all the time listening. Someone was trying the two doors. Keeping himself out of sight, Enrique carefully looked around the house. There was no one but a Negro walking along the sidewalk. When the dark came, the Negro was still there. Suddenly, a siren on the radio from the next house gave him a false alarm. Soon afterwards, two stones fell on the tiling floor of the porch one after the other. Enrique went downstairs to the back door. The one outside gave the password correctly, and Enrique opened the door. It was his girlfriend Maria. She had waited until it was dark to come to send him food. Enrique shut the door again. They went up to the porch and looked out. The Negro was gone. Maria learned from Enrique that many soldiers had died, including Vicente, her only brother and the flower of their party. She couldn’t accept it. Enrique finished his meal and talked about the lessons he had learned from the war and his attitude toward his companions’ sacrifice. But she said he talked like a book with a dry heart. Enrique was hurt and showed her the severe wound on his lower back. She cried. Enrique suggested their leaving the house immediately. Just then, two real sirens came both ways up the street. Enrique ordered Maria to leave at once, but she insisted he should go first. Finally, they ran out of the back door and took two ways, diving into the weeds surrounding the lot and crawling. Enrique was almost to the edge of the lot now and must make a dash across the road. But as he started to run, the searchlight caught him, which was from the police car that had come silently, without siren, and posted itself at one back corner of the lot. Enrique fell to the gun from the car.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Pacific Oil Essay -- Business Analysis
The Pacific Oil Company was formed in 1902 and had been the leader in the manufacturing of a petroleum product Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM). This product was Pacific Oil's major product line and was the main component to the manufacturing of plastics, used in many products. In 1979, Pacific Oil had landed a major contract with reliant and had over the years establish a great working partnership. The Reliant Corporation was one of Pacific’s largest and most valued customers and Pacific Oil Company wanted to renegotiate their current contract with the Reliant Corporation, with the goal of extending before it expired. Pacific’s negotiation team, Jean Fontaine, Marketing Vice President for Europe with Paul Gaudin, Marketing Manager of VCM along with representatives Frederick Hauptmann, Senior Purchasing Manager and Egon Zinnser, Regional VP for European operation from The Reliant Corporation, where to spend nearly two year working through the extension of the contract. In the end, the contract settlement was down to a final item that Pacific was not happy about, that may my then loose the extension altogether. Facing Hard Times Pacific Oil company was facing some economic changes over the next 10 years and the demand for its VCM was going o face some fierce competition. In the next 20 - 30 months other VCM manufactures will be producing the raw product to compete directly with Pacific Oil Company. The supply of the product over the next decade was expected to grow by over 1000 MM pounds each year, nearly doubling that as each year progressed. This poses a massive threat to Pacific oil as it negotiates its contracts only five years our and is now being pressured by Reliant to only extend their contract by three years. Reliant was... ...ine and Gaudin was going to present. Reliant had done their homework on their demands, potential softness of the market and was preparing themselves adequately to be able to deal with any changes. Pacific was not as prepared at the negotiation table as Reliant, and was eventually backed into a corner on a single item in the renewed control, the option for Reliant to re-sale any VCM product they have left over. The was a major oversight on the final advice from Kelsey in securing a huge customer and giving them time in further analysis the demand and impact that the new manufacturers would cause. Reference Lewicki, R. J., Saunders, D. M., & Barry, B. (2010). Negotiation Readings, Exercises and Cases (6th ed.). New York, NY, US: McGraw-Hill. Lewicki, R. J., Saunders, D. M., & Barry, B. (2011). Essentials of Negotiation (5th ed.). New York, NY, US: McGraw-Hill.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Academy Awards Ceremony
At the very first Academy Awards ceremony in 1929, the writing awards were already split into two categories: Best Writing, Original Story and Best Writing, Adaptation. (For the record, that first year saw the only presentation of an Oscar for Best Title Writing, an art that had become obsolete by the following year.) Over the next few decades, the delineation of the screenplay awards morphed a bit. For a while, three awards were presented: Best Original Screenplay, Best Original Story, and Best Story and Screenplay- confusing categorizations that speak to the tortured distinctions made by the Writers Guild when determining authorship. But for the last half century, the sensible division between an original screenplay and a screenplay based on a preexisting work has held. Writers and their audiences see a difference between the art of creating characters, situations and dialogue out of whole cloth and the art of turning an existing work into a film script with all the requisite transformations that such a translation entails. This is not to say that the distinction between an original and adapted work is always clear. In 2000, Joel and Ethan Coen ‘s O Brother, Where Art Thou? was nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay thanks to a credit on the film that cheekily stated it was based on Homer's Odyssey. Eyebrows rose all over Hollywood: O Brother had about as much to do with the Odyssey as did The Wizard of Oz or really any story about someone lost who wants to go home. The Coens were perhaps prompt- ing the age-old debate as to whether any artwork, especially a narratively driven artwork, is ever truly original. In a broad sense, every storyteller obviously builds on the stories that came before him or her and relies on pre-programmed audience expectations. Harold Bloom's Anxiety of Influence addresses this topic with great insight, and an entire academic discipline, the study of â€Å"Intertextuality,†analyzes this phenomenon. The Oscar nominees for Best Original Screenplay this year – American Hustle, Blue Jasmine, Dallas Buyers Club, Her, and Nebraska – all utilize existing genre tropes, standard (or subverted) plot devices, patterns of dialogue derived from previous works, and so forth. Blue Jasmine is quite consciously based on Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire, with virtually every character and situation a direct outgrowth of the earlier work. The dialogue is new, but it's debatable as to whether the work is â€Å"Original†in the strictest sense. Certainly it is much more of an adaptation than O Brother, Where Art Thou? Conversely, one of the nominees for Best Adapted Screenplay this year is
Monday, September 16, 2019
Advantages and disadvantage of Going Green Essay
The major advantage, undoubtedly, is that the use of green technology reduces the pollution of the environment. The damage that is usually done to the environment when hotels use diesel products is very catastrophic. Diesel products emit a lot of hydrocarbons into the air that cause global warming, which is known to hamper marine life and make some species of the marine bio diversity extinct. However this can be avoided if the industry adopts green technology. The industry has also come alive to the fact that ecotourism is a major attraction to many people who want to conserve the world we live in. People appreciate and value those involved in environmental conservation and majority like being associated with them. The adoption of green technology by the hospitality industry improves the public image that people have towards the industry. The world today is doing everything to combat global warming which is seen as a major threat to future earnings of almost each sector in the global economy. Tax Savings Significant federal tax benefits are associated with going green and several deductions apply for the cost of energy-efficient improvements. Some states also give green building tax credits. Reduced Costs One of the main benefits of hotels going green is that business owners get to considerably lower their operating costs. By turning environmentally friendly, hotels can see a 30 percent reduction in their costs.†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨ Disadvantages: Potential clients may not believe that green design can be luxurious. (â€Å"Just because you’re green doesn’t mean you don’t have a particular style, or can’t produce a certain luxury. People are starting to understand that, but it was a real hurdle.†-Lori Dennis, a Los Angeles-based interior designer) Sourcing furniture, fixtures, and materials is more work. Even though options are improving, â€Å"the range of choices is narrower, and you’re doing more work,†to find everything from energy efficient lighting to low-flow faucets to natural upholstery fabrics. (Lori Dennis, a Los Angeles-based interior designer) When you can’t find what you want, you have to make it yourself. â€Å"That’s a con, because it’s a lot of work, but it’s also a pro, because it’s fun and, before you know it, you’ve designed a whole new product range.†(Lori Dennis, a Los Angeles-based interior designer)
Sunday, September 15, 2019
A Theoretical Approach to Culture and the Study of Its Theory Essay
The concept of culture is a broad and elaborate subject that identifies with the common practices of different groups of people. Our textbook defines culture as the total pattern of human behavior and its products, embodied in thoughts, speech, action and artifacts. I personally view culture as a concept that helps us develop and identify within our own society, and societies of others. We see and experience culture everyday lives. It can be identified though groups in their beliefs, dress, language, traditions, music, food religion and â€Å"upbringing†. I personally come from a West Indian background, as my parents are from the Caribbean. Although I was born in America, foods I prepare are from Caribbean recipes. In my home calypso music is often played and if mother gets angry she begins to use words and put together words that would only make sense in our culture. Culture functions in such a way that is sociological, psychological and biological. For example sociologically, culture gives groups a sense of belonging. Psychologically groups of people create what they consider to be â€Å"normal behavioral patterns†that may be abnormal to one of a different cultural base. Culture functions biologically in the sense of reproducing their societies from generation to generation and the need for food and shelter to survive. We can tell someone of Asian decent not only by their physical traits, but also by their cultural practices. I believe our culture is embedded in us from the very beginning of our lives. From when we are babies our environment, family consciously and unconsciously molds us into learning a particular type of culture. Now more than ever because of technology and global diversity and integrations we see multiculturalism. This is where there is an acceptance of various cultures and the practice of more than one culture in people. There are significant differences in various cultural backgrounds, whether it’s Western or Eastern, but this is what makes culture ever evolving, continuously growing and intertwining. In the early stages some have tried to bring the connection between evolution and ethics. We have learned from theorists Charles Darwin who to life the theory of Human Evolution and natural selection, Sir Edwards B. Tylor who is noted for the concept of animism and Herbert Spencer whom is often linked to the phrase â€Å"Survival of the Fittest†. Charles Darwin was a pronounced and insightful theorist from the 18-19th century. What makes Charles Darwin best known is his theory of human evolution of man and natural selection. With Darwin’s human evolution, he came up with the concept that all like organisms came from simple form, which is â€Å"the origin of man†. In explaining Darwin’s theory of natural selection he believed more organisms are produced than can survive or reproduce. This creates an environment where they compete for resources and to reproduce successfully. His theory discloses some have successful genes/ traits and some do not. He believed the more powerful or successful traits/genes that are in organisms and ten passed on to offspring. The stronger traits are continuously passed on and as passed on lead to further success. Darwin believes these traits are â€Å"naturally selected†. In this way nature somehow selects traits that are more fitted for the various conditions in the environment in which they are in, these traits become and those traits tend to last over time. The steady accrual of the changing traits over an extended period of time in conjunction with a changing environment brings forth evolution. Hence linking to the phrase survival of the fittest. Over time as Darwin’s studies developed, he began to zoom in the links between animals and humans instincts. He was also convinced that organisms are all descended from common ancestors. To elaborate, he believed two organisms could be traced back through evolution at some point their linear will meet, and example would be human and chimpanzees. The success of Darwin’s theories lead to Darwinism which is the theory that all living things descended from an original common ancestor through natural selection and random variation without aid of intelligence or nonmaterial forces. Many theorists during Darwin’s concept and after used this as the foundation of their theories that they built on. Social Darwinism is where Darwin’s ideas were applied to society. Another cultural revolutionist or social Darwinists as they were referred to was Herbert Spencer. Hebert Spencer is well known for being an evolutionary theorists during the 1900s that took Darwin’ concepts of evolution to the next level. The phrase in which he is population for is â€Å"survival of the fittest†which as derived from Darwin’s concept of natural selection, but he indeed is the originator of this phrase. Spencer embraced Darwinism His theories also embodied Lamarckian and also saw selection as a means of maintaining human quality. When we hear survival of the fitness we think of possibly a battle in means of survival, but Spencer was more making reference to stronger species out living and out living the weaker ones and being able to increase and develop because of being stronger. He believed evolution evolving from simplest form to a more comprehensive form as in human beings, and that nature’s laws plays a role in the changes. Spencer also penned â€Å"Principles of Psychology†and stated that human minds were somehow linked to natural laws. What stood out to me about Spencer was his opposition in government assisting underclass. He was also against them from interjecting in economic and social affairs. He was against this because his view was it helped preserve the unfit or inferior people and assisted them in obtaining resources such as healthcare. He believed helping them would prove to be unbeneficial because it would only lead to them producing and/or reproducing more unfit people, possibly creating the â€Å"survival of the un-fittest†. He was adamant in thinking these people were lazy and did not want to work and assisting them would only enable them. In which the strong should prosper and the weak should be pushed aside Spencer also believed in individual competition and wanted to minimize government’s role in society to make survival only of stronger willed people. Lamarckism’s is the belief that organism pass on certain characteristics to offspring. Connected to his Lamarckian beliefs Herbert Spencer believed in a biological based hierarchy of races. He also believed as they grew they zoomed in on the â€Å"evolutionary history†of their race. To take this belief even further he believed characteristics even negative ones such as lying and stealing, from their race were passed down to children. Sir Edward Burnett Tylor fathered the currently accepted concept of animalism; he was influenced by Darwin’s theory of biological evolution. Development of culture and society from simple to complex forms. Europeans had sought to explain the existence of various â€Å"primitive†societies, some believing that such societies represented the lost tribes of Israel, others speculating that primitive peoples had degenerated since the time of Adam from an originally â€Å"barbarous†to an even lowlier â€Å"savage†state. European society was taken to epitomize the highest state of existence, â€Å"civilization. In the late 19th century, Edward Burnett Tylor and Lewis Henry Morgan elaborated the theory of unilinear evolution, specifying criteria for categorizing cultures according to their standing within a fixed system of growth of humanity as a whole and examining the modes and mechanisms of this growth. A widespread reaction followed; Franz Boas introduced the â€Å"culture history†approach, which concentrated on fieldwork among native peoples to identify actual cultural and historical processes rather than speculative stages of growth. Leslie White, Julian Steward, and others sought to revive aspects of sociocultural evolutionism, positing a progression ranging from bands and tribes at one end to chiefdoms and states at the other. More recently some anthropologists have adopted a general systems approach, examining cultures as emergent systems. Others continue to reject evolutionary thinking and look instead at historical contingencies, contacts with other cultures, and the operation of cultural symbol systems.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Why Is Ghana Still an Ledc?
Why is Ghana still an LEDC? Peilin Cheng 9A Although Ghana is rich in raw materials and precious metals, it is still a Less Economically Developed Country (LEDC). There are many different reasons ranging from the environment and climate to their debt problem. Ghana is in the tropics of Africa near the equator which means the temperature is very hot, there is also a hot dry North East wind called the harmattan which blows between December and March. Ghana’s climate and ecosystems are split into three different climate and ecosystems: The Tropical rainforest is hot and wet all year round.This means that it is a good source of timber wood however more of the rainforest is being cut down for firewood or by farmers to clear land for farming, Ghana is the second largest cocoa producer in the world because of the ideal growing climate. The farmers gain more land to grow on but once the nutrients have been used up the soil becomes useless and most farmers cannot afford fertiliser so t he land is abandoned. Over three quarters of the rainforest has been destroyed so deforestation is a problem. Diamonds, gold, bauxite and many other useful ores or precious metals are also found in the rainforest area.The Savannah is hot and very dry due to drought, deforestation and overgrazing and there are not as many useful natural resources there, unfortunately more of the North of Ghana is turning into desert. Desertification is a growing environmental problem because the ground is too dry for agricultural uses and so it slows down Ghana’s development. The majority of Ghana’s workforce is farmers so the state of the land is very important to them. Both desertification and deforestation mean fewer crops to sell and eat so there is more poverty.The Coastal Savannah is quite hot and dry but some oil has been found offshore (although it is not enough, it has to import a lot more), it has more natural gas which Ghana has begun to use. The River Volta is used for hydro electricity and fishing which has helped Ghana develop. There are also some historical reasons on why Ghana is still in poverty. Ghana was not always one country; it used to be made up of separate kingdoms and so some people were wealthy. Then some Europeans arrived in 1650 and began trading gold with Ghana.Later, the British began demanding slaves for their plantations in America so they bought at least 5000 people per year from the country, this held back development. The kingdoms went to war for over 150 years for people to sell. Many Europeans competed for trade but the British soon took over and by 1901 the kingdoms had been forced together and Ghana had become a British colony, this is a mixture of both helping and hindering development because the British did build railways to speed up the process as well as roads, schools and hospitals for the people but they had to pay taxes for them.The British exported diamonds, gold, ivory, timber, pepper, corn and cocoa which made the E uropeans very rich but not the people in Ghana. In 1957 Ghana finally gained independence but problems soon arose, they had no factories, few services and not many educated or skilled people. Since Ghana had just gained independence, it wanted to develop fast so they borrowed a lot of money from the World Bank and other governments. When people borrow money they have to pay an interest on the loan, most of the bank loans were made in the early 1970s when the rates were low.Then they suddenly rose so poorer countries like Ghana could not maintain their repayments and so had to spend more money than they were earning on repaying their debt than actually developing. This meant less money for building schools, hospitals, clean water supplies as well as other things the people desperately needed. Being in debt can have a huge impact on life, especially if you are living in a developing country. There were fewer schools which meant there was a very low literacy rate so it was harder to fi nd work which meant unemployment.Plans to create a clean water supply were put on hold which meant an unhealthy workforce due to dirty water, bad healthcare and unhygienic living conditions, this also lead to unemployment. Unemployment meant no income and money so people lived in poverty and was not able to pay for medicine or school. This resulted in a cycle which was hard to break. Most poor countries depend on selling their crops (e. g. sugar, cocoa, coffee, bananas, etc. ) to other countries but despite that fact, Ghana is not getting richer.When Ghana tries to sell their crops to a richer country, it faces large tariffs which put buyers off. The world price of many crops are falling because too much is being grown and also big food companies who buy most of their crops force the price down. The tariffs stop crops being sold and the falling world prices mean they earn less. At the same time, farmers in richer and more developed countries who grow similar crops get subsidies for them. Those crops are the shipped to poorer countries at such low prices the local farmers cannot compete with and so hey go out of business. Poorer countries cannot stop those imports because the World Bank has forced them to lower tariffs in exchange for their loans. In 2000 there was a campaign in the UK to cancel the debt of some of the world’s poorest countries. The campaign was a success and this meant that the money that would be used to repay their debt could be used to develop their countries. They could spend it on clean water supplies, healthcare, education and other things.Ghana has many natural resources and the discovery of oil meant it could be used or sold and the natural gases could be used to power objects and generate electricity. I think that the main reason why Ghana is still an LEDC is because it cannot repay its huge debt since it cannot sell its crops fairly because powerful companies force their prices down unfairly. Hopefully their debt will be cance lled by the richer countries so they can concentrate on developing their country. Sources: http://www. economist. com/content/global_debt_clock , geog. 3- Oxford
Friday, September 13, 2019
Charlie Chaplin
They were shown with piano or organ accompaniment, sound effects, and subtitles. Comedy was the most popular type of movies during this time of films. The humor in these films were very slapstick-meaning people thought it was funny when someone fell on a banana peel or got a custard pie in the face. Buster Keating, Laurel Hardy, and Charlie Chaplin were some famous comedians. Many Canadians regularly attended one of the 900 movie theaters across Canada. Mary Pickoffs was a famous actress in the sass.Mary Pickoffs was a legendary silent film actress and was known as Americas sweetheart. She was a founder of United Artists and helped establish the Academy. Mary Pickoffs was born on April 8, 1892, in Toronto. In 1909, she appeared in 40 movies for D. W. Griffith American Biography company. She also worked as a producer and co-founded United Artists, with Charlie Chaplin, and Douglas Fairbanks, Sir. , who would become her second husband. Pickoffs retired from the screen In 1933 but continued to produce.She died In 1979. Sports Canadian sport In the sass was booming. People followed famous players Like Babe Ruth In baseball, Bobby Jones In golf and Howe Moreno In hockey. Medal really helped sports In Canada. Newspapers remoter all sporting events and magazines such as Manacles used sports articles. Radio and film started to use sports too. Baseball was the most popular summer sport In Canada. Every community had a baseball diamond and a team. The National Hockey League was established In 1917. There were only 5 teams, two In Montreal, one In Toronto, one In Ottawa and one In Quebec City. Professional hockey was becoming popular south of the border, but most hockey players were still Canadian. Music and Dancing Jazz was the music of the sass. Arlington with musicians In New Orleans. This style of music spread across the united States and North Canada. Some of the famous Jazz musicians were Louis Armstrong, Jelly Roll Morton, and Duke Longtime. Jazz music evolved through the decade. Soon there were genres of the music Like the blues and swing.Jazz music encouraged daring and energetic dances one of the most popular dances was called the Charleston. The Image above Is some people doing the Charleston. Entertainment In The sass By bioinformatics Entertainment in the sass By Joshua Abandons from the screen in 1933 but continued to produce. She died in 1979. Canadian sport in the sass was booming. People followed famous players like Babe Ruth in baseball, Bobby Jones in golf and Howe Moreno in hockey. Media really helped sports in Canada. Newspapers sport in Canada.Every community had a baseball diamond and a team. The National Hockey League was established in 1917. There were only 5 teams, two in Montreal, one in Toronto, one in Ottawa and one in Quebec City. Professional hockey was Jazz was the music of the sass. Originating with musicians in New Orleans. This style of music spread across the United States and North Canada. Some of the Jazz music evolved through the decade. Soon there were genres of the music like the of the most popular dances was called the Charleston.
Explain how equilibrium is detemined in the keynesian income Essay
Explain how equilibrium is detemined in the keynesian income expenditure model. Use this model to examine the impact of a fall in government spending on the eco - Essay Example Given this rigidity of wages and prices, equilibrium output therefore is determined by demand. The aggregate effective demand is composed of planned real aggregate consumption expenditure (C), planned real aggregate investment (I) and real aggregate government expenditure (G). Real aggregate consumption expenditure is assumed to be a function of real aggregate output (Y) such that if Y rises C also rises but less than proportionally. The equilibrium is attained at that level of income or real output, equal to the effective demand. In the diagram above, the effective demand curve (obtained by vertically summing up C(Y), I and G) intersects the 45 degree line for the level of real aggregate output Y*. Thus Y* is the level of real aggregate output that satisfies the demand supply equality. The intersection point between the effective demand curve and the 45 degree line is referred to as the Keynesian cross. Now if there is a decline in government spending (G) given everything else remains unchanged, the effective aggregate demand will fall for each level of real output. Suppose G falls from G0 to G1. Therefore, the effective demand curve will shift downwards. Therefore the newer intersection point with the 45 degree line shall be to the left of the initial equilibrium point. Y** is the new equilibrium level of income which is lower than Y*. As a result of this decline in the level of real output, there will be a fall in employment as well. As government spending falls, there is a reduction in the effective demand. This reduction causes real output to shrink. This decline in real output again leads to a fall in real aggregate consumption expenditure which in turn reduces effective demand again. This again reduces real aggregate consumption expenditure and so on. However the magnitude of the second fall shall be smaller than the first one due to the non-proportional dependence of consumption on real income. Therefore, as a
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Strategic Marketing Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Strategic Marketing Plan - Research Paper Example Air Asia is currently going through the preliminary merger processes with Malaysian Airlines and Air Asia X, as the business attempts to diversify its competitive advantages. Air Asia X is currently a low-performing carrier in its operating market and the intent of this merger is to consolidate technological and maintenance expertise to achieve short-run cost savings synergies. The Malaysian scenario, in its early stages, is a strategic alliance which will be providing Air Asia with shared resources, including staff and fleet, that will expand its brand presence in new markets for a new customer base that is intended to ultimately be a full-fledged merger with this competitor. The synergies achieved through the Air Asia X and Malaysian Airlines merger should save the firm 165 million Euros by consolidating maintenance (Mukim, 10). SITUATION ANALYSIS Air Asia, the world’s lowest cost airline company, is currently operating in an oligopolistic market. This is one that is charact erized by the presence of few firms and where there is heavy reliance on branding and promotion to sustain competitive advantage. ... Furthermore, since 2001, Air Asia has found considerable cost savings and competitive analysis in its market by offering no frills, low cost dynamic pricing structures that provide customers with low ticket prices and is modeled against a lean philosophy of supply and labor. However, in recent years, market entry barriers have been breaking down which is providing more competitive risks for new companies that are modeling their business models against a low-cost, no frills concept. Feng Chia University (2010) describes one of Porter’s Five Forces as the potential risks of high bargaining power of suppliers. In the case of Air Asia, Boeing company, its main supplier of airline fleet power, has very low switching costs due to the oligopoly and can therefore provide high prices for procurement and determine deadlines with Air Asia having little influence or authority in this process. This leads to high prices in the supply chain for fleet procurement. MARKETING STRATEGIES Post-me rger, Air Asia needs to alter its promotional philosophy in order to become more competitive. It will now have shared resources with Air Asia X and Malaysia, thus providing more advertising expertise and resources to ensure successful delivery in this capital investment. Currently, Air Asia does not promote its strong organizational culture in any of its marketing, an opportunity for improved visibility and connection with consumers at the psychographic level. To investors, cultural issues are a very attractive benefit within a company as it leads to human capital advantages and ultimately competitive advantages (or even comparative advantages) in key profitable markets (Very, Lubatkin, Calori and Veiga, 167). The business should model new
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Practicum and Application #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Practicum and Application #2 - Essay Example elements of effective teaching that were being assessed included management of the classroom and planning of lessons, and educational psychology (Wubbels, 2012). From all the research carried out, it is undeniable that high standard early education for children makes them better prepared for success in other school subjects, later in their school lives (Kitzman & Gunzenhauser, 2012). This makes teaching at the PK-3 level a specialty, and therefore highly trained teachers with a vast knowledge concerning early childhood management. During the interview, my interviewee was commendable conversant with childhood development. She knew at least 90% of the pupils in her classroom in person and had even developed relations with their parents. The teachers are required to have not only instinctive, but also analytical knowledge concerning the personal development of a child (Ebert & Culver, 2013). This is an aspect that will help a teacher manage her students in the classroom without inflicting psychological harm. Research studies prove that youngsters educated by professionals acquire many benefits that will prepare them for future success. A teacher is required to use teaching methods that will be understood by all students (Wubbels, 2012). My interviewee used teaching methods such as classroom reading and use of literature that was simple enough to be understood by all (Moss & Lapp, 2010). This is in consideration of the possible immigrant students. The learning environment is another factor that should be taken se riously (Kitzman & Gunzenhauser, 2012). The teacher should make effort to enhance the learning environment as much as possible. The teacher should use all types of teaching methods to ensure a vast field of understanding. Some children are better at visual studies than others are, while others capture theoretical teaching habits better. It is therefore important for a kindergarten teacher to apply all these methods where possible to ensure that all the pupils
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
What is the relationship between Foucault's concept of Essay
What is the relationship between Foucault's concept of 'governmentality' and recent changes in field of crime control - Essay Example of Knowledge in 1969, Discipline and Punish in 1976, History of Sexuality, Volume 1 in 1976, Herculine Barbin in 1980, and The Use of Pleasure and The Care of Self both in 1984. Foucaults concept of governmentality has a distinct emphasis on self and promotes and encourages the actions that will help us evolve and fosters the relationship to other individuals and organizations by efficient interconnections. It recommends the use of governmental power not so much in terms of constraints and authorities but as a process of producing society that is healthy, literate, virtuous, normal, cultured, national citizens. Foucault sees government as a general technical form, which encompasses everything from ones control of the self to the control of populations. Correspondingly, he feels that the important thing in the political arena is to encourage the cultivation of the appropriate governmentality by politicians. Foucault introduced the term governmentality in a series of lectures that he gave at the College de France on the Birth of Bio politics in 1979 (Marks 2000: 128). These lectures engaged with the changing face of liberalism as a political project in the Reagan and Thatcher administrations. For Foucault, governmentality meant both strategies of organizational governance, in a broad sense, as well as self-governance by those who are made subjects of organizational governance. The concept of governmentality sought to capture new Liberal approaches to political management. The turmoil of World War II influenced his thinking and although his writings seem to cover a varied and widespread spectrum he was constantly looking to receive an understanding of the struggle of individuals against the collective power of the society. He was intrigued by the fact that individuals are controlled by the society at large and why this happens. He is very famous for his book â€Å"Discipline and Punish†written in 1975. This book analyzes the prison system and gave a new
Monday, September 9, 2019
Personal reflection on design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Personal reflection on design - Essay Example ve teaching design to pass information across to the target group will aid in the learning process as pupils will be able to grab much of what they are being told (Agostinho, 2006). Moreover, teachers will be able to pursue their careers with much ease as they provide quality education without investing a lot of time. The core purpose of a teacher is to offer quality education to his/her students. This can only be measured through the outcomes of an assessment exercise (McAndrew, Goodyear and Dalziel, 2006, p. 216). I believe that a concerned teacher will offer an assessment exercise to her/his pupils after a lesson to assess how much the pupils have understood what has been presented. Consequently, the teacher’s satisfaction will be attained if only he/she will find out that the pupils have extensively comprehended what was taught. Waters and Gibbons (2004, p. 57) state that a teaching design can be conducted in order to: illustrate the tasks assigned to the pupils, the resources available to the students to assist them in carrying out those tasks and how as their teacher, you are going to offer them support. As a primary teacher I have had to go through a lot of challenges in my teaching career. While in college we were taught on how to prepare prior to conducting lessons (Goodyear, 2005, p. 85). Among the things you have to do before undertaking a lesson is to prepare a simple lesson plan. A lesson plan is to give a teacher a guideline on the sequence of events during the lesson and what he/she has to accomplish at the end of a lesson. During the early years of my teaching career I had problems with preparing a lesson plan because I considered it to be time wasting. With five years of practice in the teaching field, I understand only too well the essential role of a lesson plan (Waters and Gibbons, 2004, p. 61). Dealing with a young mind I have to be very careful with what I do or say. According to Goodyear (2005, p. 101) children in primary schools
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Pig Growth Rates in Vietnam Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Pig Growth Rates in Vietnam - Article Example The data of litter mortality, birth weight, farm of origin, year of birth, and weight of big after twenty one days concerning a sample of one thousand pigs were collected and recorded. The purpose of the study is to compare growth performance of these two breeds of pigs by analyzing the effect of the different factors monitored in isolation and combined on the growth of pigs represented by their average weight after twenty one days of their birth. To determine the relationship between the Day 21 average piglet weight and the various influences monitored during the experiment such as breed, farm of origin, year of birth, litter mortality and birth weight, the following Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analyses were examined: The non-numerical value of Breed was coded numerically so that Breed equals one for Landrace (L) piglets and equals to zero for Yorkshire (Y). Regression analysis was applied with the numerical representation of breed as the independent variable and the dependent variable Day 21 average weight. Table 1 summarizes the results of the regression analysis. Table 1 shows adjusted R-squared of -0.00078 which means the independent variable breed predicts 0.07% of the dependent variable Day 21 average piglet weight. T-stat for this variable is 0.46674 so it is statistically insignificant. Both values indicate changes in breed do not affect the Day 21 average piglet weight. Regression analysis was applied... 0.000218 Adjust R2 -0.00078 Standard Error 0.793569 Observations 1000 Table 1 shows adjusted R-squared of -0.00078 which means the independent variable breed predicts 0.07% of the dependent variable Day 21 average piglet weight. T-stat for this variable is 0.46674 so it is statistically insignificant. Both values indicate changes in breed do not affect the Day 21 average piglet weight. 4.2 Analysis II: Relationship between Day 21 Average Piglet Weight and Farm of Origin The non-numerical value of the farm-of-origin variable is numerically encoded to allow statistical analysis of the variable using the following code shown in table 2. Table 2: Encoding of Farm of Origin into Number Farm of Origin Numerical Code A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E 5 F 6 G 7 Regression analysis was applied with the numerical representation of farm of origin as the independent variable and the dependent variable Day 21 average weight. Table 3 summarizes the results of the regression analysis. Table 3:Regression results for Day 21 Average Piglet Weight as a function of Farm of Origin Independent Variable Enumerated Farm of Origin Dependent variable: Day 21 Average Piglet Weight Constant 5.038045 Coefficient -0.04348 T Stat -2.87992 R2 0.008242 Adjust R2 0.007248 Standard Error 0.790379 Observations 1000 Table 3 shows adjusted R-squared of 0.007248 which means the independent variable farm of origin predicts 0.7% of the dependent variable Day 21 average piglet weight which is still a small influence but with more effect than the breed variable. T-stat for this variable is -2.87992 so it is statistically significant. Both values indicate the limited effect of breed in Day 21 average piglet weight. The Day 21 weight can be predicted to some limited extent using the equation: Day 21 Average Weight
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