Saturday, August 31, 2019
Type-B PDL
Type-B PDLs are particularly common in pregnant women among various forms of PDLs classified since Matzumoto first described PDL in 1913 (3). Initially, PDL was classified into four types A to D by Miura (7) and twenty-four years later another class E was added by Selmanowitz et al. (4) Facial PDL has also been well documented and were classified into F, G, and H among the Indian population (8,9). Type-B PDL can coexist with type-A in a few number of patients (10). It can also occur in the absence of pregnant (2,4). In this cross-sectional study of 220 primigravidae and 220 controls, the age group ranges between 18 to 40 years for both cases and controls. The mean age of the cases and controls were respectively 27.61 Â ± 3.928 (SD) and 26.83 Â ± 4.069 (SD). The highest proportion of participants, more than 75%, recruited for the study belong to the age less than 30 years. The pattern of age distribution in this study is similar to that reported by Kumar et al (11) and Rathore et al (12) in their study of cutaneous changes in pregnancy. This may reflect higher pregnancy rate among the younger age population possibly due to higher fertility rate in this age group. Pigmentary changes in pregnancy is the commonest physiological cutaneous changes witness by pregnant women (13). As many as over 90% in some studies developed one form of pigmentary changes or the other with lots of cosmetic concerns to the patients (13). However, the prevalence of pigmentary demarcation lines (PDL) are low in this studies (11,13)The prevalence of pigmentary demarcation lines in this study varies with increasing gestational age. Type-A PDL was not observed among the pregnant women studied but was noticed in 0.5 percent of the controls group. The proportion of patients with type-B PDL in second trimester was 1.8%, this figure was however doubled 3.6% by third trimesters suggesting the fact that PDL tend to occur more as pregnancy advances attributable to neurogenic inflammation from compression of peripheral nerves S1 and S2 by enlarging uterus (14). This result is similar to 2% earlier reported by Kumar et al (11). However, other researchers have documented lower prevalence than our study. Rathore et al (12) reported 0.25%, Kumari et al (13) 0.3% and Singh et al (6) 0.32% among pregnant population. The higher prevalence observed in this study compare to these previous studies may be due to the fact that our patients were followed up to the third trimester, some of which could have been missed in earlier trimesters without follow up. Besides, type-b PDL are observed to develop more in later part of pregnancy probably as a result of increasing pregnancy hormones. Other possible reasons for discrepancies is the skin phototypes and racial differences of the studied populations as it has been observed to be commoner among Negroes (4). Type-B can also co-exist with type-A PDL although this is an infrequent phenomenon (15). This pattern was evident in this study as one patient had type A and B PDL together for the first time throughout her pregnancy and another one only develop type B co-existing with type-A only in third trimester. This pattern is similar to the findings by Nakama et al (16) and Arunachalam et al (17). The pathogenesis of type B pigmentary demarcation lines is largely unknown (18). The influence of pregnancy hormones such as beta-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, eostrogen and progesterone has been suggested as one of the possible explanations for the development of pigmentary demarcation lines (19,20). The hormonal theory appeared plausible when the cases in our study are compare with the controls, this was however challenge by the fact that type-B PDL has been reported in amenorrhiec Chinese woman with low estradiol (2) This should further prompt more research to unravel the pathogenesis of PDL.Other types of pigmentary demarcation lines C, D, E and facial PDL F, G, H were not observed in this study. This may probably be due to the fact that skin of negroid pregnant woman present with darker generalized hyperpigmentation that make this types of PDL difficult to discern. Other possible explanations is the close resemblance of facial PDL to melasma, exogenous onchronosis, periorbital hyperpigmentation and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, naevus of Ota or Ito (9,21,22). The pathogenesis of PDL remains controversial with many theories been propounded to explain the enigma. Even though PDL is well classified and accepted, there is no consensus yet on the pathogenesis, possibly multiple mechanism are interacting together to explain the aetiology of PDL. Among these theories are:Familiar clustering – genetic and racial predisposition play a role in the development of PDL as it has been reported to occur among family members and relatives in up to 22.2% of cases (23). Although PDL occurs in all races and skin types it is however commoner among the blacks than Caucasians (24). It is postulated that PDL is dominantly inherited (9). However, none of our patients could give family history of PDL.Atavistic remnant phenomenon- this is an evolutionary throwback in which there is reappearance of a primitive characteristic. This characteristic is an adaptive mechanism in which the more pigmented dorsal surface protects against the effect of ultraviolet radiations and for temperature regulation (9,25).Pigmentary mosaicism- mosaicism occurs when two or more genetically distinct population of cells occur side by side in an individual (26). This is a consequence of structural or functional genetic mutation (27). A classic pattern of cutaneous mosaicism is depicted by lines of Blaschko which has been described in many pigmentary disorders. Krivo proposed cutaneous mosaicism as the possible aetiology of type-b PDL (28). Mosaicism has also been ascribed to familiar clustering and preponderance in females with facial PDL (9).Axial-neural theory- Maleville et al (29) in an attempt to explain this enigma opined that the pathogenesis of PDL is better explained by virtual axial lines of Sherrington described by Miura (7) other than the clonal-Blaschko theory proposed by Krivo (28). Blaschko lines correspond to distribution of linear nevoid conditions, or dermatomal lines.(30,31) The axial lines of Sherrington coincide with subsets of Voigt's line and cutaneous nerve distributions that divide dermatomes when noncontiguous dorsal root give rise to two contiguous dermatome (7,29). Additionally, melanogenesis are under neural control, and nerve endings may be different in their sensitivity to neural stimulation resulting in dual population of melanocyte with subtle variation in pigmentation in-between dermatomes given rise to PDL (6).
Friday, August 30, 2019
Sunwind Ab Case
2) Draw the schematic flow diagram for Sunwind and all Volvo plants. (Draw at abstract level not detailed level). Provides detail of distances and demand (quantity based on 1987 forecast) flow. Ans) Demand of Sunwind is 1250/week = 1250*45 = 56250 units The following table gives us the demand of each plant yearly for the year 1985 Plant|  | Torslando | Kalmar| Ghent| Total| Year| 1985| 17050| 4525| 12090| 33665| | %| 50. 65%| 13. 44%| 35. 1%| 100%| Year| 1987| 32919. 947| 8736. 819| 23343. 23| 65000| Depending on the percentage of share of each plant of the total in 1985, the same percentage is used to calculate the demand of each plant in 1987, as we know the total production of Volvo from all the plants put together in 1987. 3) What are the challenges facing Sunwind? Do they need a change in strategy by Sunwind? Why? Ans The challenges faced by SUNWIND are as follows : The main problem is to meet the increase in the demand from Volvo which is around 650 per week in 1985 to 1200 per week in 1986 * There is also a problem of meeting the quality of the finished products supplied by them, some of the machines like gluing machine had proved particularly troublesome and has increased rejects. * Some other bothering issues would be the off-spec plywood blanks received from Finnish supplier. * The rejection of the batches by Volvo as they haven’t met the quality constraints imposed by them. The demand for the finished goods is around 1400 units/week while the ideal capacity of plant excluding wastages is only 1250 units/week; this mismatch is of a greatest concern for the Sunwind in the present scenario. * The trend of the major manufacturers like Toyota who are working on â€Å"Less†suppliers’ model to increase the efficiency is of a big threat as Volvo might even persuade it. * The system of JIT which is being implemented recently by the Volvo group, the Belgian manufacturer is turning out to be major competitor to Sunwood on this perspecti ve. The batch size if we see for different operations varies from 2500 to 500, such a huge amount of batch size might lead to having no control over the quality issues i. e. in case of any damage done its hard to find out and the who batch has to be set off which is of a huge loss for the plant. * This large batch size might also increases the MLT hence leads to a lot of inventory which has a lot of adverse effects. For the other part of the question whether they need to change the strategy of the Sunwind or not, yes they have to change indeed to so as to protect themselves from Volvo by meeting their demand needs.At the same time the technological aspects of Sunwind are at a ground level, they need to compete with the competitors and have to go for new machinery. Right now they are not following the JIT method while Volvo has gone for it, In that case to meet the Volvo demands it might have to put a huge pile of raw materials instead if it makes itself a JIT system it could save it self from one of the competitors. Their batch size as mentioned before is also very large, hence they need to change this strategy too. There is a quality issue also being faced hence they a need a new strategy which can address all these issues in a very efficient way. ) What are the benefits to implement JIT for Sunwind? How Volvo will get benefited if Sunwind goes for JIT production and delivery? Ans) The benefits to implement JIT for Sunwind are 1. The main advantage would be saving on inventory i. e. there is no need to spend a lot of money in storing the inventory for huge number of days until it is used instead JIT takes care of inventory only when needed hence there is no idle inventory. 2. The JIT system will take care of the batch size this will help increasing the frequency and also easy transportation and on time as the batch size is small 3.In case of any defects the wastage would be in a small scale 4. The quality issue can be addressed, if we have the batch size to be small there is an every chance to make strict quality checks and reject the rest. 5. This helps in cutting the waste by cutting the excess capacity or inventory and removing the non value-added activities. 6. This will develop a close relationship with their suppliers, in a way they will get suppliers as a partner in the venture. 7. This will also encourage the suppliers to get themselves placed in and around the Sunwood plant so as to deliver the raw materials on time. 8.This system gets an in-plant representative who will be onsite in Sunwind on behalf of the suppliers whose main purpose is to plan and schedule the replenishment of the materials from the supplier hence even the forecasting is also taken care by him. 9. He also helps in designing ideas to help reducing cost and improve manufacturing processes and managing production schedules for suppliers, materials contractors and other subcontractors. 10. It also provides the best organizational structure needed to improve the supplier coordination by integrating the logistics, production and purchasing processes together.The advantages of the Volvo if Sunwind go for JIT is same as the ones enjoyed by Sunwind on behalf of their supplies * This will develop a close relationship with Sunwind. * This system gets an in-plant representative who will be onsite in Volvo on behalf of the Sunwind whose main purpose is to plan and schedule the replenishment of the materials from the supplier hence even the forecasting is also taken care by him. * He also helps in designing ideas to help reducing cost and improve manufacturing processes and managing production schedules for suppliers, materials contractors and other subcontractors. It also provides the best organizational structure needed to improve the supplier coordination by integrating the logistics, production and purchasing processes together. 6) How many varieties of products does the Sunwind manufacture for Volvo? How does this information help to design pro duction and delivery? Ans) Sunwind was the only supplier for the floorlid for the 5-door 700 series station wagon. These were offered in several carpet/ colour combinations. The lid comprised of 4 separate items – front panel, rear panel, left panel and the right panel.The carpeting could be any of four different colour choices – beige, blue, black and burgundy. The carpeting could be either needle felt or tufted. Thus 32 part numbers were needed to specify a particular part/ colour/ carpet combination 4 parts x 4 colours x 2 carpets = 32 This data of the variety of products being manufacture will give us an advantage of designing the production through JIT. One of the process considerations in lean systems â€Å"Uniform workstation loads â€Å" comes into the picture. This in turn would decrease the big lots there by decreasing the average inventory level.We can follow the production model of â€Å"heijunka†which is the levelling of production load by both v olume and product mix. Using this what we can do is to form batches in a way so that each batch gives us 32 varieties of different materials instead of having the same variety in a batch. This would help workers to get acquaintance of all the products and also though there is any wastage in a batch the other batch can cover up for it, if a batch has all the products of same kind it would be a problem if there is any defect or quality issues.Thus this data of the variety of products gives us the division of batches in an efficient way which reduces the extra non value added costs. 8) Provides details of some critical characteristics of one of the Volvo operations (Customer interface point) between Volvo and Sunwind. How does may this information be helpful to get advance intimation to prepare the next JIT delivery? Ans) Sunwind’s interface with Volvo parts at the order placement. Every 4 weeks Volvo send an order form indication the requirement over a 60 week planning horizon. This was broken into seven 4 week periods and one 32 week period. The next interface was at the loading stage of the shipping process. Volvo mandated that it suppliers use Volvo’s wholly owned transport company, use standard containers and ship one part per container. Sunwind ordered transportation and empty containers as required. Post shipping, the next interface would be at the inspection upon receipt of parts by Volvo. If the randomly chosen container did not pass the stringent quality control criteria, the entire shipment would be rejected and the supplier would be called.Sunwind could then either replace the entire shipment ot come to Torslanda to check the rejected shipments and replace the defective parts. Rejected parts were either scrapped or sent back to the supplier at the supplier’s expense. The fault would be officially notified and the next shipment would be subjected to 100% inspection. The interface points are at various stages in the part procurement process. Continuous communication between supplier and vendor enables updation of records on both ends and real time flow of information.The 4 week periodical order placement can help Sunwind plan its production such that they complete production just in time for shipment and the shipment occurs just in time for assembly at Volvo. Shipping is done through Volvo’s own transport system. Knowledge of the production schedules of Volvo in advance will enable Sunwind to request transport and containers in advance so that they arrive just in time for loading. This makes for efficient operations as the production can then be planned to meet the shipment schedule.Inspection procedure is well defined and knowledge of this can help Sunwind optimize its production to avoidrejection upon shipment. Rejection of shipments can be costly and they run the risk of not being able to meet the just in time production schedule. 9) How KANBAN, facilitator of JIT inventory Design be used for Sunwind operations? Show few sample calculations. Ans) In order to avoid the stock outs or overproduction Kanban can be used as a facilitator of JIT system. According to Kanban system, there is a card which contains the requirement or the supply of units written on it.Once if the card reaches the supplier depending on the requirements the desired date the supplier manufactures or prepare the goods and then they will be put in the same box with the card in place. The same process is done when the units reach the ordered company it will crosscheck the number of units in the box with the required in the card, once it matches it will then proceed to the operations. The best use of this comes when the manufacturing process has lots of operations involved in it with different batch sizes and cycle time and lead time.For example if we take Sunwind it has 8 operations with different batch sizes hence by using this it can send the Kanban cards at will according to the lead time to the respective sup pliers and they can receive the desired goods right on time and can verify it also accordingly. The basic formulae to calculate the number of Kanban cards is Kanban quantity = Daily Demand x Lead time (in days) x Safety factor Container quantity Here the daily demand can be calculated as we know that the demand per week is 1250 and there are 5 working days per week thus the daily demand is 250 unitsThe lead time here as it is not mentioned clearly anywhere in the case we have taken the sentence†the production is planned two weeks before†. Using that we can get the lead time as 2 weeks i. e. 14 days (including working and non-working days) Safety factor: we are taking a standard 10%(assumption) hence the whole quantity is multiplied by 1. 1 Container quantity is given in the case as 20 units Hence Kanban quantity = 250*14*1. 1 = 192. 5 20 Thus using this estimate this will give us a forecast of how many Kanban cards are in place for the JIT beforehand and would make the process efficient enough. 1) Repeat Q10 for Volvo’s Kalmar and Ghent plants. Write only short discussion and detailed calculation and diagram is not expected as in Q10. Ans) The distance plays a major role when it comes to Kalmar and Ghent plants as for us to make a JIT delivery of 4 times a day, the transportation including all logistics plays the deciding factor. Similarly if we look into this case the distances are shown below Save to Kalmar â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ 179. 82 Miles or 289. 39 KM (Source : http://www. mapcrow. info) Save to Ghent â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ 1284 KM (source : Google Maps)For both the plants if we see there is no feasibility to do the JIT supply 4 times a day as the distance is so large that the transportation becomes a problem and even though if pains are taken and the things are meeting the deadline, the efficiency decreases as this will in no way an add on for the current existing process in terms of the ROI ( Return on Investment ). Q 5 ) Draw the process flo w diagram of Sunwind operations. Perform capacity analysis Sunwind’s operations. Is the capacity at plant sufficient to meet the requirement (Demand and any other) of all VOLVO plants?How would you interpret the capacity calculations? (Consider a batch size and process time information in Exhibit 8). What is the Manufacturing Lead time? Do you think it is right or a long MLT in line with JIT requirement? If it is short or long, what is cause of such short/Long MLT? Ans. Operation 2- Painting Cycle time: 1. 15 min Operation 3&4-batterns, riveting inserting studs Cycle time: 6. 85 min mins Operation 1-Shaping plywood panel Cycle time-2. 8 min Raw material (plywood) Operation 7- Attaching metal and carpet fixturesCycle Time: 2. 2 min Operation 6-Gluing Carpet Cycle Time: 4. 25 min Operation 5-Mounting hinges Cycle Time: 0. 95 min Operation 8-Assembly of left and right units Operation 3 is the bottleneck with maximum cycle time of 6. 85 mins. So it becomes the cycle time for the entire process. The working time for a personnel/week = 40. 7 hours. So, effective working hours/day= 8. 14 hours. Therefore, total no. of units produced/ day=8. 14*60/6. 85= 71 units. ( considering 100 % capacity utilisation) So at 100 % utilization,output/week= 71*5= 355 units/ weekMonthly production= 1420 units. Starting from January 1985 Volvo’s maximum demand per month till July was 1115 units. So Sunwind was able to meet the demand . In August 1985 when demand of Volvo’s three plants surmounted to 4000 units / month Sunwind was unable to supply the required quantity. In 1986 when the forecasted demand of Volve stands 1387 units/ week present capacity of Sunwind ( 355 units/ week) is not sufficient to meet the demand . Direct labor content ( parts fabrication + operations 1-9 ) =18. 8+25. 2+5. 15= 49. 15 mins/ shirt (excluding set up time)If we consider batch sizes of 500 (operation 6 has the minimum batch size of 500) the changed cycle time for each operation are as follows: Operation 4 with zero set up time still remains the bottle neck time and hence the cycle time. So the batch size does not influence the process cycle time. To meet the average forecasted demand of 1400 units/week in 1986 the cycle time of the entire process should be 1. 4 min assuming the plant operates at 80 % efficiency level. Since different operations have different WIPs( according to batches as shown below):Manufacturing lead time is given by MLT= WIP * Cycle time At current plant capacity, considering lids are produced in batches of 500 MLT= (2500+1500+1000+1500+500+500)* 6. 85 = 51375 mins =856. 25 hrs= 21 weeks (considering working hours of 40. 7 /week as bottleneck operation is run in 1 shift only) The lead time is very high and the primary cause for this is large lot size used for production. A high MLT cannot go hand in hand with JIT production. The JIT philosophy is timely delivery of customer order . To meet the delivery deadline for a JIT e need to start t he production as soon as the order is booked. For this we need to maintain a minimum Manufacturing Lead Time as products are produced in batches. Q 7) Should Lars Olav were to design a JIT programme at Sunwind, what should be its elements? Give details about the current status and future requirement of few essential ingredients of JIT/Lean elements requiring improvement/change in Sunwind. Please suggest/show your improved/changed version of the Sunwind operations process to meet the requirement (Demand and any other) to all Volvo plants.Hint: You may like to meet the new demand (1987 forecast) by balancing the capacity of Sunwind operations. Ans. The elements of a JIT programme would be as follows: 1) Make to order strategy and not make to stock. This will reduce over production which not only creates excessive lead times and inventory but also makes it difficult to detect defects. 2) Reduction of inventory level so as to identify quality issues more promptly and effectively thereby correcting at source instead of creating rejections at end. ) Setting a plant layout such that the distance between adjacent workstation is minimum. This will reduce material handling cost and time. Excessive movement of products can at times cause damage and deterioration of product quality. 4) Manufacturing lead time to be minimum so as to reduce waiting time for starting production when an order is booked. 5) Close ties with supplier making sure they are located in close geographic proximity in order to promote strong partnerships and better synchronise product flows.Current status and requirements for adopting JIT in Sunwind: 1) High raw material and WIP inventory level. High batch sizes don’t allow problems to surface immediately. This hinders quality check at source. Few of the quality control procedures were followed in practice. Processes were not monitored formally. Defects were inspected by customers after delivery instead of identification in-house. Defective mate rials were rejected by eliminating the problem but no summary statements were available in Sunwind concerning the rejects.Sun Wind needs to reduce its inventory level and present MLT so as to identify defects at source thereby reducing cost as rejection rate comes down. 2) Presently in Sun wind due to extended delivery lead time of some items (eg. Carpeting) the purchasing department uses a 3-6 months planning horizon. On the contrary the production planning department focuses on first four weeks of delivery schedule which unnecessarily increases the inventory level. As a result raw material inventory unnecessarily goes up.Sun Wind should ask it supplier to reduce this lead time as it is planning to go for JIT. The benefits of a successful JIT can only be realized if your inventory levels are low. Considering suppliers as partners in venture can build long term profitable relationship wherein there is a win-win situation for everyone. 3) Sun Wind is presently operating in moderate b atches which is giving a very high Manufacturing lead time which is not acceptable for a JIT . To meet the increased demand for Volvo Sunwind needs to improve its cycle time as well as reduce its MLT by reducing batch size.Only operation 6 has a significant set up time which has to be reduced for going to JIT by enacting machine controls or preparing for changeovers while a job currently in production is still being processed. 4) In Sunwind the workstation load at different operations is not uniform. The cycle time at different processes vary considerably. As a result there is inventory pile up at workstations with high cycle time. Capacity planning and line balancing are to be used to meet the changed requirement of Volvo plant in 1987. In 1987, Volvo needs 65000 units of 700 series 5-door station wagons.To meet this demand Sunwind needs to produce =65000/52= 1250 units/week. At current capacity Sunwind can only produce 350 units/week. To meet the demand Sunwind needs to produce=12 50/5=250 units/day. We propose change in number of workers and number of shifts to meet the required demand(considering Save plant of Sunwind alone will be producing for all Volvo plants) as shown below. Present Situation Proposed Capacity Planning and line balancing to meet new requirement In this changed line balancing the bottleneck operation is Operation 6 with a cycle time of 2. 83 mins.Since operation 6 has got maximum set up time and Sunwind is producing 32 combinations of part/color/carpet, we assume Japanese concept of heijunka for a JIT, a batch of 32 each wherein all the varieties will be there per batch. Assuming a reduced set up time of 15 mins /batch for JIT achieved by machine control , we get a cycle time of 2. 83+0. 47= 3. 3 mins. Since this operation is run for two shifts the daily production will be = 2*8*60/3. 3= 290 units/day. Operation 7 which has a lower cycle time becomes the bottle neck as the process is run for 1 shift only. No of units produced /day = 8*60 /1. 3=262 units. Hence we can say the actual bottleneck is operation 7 with a cycle time of 1. 83 mins which run for single shift. Hence this becomes the cycle time for the entire batch process. To meet this requirement 3 additional workers at Sun wind’s Save factory are needed as per changed capacity planning. In this scenario of JIT an operational efficiency of above 95 % will be needed to meet the demand requirement of 250 units/day or 1250 units/week (assuming 5 days week) If each batch of JIT is 32 units, in that case per day no of batches produced will be =250/32=7. Hence a JIT will shorten the Manufacturing lead time thereby reducing the inventory level and lumpy requirements on different workstations. This will help identify defects immediately and strengthen quality control measures and help achieve higher efficiency. MLT for JIT= WIP* Cycle time = 32*6*1. 83=351. 4 mins=5. 86 hours. Q 10 Assuming that Sunwind is now ready for JIT delivery (hope so, based on your Q1 to 9 analysis and suggested improvement), how to synchronize the delivery of product 4 times a day to Volvo’s Torslanda Plant? For this you may require the one day demand of Torsdland plant) Ans. The actual demand of 5 door model 700 for Volvo’s Torslanda Plant is 1985 is 17050. The total demand for Volvo isn 1985 is 33665. So Torslanda plant produced around 51 % of total Volvo’s production. Considering the same percentage production of total Volvo’s requirement, by using the overall forecasted demand of Volvo plant in 1986, Torslanda plant will require to produce =51% of 62400= 31824 units annually.Hence per week demand is calculated to be=31824/52= 612 units. Since Sunwind runs 5 days a week, daily production requirement will be=612/5= 122 units. Considering new Capacity planning and line balancing for Sunwind as in Q7, our cycle time is 1. 83 mins ( bottleneck process 7 running for single shift). As the bottleneck operation is for single shift, in orde r to synchronise the delivery of products 4 times a day to Volvo’s Torslanda plant we need to have an MLT which will be atleast= 8*60/4= 120 mins.Considering the previously arrived cycle time of 1. 83 mins in Q7 There will be WIP of equal size at 6 different work stations (Operation 1 to 7) where processing will be done in batches. Hence maximum batch size that can be allowed so as to make a just in time delivery of new order booked 4 times a day =120/(6*1. 83)=11 Lot sizes of 11 units if produced in JIT system can enable us to deliver products 4 times a day, if the product criteria and combination is known beforehand.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Big-small dreams Essay
Big-small dreams Essay I have a question for you, a question that, to be honest, is quite intimidating. A question of thought – which way of thinking is better, dreaming big or being satisfied with small thoughts? Is it problematic to have expectations and to be afraid of failure? Or to have no expectations and simply except failure. Can dreamimg big be even more harmful than being unambitious. My whole life I expected myself to perform, to perform in the classroom, on the sports field and generally in all my endeavours. I didnt want to be your typical A-student type huge, but world-renowned huge. I probably had some predisposition to think so, because I was a fairly talented kid and worked adroitly at school, achieving the goals I set our for myself. Over time, however, my motivation turned into something unhealthy. I started believing that I was entitled to success, and I grew more and more frustrated as I faced the real world. Well, the truth is I didn’t face it a lot until arriving in grade 10, where my safe bubble of success was going to be popped. The first ominous sign came when I didn’t get anywhere close to a perfect score for a maths test. I received a respective score, but it wasnt up to my expectation. Which seems pretty logical now as the work load grew and heightened in difficulty, which proved to be an impediment to my progress. The pitfall, however, came soon after, when I received a failing grade in an Afrikaans test, a subject I absolutely loathed. I started to feel like a failure. Now you are probably wondering, â€Å"What does it have to do with dreaming big?†Here’s my answer: I always dreamt big, and this made me overlook tiny successes and feel entitled for admiration and victory. I believe you can guess what happened next. I grew more and more frustrated, as I realized you had to work, and most often, work hard and long, to achieve what you wanted. You even had to withstand failure and overlook your losses – something I was not used to dealing with at all. The only opinion I had about failures is that they diminished my previous accomplishments, and my value as a person, and that successful people never have to deal with failure, or the fiendish feeling that comes along with it. Dreaming big is good, it helps a person set far-reaching goals and aim to do bold things. But it can only work if a person has healthy relationships with failure, tryouts and taking tiny steps. Success scarcely comes overnight. For most of us it takes years to achieve, but no one wants to mention those years – they are a boring time of exhausting, plain and continuous hard work and dedication. Sounds bad enough for a movie, right? Don’t teach anyone to just dream big – teach them to dream big while taking small steps. And remember, success will not find you, thats why its up to you to find it.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Training and Assessment TAEDEL301A Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Training and Assessment TAEDEL301A - Essay Example But within a few days of regular practice, one’s reflexes get tuned in with the whole process and one starts following it automatically. The task of driving can be explained from the perspective of the behaviouristic and cognitive theories. According to behaviourism, the reflexes of the body get conditioned to an action that it performs repetitively; hence in the presence of the stimulus, the body performs the task automatically. According to cognitive principles, with regular practice or repetition of a particular task, the mind adjusts and accommodates the new knowledge with the existing knowledge to form a new knowledge structure. As a result, the knowledge of the task passes from the short term memory to the long term memory and makes the learning permanent. The learner can be provided different types of trouble shooting cases and asked to resolve them. Practising the task in different contexts/situations would reinforce the acquired knowledge/skill. This task should be practised on a regular basis. It would help the learner respond quickly to situations and handle any kind of situation. In case of trouble shooting in customer care, the most effective way to determine learner performance is through customer feedback. The other way of evaluating is through mock test, where peers are acting as customers and the learning participant has to resolve the problems that each one comes up with. This assessment tool is relevant for evaluating the learner’s performance because it helps the instructor to see the learner in action. On the part of the learner, he/she also gets a real feel of doing the task hands-on and also understanding where he/she needs to improve. Learning takes place through adaptations and changes. Without initiating a change in the performance level or capacity of the learner, real learning cannot be facilitated. New knowledge structure
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Inventory management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Inventory management - Essay Example While VMI does require a strong partnership and trust relationship, given the fact that it decreases expenses, enhances strategic product development, and leverages available technology, there is no reason to think that an upsurge in demand will change the fundamental principles that make VMI work. Although Scouras takes a generally negative position on VMI and feels that suppliers should not make inventory management a core competency, there is much to be said for the system itself. His assertion that the success of the methodology depends upon the economic climate is not supportable in light of the fundamental benefits provided to both suppliers and retailers regardless of the status of demand. The first notable advantage is that VMI decreases expenses on both ends of the supply chain. For the supplier, efficiencies in purchasing, ordering, shipping, and warehousing are increased while customers receive the cost benefits associated with carrying less inventory (Coleman and Poulan, 53). Supply chain efficiency is always a good thing and changes in the rate of demand for any particular product do not alter that fact. The argument that suppliers incur a higher risk due to their management of inventory is unavailing; suppliers are able to directly control the amount of productio n, and would be able to adjust their production processes to meet the level of demand present in the market at any particular point in time. In fact, the use of VMI allows suppliers to more accurately gauge which products are experiencing higher demand. A second significant advantage provided by VMI is the fact that it allows suppliers to engage in strategic product development. Users of the system have found that it brings them closer to their customers, provides more information on consumer preferences, and allows them to adjust and manage retail stocks (Lowson 76). The benefit of this proximity is that suppliers are able to develop new or improved
Monday, August 26, 2019
Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Companies - Essay Example Thus non-price competition prevails in the market and it is up to a particular firm to convince consumers that its product is superior. Only then can it charge a higher price vis-à -vis rivals. Given a large number of sellers, collusion is practically impossible In the event of an increase in demand, leading to an increase in price, the firms in the industry may earn higher profits in the short run. However, over time, the existing firms in the market will increase their production capacity or new firms will enter the industry to take advantage of the higher price. Either way, the supply demand mismatch would vanish and the firms will earn normal profit only. The assumption of symmetry in monopolistic competition, which states that when a new firm enters the industry it draws customers equally from all firms, will lead to negligible change in the CR of the industry. The aforesaid discussion suggests that if J’s Assistant Living is to start operations, the company will have to offer a differentiated product. The company will not be able to compete on the price plank and will earn normal profits in the long run. In case J’s Assistant Living does not succeed, it will be able to exit the industry easily. The Concentration Ratio (CR) of 80 percent in industry B with 20 firms signifies that there is ‘high concentration’ in the industry. The industry is oligopoly as the few largest firms account for 80 percent of the market share. In an oligopoly, the market dominated by a relatively small number of large firms. These firms have considerable market power and may either sell standardized products or differentiated products. Each firm realizes that any move that it makes would be taken note of by competitors. As such, the decisions that a firm takes is strategic in nature as it invariably elicits a response from the rivals. The main characteristics of this industry type include barriers to entry and
Acceptability Of The Euthanasia In The Modern Society Assignment
Acceptability Of The Euthanasia In The Modern Society - Assignment Example Proponents of euthanasia base their claims on the fact that in the democracy and capitalistic modernity that are so widespread in the contemporary age, every individual has the right to decide for his/her own future. â€Å"The Hemlock Society is very vocal in their belief that euthanasia should be allowed, especially if the patient has conveyed those wishes†(Yares, 2011). Therefore, if an individual wants to die, his/her wish should be granted. Proponents of euthanasia also say that this practice relieves the patient as well as the patient’s relatives of the continuous pain and havoc. In a lot of conditions, there is no hope of improvement of the patient’s condition. Instead of waiting for the death to come on its own, it is right as per the utilitarian view to assisting the patient with the suicide. The utilitarian view considers all such practices ethical whose results are favorable. Apparently, all results of euthanasia are favorable because it not only allow s the patient an escape from the uninterrupted state of pain but also give physical and financial relief to the relatives who have to pay for the hospital expenses on daily bases as long as the patient lives. In the present age, health care is becoming more and more expensive. People have to pay hundreds of dollars every single day for the patient care in hospitals. Euthanasia saves all this money and allows the relatives to take a sigh of relief. Opponents of euthanasia fundamentally base their opinion on religious grounds, saying that it is for no one but God to choose the time of birth and the time of death of an individual. If an individual is in a state of stress or pain, it is God’s will. God will take the life out of the body when He will want. By interfering in God’s business, humans are making themselves sinful and will have to be accountable for their acts in the world hereafter.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Political comparison between president George Bush and president Obama Essay
Political comparison between president George Bush and president Obama - Essay Example The two presidents, former president George Bush and currently ruling president Obama, have something in common about their reign in authority. A close observation is identified in president Obama following some of the ruling of retired president George Bush and also similarities about their personal lives such as; they are both passionate in running the halls of white house with their fleecy black puppies, they are both outstanding awkward dancers, they are fond of giving ridiculously public speeches, they both promoted heavy sums to the state arrears, they both have two daughters and were both sporting in their juvenile years (Johnson 2013). This essay highlights out some of the political similarities shared by former retired president George Bush and president Obama and also features in details the conclusions to their political comparisons and their administrative future. The two heads of states shares one thing in common about the essence of immigration as witnessed when George W. Bush tried to acquire an immigration amendment through the senate in protection of the immigrants, he was objected and later declined his request by the opposition congress. Similar to President Bush, Obama wanted to protect the immigrants within his administrative power who had lived in the USA for more than five years, but he faced stiff counterargument from the republicans and the senate claiming that he was overturning the constitution and was acting more like an emperor within his stated mandates (Collinson 2014). Despite the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Envy at Work Article Summary Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Envy at Work Summary - Article Example Because envy is generally considered a negative emotion, individuals repress these feelings. Still, these repressed feelings of envy emerge in harmful ways. Menon and Thompson’s research suggests, however, that it is possible to avoid being consumed by these feelings and to implement them to one’s advantage. In further considering the ways that envy emerges and is impactful, Menon and Thompson examine a hypothetical instance involving Scott and Marty. While these individuals were once strong friends, this gave way. While Marty was the better performer, Scott’s personality and social network helped him advance his career at a more rapid rate. This caused significant envy; this envy subsequently started to detrimentally impact Marty’s work performance. Most notably, Marty demonstrated disparagement and distancing. One of the main recognitions was that individuals pull away from others they envy because they feel the emotion more intensely with those they are close to. This distancing then directly impacts functionality and success within the organization. One notable example was that individuals were more willing to accept a project idea if it emerged outside the organization rather than within. The main recognition in these regards was that individuals within the organization worried that by adopting a project from a colleague they would lose status. In this way the colleague would be deemed the intellectual leader. This then costs the organization more money as it is less efficient to adopt ideas from outside the organization than to implement them internally. This is recognized as occurring in a real world example through the restaurant Fresh Choice. While the restaurant appreciated the menus and dà ©cor of a rival restaurant, after acquiring this rival opinions changed. The recognition then became that this newly acquired entity was not as chic as originally determine; this then resulted in the creative professionals leaving the organization. As a
Friday, August 23, 2019
Cas a Constant Struggle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cas a Constant Struggle - Essay Example However, aside from simply being able to give each person the capability of doing things that they ought to complete as individual beings in the community, liberty has also paved way to a wider and more diverse society that is populated by individually aspired population who wants to make a name of their own within the society that they are living in. THE United States Bill of Rights has generated so much interest that in 50 years, some 700 books have been written about it-over 40 of them this year alone. Since 1991 is the 200th anniversary of the adoption of the Bill of Rights, people were even more interested in this subject. Yet, a poll revealed that 59 percent of the American public do not know what the Bill of Rights is. When the Constitution of the United States was ratified in 1788, it allowed for amendments that would clarify positions not clearly defined in the Constitution. In 1791 the first ten amendments were added to the Constitution. These ten amendments had to do with liberty and became known as the Bill of Rights, for they guarantee to the people of the United States certain individual liberties. The word freedom in its broad sense as used in the Bible and in the field of government means merely "acting at will". "Freedom is the state of being free; liberty; self-determination. The power of acting, in the character of a moral personality, according to the dictates of the will, without other check, hindrance, or prohibition than such as may be imposed by just and necessary laws and the duties of social life." The word "liberty", as generally used, is practically synonymous with the word "freedom". "Liberty is freedom; exemption from extraneous control. The power of the will to follow the dictates of its unrestricted choice, and to direct the external acts of the individual without restraint, coercion, or control from other persons is the main idea supported by the thoughts of applying liberty in the human society. The capability of human individuals to act upon what they want and to react upon what they see the way that they want to is a clear depiction of the actual applicat ion of liberty today. According to some social psychologists, the want of being free and being able to do what they want is innate in humans. It is a major part of the human behavior that sets people apart from the being that animals follow. Everybody in the society wants to appear better than what is usually seen from others. The initial want for fame is an undeniable cause for such thinking. This is primarily the reason why the dream of having an equal society is most likely believed to have been hindered by the forces implied through the application of individual liberty. So as soon as the news spread that a constitution was in the making, freedom-loving people began a movement for a national bill of rights that would guarantee their liberties and would separate Church from State. If the people were in such fear of a centralized national government, why would they create it After the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, a new governmental system was needed. British rul e in each colony came to an end. The states then adopted the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The employment of women in industry during the First World War Essay Example for Free
The employment of women in industry during the First World War Essay Use Source G and your own knowledge to explain why some men opposed the employment of women in industry during the First World War. Source G is a personal account written by a women worker, which demonstrates the prejudice that women were shown in the work place during the First World War. It describes scenes of resentment from the womens male colleagues and made it harder for women to do a good job, over and over again the foreman gave the wrong or incomplete directions. There are many reasons why some men may have opposed the work of women in industry during the First World War however I think that one of the main reasons was for fear of loosing their own jobs or receiving less pay at the end of the war because women may have done a good or better job than them in their absence. Trade unions were one of the reasons why some men opposed the work of women in industry during the First World War. The government had to make sure that the factories could keep up with the needs of the war. Lloyd George was concerned about the issue of demarcation which was when only skilled workers could do certain jobs. Demarcation meant that there was not enough production in certain areas. In March 1915, Lloyd George developed the Treasury Agreement. This Agreement allowed specialised work could be done by semi skilled or even unskilled workers. He also promised the unions that this change was only a temporary arrangement until the end of the war. He also agreed that the workers doing the skilled jobs would be paid the same regardless if they were skilled or unskilled. He also banned strikes and the workers could be fined for going on strike or missing days of work. If the worker wanted to leave and find a job elsewhere, they had to inform the employer and the employer had to issue them with a leaving certificate. Without this certificate they would have to wait six weeks before they could get another job. Up until this time, trade unions were mainly made up of men however in 1914 there were 357,000 female members and this increased to more than 1 million members in 1918. I think the reason why so many men opposed women working in industry is that the trade unions thought Lloyd George was trying to lower the mens wage during the First World War. During the First World War many men were afraid of being paid less or even loosing their jobs. They thought this because women were willing to be paid less for doing the same job as they had done. They were afraid that after the war their employers would pay them the same as the women or even give their jobs to the women. Unskilled workers were allowed do skilled workers jobs by the end of the war and they were afraid that this low paid work for skilled work was going to continue after the war. This idea is shown in Source G because it says none of the men spoke to me for a long time, and would give me no help as to where to find things. My drawer was nailed up but the men, and oil was poured over everything in it through the crack. This suggests that the men felt threatened by the woman and wanted to make it as difficult for her as they possibly could. In source D it also shows a picture of unhappy women in the work place. It also has a board in the background that said when the boys come back we are not going to keep you any longer girls, suggesting that they were not wanted there and were just filling in the vacancies until the war was over and the men could return to their own jobs. I think that this is the other reason why some men opposed the work of women in industry during the First World War. Not all men opposed the work of women during the First World War. Many men supported it as they were pleased about the effort the women made and believed that without their help there would not be enough production of munitions to feed the needs of the war. Some of the men that supported women working were the husbands of those who were employed in industry. This meant that they were bringing more money home to the family which was much needed during the First World War. Others supported it because they believed in equality for both men and women and this was a way of proving that women could do the same work as men if they were given the same opportunities. This idea is shown in Source E where there is a poster from the government asking women to help in munitions. If women were not wanted to work they would not have advertised for their help. In Source C, which is written by an owner of a factory, he says women prefer factory life. The children are better off than before, this suggests that he thinks that women who worked not only helped themselves but also it helped their families. There were a lot of good things that came out of women working in industry during the First World War. Overall there were many reasons why some men opposed the work of women in industry during the First World War but I think that fear of loosing jobs and dilution of their standards when they returned were the main reasons. Men also realised that women were doing a good thing and helping the war effort.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Roles and responsibilities of public services Essay Example for Free
Roles and responsibilities of public services Essay The two public services which I have chosen to write about in my task 1 of the assignment are: * Police * Fire service POLICE: Police is a government organisation, which have a very important duty of maintaining law and order in the community. The work police come from the French, which refer to government or administration; the word police was coined in France in the 18th century. The police may also be known as a constabulary, after constables, who were an early manifestation of police officers. ( POLICE FORCE STRUCTURE: Home office Police authority chief constable Home office is the government department and it has a full control on police, whereas home secretary, who works under prime minister and he/she is there to ensure that all the government polices carry out properly. Police authority is made up of local councillors (two third) and magistrates (one third), this is to make sure that the local public has an opinion about how the police force run in their region. Chief constable is the highest rank in the force, and he has an overall authority of maintaining and running the whole police departments. PURPOSE OF THE POLICE SERVICE: The purposes of the police service within a community are stated below: To prevent crime. To uphold law fairly and smoothly. To protect the community. To help crime victims. To pursue offenders and bring them to justice. TO PREVENT CRIME: Prevention of crime means to stop a crime before it happens. Police force prevent crime by visiting homes and businesses to offer them security devices and providing them information on how to perform security checks and about new security issues which mainly stop 80% of the crimes. Police also prevent crime by patrolling street and road on a regular basis. A recent crime surrey showed that the Derbyshire has the lowest crime rate in East Midlands. TO UPHOLD LAW FAIRLY AND SMOOTLY: This is one of the most important of responsibility of police forces to ensure that law and order is carried is fairly and smoothly, this includes the situations like arresting, searching suspects. Police forces have clearly full knowledge about law and legislations because their day to day works involves law and order. TO PROTECT THE COMMUNITY: The main purpose of police is to protect the community. Protection of community is one of the very important role of their job. They carry out this role by visiting school, houses, pubs etc and asking community opinions about the different current issues which they are concerned about e.g. drugs at the moment in Derby (Drug squad Steve Holme visited Derby College to high light this issue). TO HELP CRIME VICTIMS: Helping is another role of their job, this is done by officers to make sure that no one feel deserted in the community and also victims feel secure and comfortable, thinking about that they are safe in the society. TO PURSUE OFFENDERS AND BRING THEM TO JUSTICE: Pursuing criminals is another purpose of police force. Pursuing criminals help a community in cutting down their crime figure and most of all it helps in keeping the peace. Due to the higher level of outcomes e.g. reduction in crime, criminals feels fear and community feel safe etc this is done on regular basis. An example of this was the case happened a few months ago where a female copper called pc Sharon Beshenivsky has got murdered in Bradford. Since her murder police have made several arrests for her killers. ROLES OF THE POLICE: The police force throughout in UK is responsible for maintaining law and order in their region. The roles and responsibilities of police consist on variety of tasks e.g. Dealing with accidents, dealing with emergencies, anti-terrorist. DEALING WITH ACCIDENTS: Accidents includes death, theft, robbery, minor offences speeding, fighting, etc police is well trained for tackling these type of situations, so and they always try their best to arrive on these situations as quick as possible just to get more and accurate information about the incident through witnesses and evidence and help the victims if any. It is very important for police to manipulate the situation no matter how worse is it because if they cannot do them than there is no point of their existence. Police normally work as a team to tackle big crises e.g. In London bombing police played a crucial part in bringing the peace back into city although too many people died in the bombing but the most important thing to notice is the amount of people police has had saved after taking over the situation. DEALING WITH EMERGENCIES: Accident happens at anytime so there must be some one who takes the response over them. So generally speaking in UK police is the only organisation who deals with local incidents. Emergencies includes like, chemical accidents, rail crashes, fire, flood, land slide bomb, hijacking etc, in certain other situations police works closely with other emergencies services like fire fighters, paramedics to take control on it. A very recent example of this is the petrol refinery explosion in Hemel Hempstead, where police took over the situation and clear out all the locals who were endanger from their houses. DEALING WITH TERRORIST ACTIVITIES: Mostly special police branch handles anti-terrorist work, but in case of real emergency local police member helps them in carrying out the task, as well as Special Forces, local police is also well trained in handling terrorist work. The example of this is the situation happened two months ago, where Special Forces mistakenly suspect a terrorist and shot him to death at London terrorist bombing. This incident caused a lot of crises between police and local public. The over view of this incident taken from is written below. Electrician Jean Charles de Menezes was shot dead on 22 July, 2005, by police who mistook him for one of four would-be suicide bombers who attacked Londons transport system the previous day. Police in the capital were on heightened alert as they hunted the attackers, who struck just two weeks after 52 people were killed in similar co-ordinated suicide bombings. In the hours after the shooting but before police realised their mistake Scotland Yard said it had been directly linked to their anti-terrorist operation. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair told a news conference: As I understand the situation, the man was challenged and refused to obey police instructions. The Yard said his clothing and behaviour at the station added to their suspicions. But when it emerged that the 27-year-old Brazilian was not the man they thought he was and that his death had been a mistake Sir Ian described it as a tragedy for which the police accepted full responsibility. In London bombing special police force teamed up with local police from all over the region, to help in patrolling London train stations. RESPONSIBILITIES OF POLICE: Police responsibilities include carrying out all the above purpose and roles. They are also responsible for doing their job properly and are inspected to ensure their efficiency. The other responsibilities includes meet targets for detection, lower down the crime rate, provide a responsible service to the people of the community as they are employed by the community to provide a service and so the community should have the means to ensure that they are getting the service and their money is wisely spent. Police also has a responsibility to communicate with the general public and work in a partnership because this helps them to maintain trust and ensure effective policing. FIRE FIGHTER: (Fire Service badge) ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A FIRE FIGHTER: The main purpose of the fire services or fire fighters to protect and save people and property from fire and other hazards in the most competent and effective manner to the highest possible standards of care and quality. ROLES: The role of Derbyshire fires service is to protect life and property and providing a quality fire safety service. Their other roles include: To practice and promote the health and safety polices, to contribute to the Development and progression of health and safety. To conduct higher standard of communications in emergency situation. Respect and be confident about the job. Another role of a fire fighter is to take part in the routine training practices and development review process. Another very important role of fire services is to promote the policy of equality and fairness, both internally and externally in order to demonstrate commitment to anti discriminatory practice. RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES OF FIRE A FIGHTER: The main important responsibilities and duties of a fire fighter are: To respond immediately and safely to all emergency calls. To deal with an emergency work quickly, effectively and efficiently as a member of a disciplined team. To communicate with other emergency personnel at incidents. To established and maintain the confidence of members of the public and maintain links with the community. To give general fire safety advice and guidance to people when requested. To work to help educate members of the community in the risks and hazards of fire. To ensure personal safety and that of others at all times. To keep a level of physical and mental fitness necessary to carry out all the duties of a fire fighter. To maintain a personal appearance, hygiene and cleanliness of uniform in keeping with a disciplined service. To maintain personal appearance, hygiene and cleanliness of uniform in keeping with a disciplined service. To maintain all fire fighting and emergency equipment in a state of readiness including cleaning, repairing and testing as required and to approved standards and procedures. To check fire fighting resources provided for fire service use including hydrants and fixed installations. To know the local streets, roads and buildings situated around the fire station area. To be aware of the risks, possible hazards and water supplies to be found within the fire station area. To complete basic paperwork and routine administration including recording of information. To keep records up to date as necessary. To take part in a continuous training programme by attending lectures, exercises, practice drill sessions and other forms of training to maintain competence levels.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
SAB Miller: Strategy Analysis and PEST
SAB Miller: Strategy Analysis and PEST INTRODUCTION SAB Miller is a South African brewing company and is the second largest brewer in the world, with sales and distribution across six different continents. SAB Miller with wide brand portfolio, both international premium beers to local brands it has come a long way, weathering turbulent times and political crisis. It is also one of the largest bottlers for Coca Cola. VISION AND MISSION OF THE GROUP VISION To be the most admired company in the global beer industry Investment of choice Employer of choice Partner of choice MISSION To own and nurture local and international brands that are the first choice of the consumer VALUES Our people are our enduring advantage Accountability is clear and personal We work and win in teams We understand and respect our customers and consumers Our reputation is indivisible CORPORATE STRATEGIES EMPLOYED BY SAB MILLER SAB Miller being one of the oldest (100 plus) brewing company it had tremendous experience in the brewing field and the strategies used by SAB Miller are categorized as follows: Political Acquisitions and mergers Wide portfolio Brand value POLITICAL SAB being oldest brewing company in South Africa it was battered by political crisis during the 20th century. It has emerged as a company with building its operations in emerging and mature markets. During 1948 due to racist system of Apartheid, there was opposition to the company. SAB also came across various other forces during this period they are: Business restricted to the country only Restrictions on doing business with international companies Investing in or trading with South African companies SAB formulated solution in order to comply with Government restrictions they were: In 1950, SAB moved its HO from London to Johannesburg. Focused on expansion mostly in southern parts of Africa and South Africa Dominating the local market and domestic beer production Expanding its product portfolio First company to employ the code of non-discriminatory employment In 1970 SAB became fully incorporated in South Africa and by the year 2000, it dominated the South African market to such an extent that 49 of every 50 beer consumed were brewed by SAB. IMPLICATIONS Due to the political conditions in South Africa SAB had very less room of doing business internationally, but these restrictions helped them to create a monopoly in South Africa. It owned a 99 percent market share here. It also incorporated its head quarters to Johannesburg, which helped it develop its market in Africa. Employing non-discriminatory code of employment helped it to gain public support. It expanded its portfolio by buying local breweries and started producing locally brewed Guinness, Amstel, and Carling black label. ACQUSITIONS AND MERGERS Due to the restrictions on local companies by the government, SAB had to settle in for the local South African market. Dominating the local market and eliminating competition was the goal of the company at the time and it was achieved by acquiring other local breweries and distribution facilities and by rationalized production. SAB also obtained the licensing of locally brewed Guinness, Amstel and Carling black label. SAB made major acquisitions immediately after when the imposed restrictions were relaxed due the finalized process for establishment of a multiracial democracy in 1990. SAB acquired Stellenbosch Farmers Winery in 1960. In 1993, SAB acquired Hungarys largest brewery, Dreher that opened new door for further developments into central Europe In 1994, SAB in joint venture with Tanzanian government it revitalized the brewing industry and also in countries like Zambia, Mozambique and Angola, SAB gave boost to production and distribution. During the 90s SAB established operations in China, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Russia, and Czeck Republic. Acquiring 100% stakes in the Miller brewing company in 2002 was one of the most significant acquisitions made by SAB and becoming SAB Miller in the process. Licencing of shebeens and launching them in retail mainstream. SAB Miller also bought out its joint venture partner in India. SAB Miller in 2005 merged with South American brewer Grupo Empresarial Bavaria. IMPLICATIONS OF ACUSITIONS AND MERGERS SAB controlled an estimated 99% of the market share in South Africa and had dominating positions in Swaziland, Lesotho, Rhodesia and Botswana. SAB was able to diversify their business through joint ventures. Due to fragmentation and small-scale business in Europe and Asia SAB was able to create profitable and fast growing business. Launched quality products than their competitors for which the consumers had to pay more. SAB promoted their premium brands. Developing countries have growing economies thus opening doors for attractive markets. SABMiller sends in both technical and distribution teams for inspection before it enters the market Scare of HIV pandemic cost SAB costly labor, decrease in productivity SAB business spread provided them with portfolio business With volatile market in emerging economies where in SAB incurred majority of its profits, it had indirect effect in confidence of SAB in these countries. SAB listed itself on LSE to give boost to its infrastructure. Share price drop by 15.5% relative to FTSE 100 in the year end Nov 2000 Acquiring Miller Brewing Company made it second largest brewer in the world. SAB could balance out loss in one country with profits in other countries. Expanding production capacity and raising the quality of product in India. Dip in share price of SAB Miller after acquiring Miller Brewing Company. Introduced new packaging with new sales and distribution system and enhanced the flexibility of their production facilities. SAB Trained around 6000 newly licensed taverniers in business skills. SAB introduced broader and segmented brands SAB gained strong and profitable market in South America; profits went up by 25%. PORTFOLIO EXPANSION SAB Miller brewing company is the second largest brewing company and has a wide portfolio globally, it has over 200 varieties of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, produced and distributed. The major premium brands are Pilsner Urquell, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, Miller Genuine Draft, and Grolsch. They started their expanding its portfolio by gaining control over Stellenbosch Farmers Winery in 1960. Between 1960s- 70s it obtained license to brew locally Guinness, Amstel and Carling black label. In 1987, SAB acquired Lion Match Company. Re-launch of Miller geniuine draft with high end positioning of mainstream market. Launch of Peroni Nastro Azzurro. EFFECT Dominating the South African Market Leading match manufacture in South Africa Better market position Increase in sales Profitable production and distribution Capture of demographic market Competitive advantage on the world stage Improvised marketing, sales and distribution Annual report emphasized the importance broader portfolio in the companys corporate success. PEST ANALYSIS PEST analysis of an organization is an important part of strategic planning, as it looks at the external environment in which the firm operates. PEST analysis helps company to develop strategies. The factors taken into account are: Political Economic Social Technological Political Factors Under Political factors we have is the government rules and regulations on operations of a firm or company. For SABMiller the following factors apply: South African government regulations Crisis due to racism International dealing and trading restrictions Employment laws Economic Factors Economic factors include exchange rate, taxation, market growth trends, GDP, disposable income, inflation, production volume, etc In SABMillers case, the following apply: Volatility of the exchange rate in developing countries Economic growth in developing worlds Listing on LSTE Acquisition of Miller Brewing Company Sensible product pricing Production and distribution costs Resource and labor cost Labor unrest Social Factors Social factors include the demographic and cultural aspects, health and living standards, population shifts and so on. In case of SABMiller Change in consumption pattern Attachment to locally brewed beer Consumers becoming heath conscious Class structure Technological Factors Technological factors include new invention, improvised tools and techniques, communication etc. It can lower barriers to entry, can lower down minimum efficient production levels, and influence outsourcing decisions. In SABMillers case are as follows: Research and development World class Automation in developing countries Production and distribution expertise Technology improvements QA 1. Identify the corporate logics that SABMiller have adopted over the course of the case. As discussed above SABMiller has adapted various strategies in order to be a leading brewer, they are: Dealing with political rules and regulations Acquisitions and merger on a global scale Broader portfolio Business in developing economies e.g. China, India Repositioning and re-launching of products Buying controlling stakes in newly privatized brewery 2. Strategy a. Explain the strategic position that SAB finds itself in 2007. As described SABMiller has good strategic position apart from fierce competition by Anheuser-Busch. Dominating positions in South African and South American markets with good market share in Europe SAB has expanded globally especially in Central and Eastern Europe, China apart from Southern part of Africa. It has operations in over of 18 countries with 30 breweries, with capacity 30.5 million hectoliters capacity and 22 sorghum beer with 8.5 million hectoliter capacity thus can create major market in these countries. Though SABMiller lost the bid to acquire Harbin Brewery to Anheuser-Busch, it had competitive market in China with market growth by 6-8 percent per year. With wide portfolio, SABMiller was able to capture the demographic market. SAB was able to balance out loss in one country with profits in other countries. With growing economies in developing countries, there was increase in disposable income, which gave way for better market share and profits with attractive pricing. Even though SABMiller had a few problems with share price drop due to listing company in LSE and acquisition of Miller Brewing Company, stakeholders must have a firm belief in the SABMiller as it a FMCG company. The chance of losing share value is rare and with globalization of the company, the chances are high profitability and higher dividends to shareholders. Acquisition of the major breweries and winery has helped SAB in dominating as well as having monopoly in countries SABMiller had a strong and wide portfolio with launch of new products and attractive pricing, creating strong demographic market and flexibility in the system. SABMiller could use its world-class technology and operation expertise to develop market in continents and also SABMiller sends in both technical and distribution teams for inspection before it enters the market Africa Has around 99% market share in South Africa and dominates in the rest of Africa. Asia/E.Europe Has breweries is Asia pacific but with fierce competition and growth of market in India. Good market share in Russia, Romania, and Czeck Republic and with acquisition of Hungarys brewery Dreher which paved way for further developments in Europe. However, the future here remains uncertain until any major take over is carried out. Latin America Merger with Grupo Empresarial Bavaria 2nd largest brewer in South America consolidated SABMillers position. 4. Acquisition of Miller Brewing Company is the only major deal by SAB and becoming 2nd largest brewer, but has a tough time because of stiff competition by Anheuser-Busch. 5. SABMiller has a strong and diversified business with broad portfolio that will ultimately pay off as it creates a demographic market and flexibility in operations. 6. Joint venture with Grupo Empresarial Bavaria 2nd largest brewer in South America opened doors in Latin America, with lower investment and creating opportunities for itself 3. On the basis of your analysis, recommend the strategy that SAB should follow. In my opinion SABMiller must develop their markets is Asia i.e. in China, India, and Asia Pacific. Though the market remains volatile, the chances of profit making are high. SABMiller must look forward to acquire Harbin brewery in China, as the market growth rate is 6-8 percent per year. SABMiller must try acquiring majority stakes in Bavaria brewery, as there is growth in market. SABMiller can dominate the local market and develop excellent operations by acquiring breweries with low performance, but with dominating market share with its expertise in production, distribution operations.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Biogram Of Nathaniel Hawthorn, How His Life Relates To Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers
BIOGRAM      The man Nathaniel Hawthorne, an author of the nineteenth century, was born in 1804, in Salem, Massachusetts. It was there that he lived a poverty-stricken childhood without the financial support of a father, because he had passed away in 1808. Hawthorne was raised strictly Puritan, his great-grandfather had even been one of the judges in the Puritan witchcraft trials during the 1600s. This and Hawthorne’s destitute upbringing advanced his understanding of human nature and distress felt by social, religious, and economic inequities. Hawthorne was a private individual who fancied solitude with family friends. He was also very devoted to his craft of writing. Hawthorne observed the decay of Puritanism with opposition; believing that is was a man’s responsibility to pursue the highest truth and possessed a strong moral sense. These aspects of Hawthorne’s philosophy are what drove him to write about and even become a part of an experiment in social reform, in a utopian colony at Brook Farm. He believed that the Puritans’ obsession with original sin and their ironhandedness undermined instead of reinforced virtue. As a technician, Hawthorne’s style in literature was abundantly allegorical, using the characters and plot to acquire a connection and to show a moral lesson. His definition of romanticism was writing to show truths, which need not relate to history or reality. Human frailty and sorrow were the romantic topics, which Hawthorne focused on most, using them to finesse his characters and setting to exalt good and illustrate the horrors of immorality. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s experiences as a man, incite as a philosopher and skill as a technician can be seen when reading The Scarlet Letter.      The man, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s religious background, seclusion from society, and devotion to his craft can be related to his novel The Scarlet Letter. His religious upbringing as a Puritan is what gave him the knowledge to write about Boston’s Puritan society in his novel. Hawthorne’s great-grandfather, who one of the judges at the Puritan witchcraft trials, was like the magistrates of The Scarlet Letter that attempted to make a society that would be a â€Å"Utopia of human virtue and happiness†. A further parallel found between Hawthorne’s life and the novel is the element of seclusion found in each. Hawthorne secluded himself from society with his few family members and close friends. In the same way Hester Prynne was secluded from society in her â€Å"little, lonesome dwelling†that â€Å"stood on the shore, looking across a basin of the sea at the forest-covered hills toward the west†out of the circle of the to wn.
Marriage as Slavery in Middlemarch Essay -- Eliot Middlemarch Essays
Marriage as Slavery in Middlemarch One of George Eliot's challenges in Middlemarch is to depict a sexually desirous woman, Dorothea, within the confines of Victorian literary propriety. The critic, Abigail Rischin, identifies the moment that Dorothea's future husband, Ladislaw, and his painter-friend see her alongside an ancient, partially nude statue of the mythic heroine, Ariadne, in a museum in Rome as the key to Eliot's sexualization of this character. Ariadne is, in the sculpture, between her two lovers. Theseus, whom she helped to escape from her father's labyrinth in Crete has already left her, while the jubilant God, Bacchus, her next lover, has yet to arrive. "By invoking the silent visual rhetoric of ancient sculpture," writes Rischin, "George Eliot is able to represent the erotic female body far more explicitly than Victorian conventions of... language would permit... By juxtaposing the statue with Dorothea, Eliot displays Dorothea's erotic potential." Here, Eliot uses an allusion to another typ e of narrative to fully illustrate her own heroine, and empower her with emotions that Victorian women were not supposed to possess.  Later, Eliot, the novel's omnicient narrator, uses a parabol to explain her theory of perspectivism. She compares the self-centered characters of her creation to candels, who all see "concentric" patterns of events ("scratches," in the parabol) develop around themselves because their vision ("light") only extends so far in every direction; not because, as they think, events revolve around them (ch 27). J. Hillis Miller, in "Optic and Semiotic in 'Middlemarch,'" explains the etymolgy of the word "parable," a word which Eliot herself uses in the midst of telling i... ...e institutionalized. --May West  Bibliography Bogdanor, Vernon, The People and the Party System, London: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Eagleton, Terry, "George Eliot: Ideology and Literary Form," in Middlemarch: New Casebooks, Ed. John Peck. Eliot, George, Middlemarch, Great Britain: Penguin, 1994. Graner, Suzanne, "Organic Fictions," in in Middlemarch: New Casebooks, Ed. John Peck. Miller, J. Hillis, "Narrative and History," in ELH (English Literary History), vol. 41 (1974). pp. 455-473. Miller, J. Hillis, "Optic and Semiotic in Middlemarch," in Middlemarch: New Casebooks, Ed. John Peck. Morgan, Kenneth O. (Ed.), The Oxford Popular History of Britain, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 1993. Rischin, Abigail S., "Ekphrasis, Narrative and Desire in Middlemarch," in PMLA, vol. 111. pp. 1121-1132. Â
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Expository on Love Essay -- Expository Essays
Love! Not For Everyone Poets and philosophers for centuries have been trying to answer the question, what is love? Love has an infinite number of definitions, which vary from one person to another. Love cannot be measured by any physical means. One may never know what true love is until love it- self has been experienced. What is love? A four letter word that causes a person to behave in a way that is out of character. What is love? A first kiss, childhood crushes on a teacher or friend’s mom. What is love? A choice that people make by putting their partner’s wishes, desires and needs above everything else. What is love? The act of forgiveness, the infatuation with someone, the communication between two people. What is love? A friendship that turned into a lifelong commitment, that special someone who has vowed to spend the rest of their lives to honor and protect, to love each other â€Å"till death do you part.†When in love nothing else in the world matters. According to the online Encarta Dictionary love is the passionate feeling of romantic and sexual desire and longing for somebody. Poets and philosophers may never know what love really is, and we may never truly understand the question what is love. Love is like a rose that blossoms into great beauty. Love starts with a seed that has been carefully planted in the garden. Love is much like when meeting someone for the first time. Getting to know each other is just our roots planting firmly in the ground. With each day love is growing stronger and stronger. In the poem by Ezra Pound, â€Å"The River Merchant’s Wife: A Letter†the wife married at fourteen and by the time she was sixteen her love had grown so much that she longed for her beloved husband to come home. The speaker tel... ...ove is, we do know how to show love and share love with others. People have the ability to love, which makes the human race on the top of the food chain. All other species cannot or does not show love in the way that human beings do. What is love? Love is what people want it to be. â€Æ' Works Cited Hemingway, Ernst. â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†. Ninth Edition. Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, Kelly J. Mays. New York: W. W. Norton, 2005. 132-135. Pound, Erza. â€Å"The River Merchant’s Wife: A Letter†. Ninth Edition. Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, Kelly J. Mays. New York: W. W. Norton, 2005. 815. Ramsey, Jarold. â€Å"The Tally Stick†. Ninth Edition. Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, Kelly J. Mays. New York: W. W. Norton, 2005. 812. Snodgrass, W. D. â€Å"Leaving the Motel†. Ninth Edition. Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, Kelly J. Mays. New York: W. W. Norton, 2005. 836-837.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Mexican View Point on the War with the United States
A Mexican View Point on the War With the United States Introduction Jesus Velasco-Marquez wrote â€Å"A Mexican View Point on the War With the United States†sometime around 1991. He wrote to share how the Mexicans felt about the U. S-Mexican War. Mexico was only reacting to the United States government taking what was rightfully theirs. Body The U. S- Mexican War has two very different stories depending on whom you ask. The war officially started when the president of the United States at the time (James K. Polk) sent troops to the region between Rio Grande and Nueces River, Texans believed that its border was the Rio Grande.Mexicans did not acknowledge the Rio Grande as the border; they believed it was the Nueces River. The troops thought they were on Texan soil. Mexicans thought that the Americans had invaded their soil. So Mexican troops attacked The American troops, which gives birth to the widely conceived rumor of the Mexicans killed Americans on American territory. Jes us thought it was important to point out that this was not entirely true because the land was rightfully the Mexicans and they truly believed they were just defending their land.It was important to him to tell how the Mexicans were not just attacking American soldiers in cold blood. Even though there was a peace treaty wrote up before the fighting began Mexico did not consider it much of a compromise. They would lose all of Texas, Oregon and California. From the Mexican view point it looked like that had no choice but to fight the matter out. If they did not stand up for themselves they would look like a weak country. It seemed to them that the Americans were not treating them fairly. So, they started taking action. Which ended in an all out war.Marquez wrote his article with many valid points concerning the war and the Mexican viewpoint. I believe that it was a little hard to understand. Although it did have all the points well organized. One thing that Jesus thought was important to learn from his article was Mexico was simply defending its national security. Also he thought it was important to let the reader know that Mexico was not being arrogant, just responding to the American governments actions. He wanted others to know that the Mexican government was somewhat unstable at the time.If any leader tried to come to an agreement with the Americans and someone else didn’t like that decision that person would be overthrown. â€Å"Most people in Mexico believed the use of arms was the only option available to defend their rights and territorial integrity. †I think that this is an important quote from the text. It shows the view of most Mexicans at the time. They were not being irresponsible by fighting but just standing up for what they believed was right. In the American Pageant the Mexican-American War is mentioned in chapter 17.One subtitle is Misunderstandings with Mexico; the war is described as a result of the president’s want for m anifest destiny. Another subtitle describing the war is American Blood on American (? ) Soil, which describes the confusion there was over the Rio Grande River and Nuece River being boundaries. /the page numbers are 368-373. Conclusion Before reading Jesus Velasco-Marquez article I knew nothing of the Mexican-American War. After reading the article I am much more informed about the war in general. Also I know have a greater understanding of the challengers the Mexicans faced during this war.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Devil in the White City Book Summary Essay
The Devil in the White City, written by Eric Larson, is a gripping novel of two polar opposite men during the building of the World’s Fair in Chicago. It surrounds two characters, both extremely talented at their ‘craft’ and perfectly depicts the rush for industrialization in this time. It follows the lives of Daniel H. Burnham, the fair’s brilliant director of works and the builder of many of the country’s most important structures, and Henry H. Holmes, a serial killer who built a hotel turned torture chamber complete with a dissection table, gas chamber, and crematorium. This story is so interesting because it details true life events and uses real life characters such as Susan B. Anthony, Thomas Edison, and Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Meshing these two characters together enhances the intensity of the story and truly shows the effect of the building of the World’s Fair on Chicago in late 1880 and early 1890. The book begins in 1890, when Chicago is a candidate to hold the World’s Fair, or the World’s Columbian Exposition, meant to commemorate Columus’ arriving in America. Daniel Burnham was responsible for building the White City. He overcame multiple crushing obstacles and personal tragedies to make the Fair the magical, awe-inspiring event that it was. He brought together some of the greatest architects of the Gilded Age such as Charles McKim, George Post, Richard Hunt, Frederick Law Olmsted, and others, and convinced them of the importance of the Fair. Burnham somehow got them to work together to achieve what many considered to be an impossible project in an astonishingly short amount of time. The result of their strenuous hard work ended in a beautiful even that brought almost 40 million people to the city of Chicago and transformed the shoreline of Chicago forever. A few miles away, in the suburb of Englewood, a different kind of story was unfolding. Dr. H. H. Holmes had built a boarding house turned torture chamber on one full city block. Holmes was described as a handsome, blue-eyed charmer who had away with women. He would seduce, mesmerize, and intrigue them, all the way up until the pint at where he killed them. He had many ways of torture and death, such as smothering them with ether-soaked rags, of locking them in an air tight chamber and releasing poisonous gas into them. After killing his victims, Holmes would often dissect them; removing their skin, selling their skeletons to be used in medical school. He truly was the worst victim, due to his sociopathic mind that prayed on the vulnerable and found a certain unexplainable joy in the art of killing.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
There is no simple or single entity which we can call aggression
There is no simple or single entity which we can call aggression†aggression a term simultaneously shared & perceived with violence in general views. However, the two terms are diverse in their respective aspects, even though integral to each other. Violence may be the result of aggression in many cases.Aggression cannot be explained as a simple psychological or emotional state. It is a complex state of mind that might be the result of many things. A number of researches have been conducted in this field to study the human nature & thus prepare an explanation regarding such human behaviors.The definition of aggression as stated by Buss is, â€Å"a response that delivers noxious stimuli to another organism.†[Critical Social Psychology: An Introduction] There are various misunderstandings regarding aggression, even in these modern times, the exact reason is not known, however tests & researches are constantly going on to find the answers as to how & why aggression is trig gered & why it differs person to person.The book Critical Social Psychology mentions two types of aggression:Affective aggression, comprising of strong emotional states & often resulting in injuring someone. Instrumental aggression is usually followed by or accelerated in order to attain some desires. Mostly the feeling is conjured by the stress & problems an individual counters in his or her life. Often the social issues in our society disrupts an otherwise normal life of a person, being accepted in the society is considered to be very important & people tend to do things just to fit in with the others.This example is widely present in adolescents; a student gets emotionally & psychologically disturbed if he or she is not being accepted among their school mates, this feeling arouses desperation which provokes them to perform activities due to peer pressure. Extreme anxiety may lead to aggression which might induce an individual to get violent in order to get prominent or to take re venge. Young people today watch movies & TV programs that are centered on violence like wrestling. It is common conjecture that media is responsible for the increased percentage of aggression in humans. The comics, cartoons, various TV shows designed for children are full of violence & may elicit aggression in young minds.Not only fiction but real life today depicts hostility, deferentially covered by the modern news channels. This perception mentioned in [The Media: An Introduction] also confer various effects like the tendency of children to imitate what they observe, not having the knowledge to decide between wrong & right. Bandura's experiment declared that 88% children imitate the violence they witness on TV.It is also derived that aggression might be learned as well as controlled, by examining the experiment, with young children exposed to adult hostility towards an object & later rewarded or punished for their activities, it was noted that the children tend to indulge in t he behavior for which they witnessed the adults to be rewarded for.The same intense emotion is eminent in adults for example while watching a sports program, the audience tend to get hyper active while supporting their favorite team; like on 11 October 97, the final qualifying football match between England & Italy which ended in a tie; conversely the newspaper & the TV channels highlighted the crowd hostility that took place during the match instead of the result, followed by contemplation concerning the issue. [Sociology, 1998]Not every mind is alike hence the same message is perceived in different ways by different minds. While one person may realize that the violence being shown is negative & should be avoided, another might get inspired from it. Social norms & conflicts affect individuals drastically; the wars around the world & other issues might induce negative mind-set in people hence resulting in aggression.There are many misconceptions regarding aggression, since it is a c omplex condition & cannot be summed up easily, hence it is vital to consider the social & physiological conditions of each individual to come up with a proper explanation. Violence & aggression are interrelated & maybe used as a means of internal sub control [Social Psychology: Conflicts & Continuities] especially when today our society is divided among different races & religions.Every individual considers him to be the righteous one & reacts strongly when verbally or physically challenged. In various cultures, aggression is employed either individually or in group to produce or stop social change in a society. In order to understand the reasons behind this atrocity, it is important to learn what aggression really is, only then we would truly understand the causes & the various possibilities. [From Animosity to Atrocity]The world which we live in today is labeled as a modern world, nevertheless, the irrationality of the violence & riots in cultures. Even today one finds the news of children tortured physically & mentally by parents or teachers & questions his mind whether we are living in the 21st century.The human mind is a difficult chapter to study; psychologists come up with various explanations regarding the aggressive nature of mankind but fail to answer the new questions that arise as a result of that theory. A normal individual today is faced to so much violent behavior that he initially gets used to it & then ignores it.Nobody can answer what goes on in a murderers mind when he or she kills some one, or targets someone with brutal physical or verbal conduct. Researches by previous psychologists were usually based on a number of false assumptions like the works of Freud, Lorenz & Wilson which was later rejected, claimed that aggression was a natural instinct in humans like animals.The fact was also rejected that aggression occurred as a result of biological reasons. However it is accepted that the extreme feeling might evolve due to historical, social or cultural circumstances. [Critical Social Psychology: An Introduction]
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Biological and Humanistic Theories Essay
Two important personality theories are the biological theory and the humanistic theory. The biological theory is based on the premise that all people inherit their characteristics from their family. This theory basically contends that people do not have control over their behaviors because they are genetically pre-determined. The humanistic theory, on the other hand, is based on the premise that each person has free will to control their actions. This theory does not go along with the idea that behaviors are pre-determined by genetics, but chosen by the individual. These two theories have created debates between psychologists for many yearsHans j. Eysenck, Ph.D., D.Sc., who developed the biological theory, is one of the world’s most cited psychologist. He is a pioneer in the use of behavior therapy as well as research in personality theory and measurements. The biological theory has to do with his findings that individual differences in personality are biology based. This was based on his theory that there are three dimensions of personality (super factors). These dimensions of personality were extraversion-introversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism. Eysenck also went a step farther in pointing out the results of many studies indicating that genetics play an important role in deciding the amounts of which of the three personality dimensions one might possess. I agree with this theory because even most psychologists will admit that it is getting increasingly harder to ignore the obvious link between our genetic makeup and certain inherited behaviors. I disagree with this theory because it is difficult to test in actual experiments. Another reason I disagree with this theory is that while genetics play a role in certain behaviors, it does not excuse or justify certain actions. Lastly, this theory offers us very little in the area of personality change. Biological and Humanistics 3In humanistic theory, the motivation for developing one’s full learning potential is inherent in each of us. Although there is no real definition for the humanistic theory, the four primary humanistic categories are personal responsibility, the here and now, the phenomenology of the individual, and personal growth. This theory is unlike the biological theory, in that it believes that all of us are born with the ability to shape our own futures and are limited only by our physical limitations. The here and now is just exactly what it sounds like. It reminds us that we should live for the present and not get caught up in the past. This has the tendency to limit what we may become and leave us short of our personal goals and or objectives. The phenomenology of the individual deals with the concept that no one knows you as an individual better than you. It is ludicrous to think that some doctor could have any clue as to what to advise after only hear ing your problem a few moments earlier. This could mean that we need to communicate our problems to someone from time to time, but one will eventually come to his or her own conclusion after careful reflection. The last category is Personal Growth. This process has to do with becoming a fully functioning individual achieving personal satisfaction. All of us strive to meet our immediate needs. This process states that once our immediate needs are met if left alone we continue to strive toward this ultimate satisfying state of being. I agree with this theory because one cannot argue the fact that each individual has control over the decisions that they make. I disagree with this theory because much of it cannot be tested in a scientific atmosphere. A large portion of this theory relies on the concept of free will, which is not observable or predictable. Another thing that I disagree with is that in some instances a person may not be able to control some of their behaviorsBiological and Humanistic 4because of genetics. Cancer and heart disease run in families, so why wouldn’t depression or drug dependency. Abraham Maslow, considered the Father of Humanism, was an American psychologist best known for his publication †A Theory of Human Motivation †in which he presented his theory the hierarchy of human needs. This Hierarchy of Needs can be used to explain human behaviors and emotions associated with potential. Maslow’s Hierarchy may show that fulfillment of potential is linked to a pre-fulfillment of all needs that may distract an individual from achieving self-actualization. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a very compelling theory due to the fact that most discussions of people’s needs in the realm of effort usually begin with a basic understanding of Maslow’s premise. The central thesis of his theory is that human needs are organized in a hierarchy of five levels of basic needs. These needs include physiological needs, safety needs, needs of love, affection, and belongingness, needs for esteem, and the needs for self-actualization. Even though there are needs which sit at a higher level than these basic needs, the person does not feel the second needs until the demands of the first have been satisfied, nor the third until the second has been satisfied, and so on. Between these two theories, I believe that humanistic best describes my personality. My father was a severe alcoholic and died at the age of 53. His alcoholism destroyed my parent’s marriage and many other relationships in his life. By watching the effects of this detrimental behavior, I decided a long time ago that I would not go down the same path, especially since alcoholism might b genetic. By choosing not to engage inBiological and Humanistic 5this behavior, I have demonstrated free will of choice and motivation to change what may have been pre-determined. In conclusion I feel that both these theories possess credibility, but personally I think that I would take certain aspects from both theories to create something of a collage theory. I cannot believe that we have no control over our behaviors, but at the same time it is hard to argue that genetic predisposition does not influence our personalities. References Burger, Jerry M. (2008). Personality (7th edition). Retrieved December 3, 2008 fromEsource.
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