Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Discrimination Model of Supervision Essay
School counseling is a complex and demanding component of the counseling profession. With an increase of social and emotional stressors, children and youth of today face numerous challenges. These challenges ultimately affect children in school. With an increase of suicides, drug abuse, gang involvement, and violence amongst youth, a high demand for school counseling supervision is needed (Henderson, 1994). Parents and teachers often turn to school counselors for guidance in helping troubled youth. Effective supervision is a benefit for novice as well as experienced school counselors. However, there is a lack of supervision in school counseling in comparison to clinical counseling (Wood & Rayle, 2006). Duties of school counselors have increasingly become much more vast due to cost reduction in education, retirement, increase in student enrollment, and an increase in societal issues such as the economic recession. Many novice and experienced school counselors are facing many more problems in the schools today than ever before. The lack of qualified supervision provided to school counselors force those in the profession to rely on self judgment, consultation, and having ethical knowledge about certain situations that may arise (Henderson, 1994). A study conducted by Wiggins (1993) found â€Å"more than 28% of the total group of experienced counselor participants were independently rated as low in effectiveness, 10 years previously, they were still rated in that manner and still employed as counselors†(p. 382). This study reinforced the urgency in the need for supervision for school counselors. If an effective supervision model was put in place, surely after 10 years, an improvement in performance by these experienced counselors would have been documented. According Herlihy and Corey (1996), the ACA Code of Ethics stated school counselors have a responsibility to monitor their effectiveness, seeking supervision when appropriate. Despite this mandate, an enormous majority of professional school counselors are not involved in any clinical supervision once they are employed as a school counselor. Luke and Bernard (2006) proposed â€Å"using a 3 (focus of supervision) x 3 (supervisor role) x 4 (CSCP domain) matrix for an effective school counseling supervision model which is described as an extension of Bernard’s (1979, 1997) Discrimination Model†(p. 283). The discrimination model was initially created as a teaching model for use with apprentice supervisors. It is a theoretical model and is based on technical eclecticism. The discrimination model focuses on three separate foci of the supervisee’s competence: intervention skills; conceptualization skills; and personalization skills. Three supervisory roles are also a focus: teacher, counselor and consultant (Ladany & Bradley, 2010). The school counselor model of supervision with the discrimination model is the chosen model employed for my school counselor supervision practice. Intervention, conceptualization, and personalization skills are the three identified areas of focus (Ladany & Bradley, 2010). Intervention skills are the observable counselor behaviors and activities that the supervisee utilizes in the counseling relationship. Such skills are described as everything from a simple head nod, greeting of the client, to how the supervisee utilizes empathy and other counseling skills. The next area of focus, conceptualization skills include the counselor’s ability to choose an appropriate intervention, to make sense of what a client is presenting, to find and organize client themes, and to establish process and outcome goals. Finally, personalization skills are observed by the supervisor and focus on the individuality of the supervisee. Personalization skills include the personal style and chosen theoretical approach to counseling by the trainee, which includes personality, cultural background, countertransference, and the connection with clients served (Ladany & Bradley, 2010). Although some conceptualization and personalization skills may be observed directly, they are more often interpreted by the supervisor and initially require discourse between counselor and supervisor to become clear (Luke & Bernard, 2006). The supervisor’s roles consist of three areas of focal point. They include that of a teacher, counselor, and consultant. The role of a teacher by the supervisor includes the supervisor providing instruction, modeling, giving feedback, and conducting evaluation to assist the trainee in developing growth (Ladany & Bradley, 2010). The supervisor employing the role of a counselor involves the supervisor asking supervisees to reflect on an activity, on their thoughts, or on their internal reality. When supervisors adopt this role, they are not telling supervisees how to proceed; rather, they are assisting the supervisee to take advantage of a critical moment for reflection (Luke & Bernard, 2006). Lastly the supervisor serves as a consultant. In this role the supervisor and supervisee collaborate and share responsibility for the supervisee’s growth. The supervisor acts as a resource and encourages the supervisee to trust their own thoughts, insights, and feelings in their work (Luke & Bernard, 2006). The extension of the discrimination model to better adapt to the needs of school counseling supervision incorporates four domains: large group guidance; responsive counseling and consultation; individual advisement; and programmatic planning, coordination, and evaluation, also known as systems support (Gysbers & Henderson, 2001). These four domains are identified by the American School Counselor Association as the key components of an effective comprehensive school counseling program. Implementation of the discrimination model of supervision begins with the incorporation of the four domains of the comprehensive school counseling program. First, the supervisor identifies which of the four domains or a combination of domains will be the focus of supervision. When examining the three major areas of focus of the discrimination model, an additional set of skills are reviewed as it relates to intervention, conceptualization, and personalization skills (Luke & Bernard, 2006). When observing the use of intervention skills in counseling and consultation; classroom guidance skills, conduction of a needs assessment, and the ability to coordinate initiatives for staff would be additional focus during supervision. Similarly, conceptualization skills would include the supervisee’s understanding of the relationship among various activities conducted by school counselors, planning a school wide function, deciding which components would be most helpful for a career day, developing a plan for evaluation of services, and choosing a developmentally appropriate classroom intervention. Finally, supervisee personalization skills would include how novice school counselors conduct themselves in a variety of contexts that is not limited to just individual counseling, such as leading large groups and asserting themselves in advocacy situations (Luke & Bernard, 2006). The implementation of the discrimination model of supervision in a school setting for novice school counselors mirrors the same frame work that is used for supervising clinical work but extends the focus of supervision to include the intervention, conceptualization, and personalization skills that relate directly to the four dimensions of a successful comprehensive school counseling program. Supervisors’ roles also expand using the discrimination model of supervision in school counseling. Supervisors use the four dimensions of the comprehensive school counseling program to assist with the development in particular skills not only in counseling interventions but also in advising sessions and negotiations with parents and school administrators. Supervisors assist supervisees in reflections and feelings about district-sponsored mandated programs and how these thoughts and feelings impact their performance (Luke & Bernard, 2006). Supervisors utilize all roles as teacher, counselor, and consultant and may need to change focus depending on the intervention and skills being developed. In conclusion, this extension of the discrimination model of supervision for school counselors prove to provide beneficial guidance and assistance to novice school counselor professionals. This model of supervision helps to combine the counseling and therapy focus seen mostly in clinical supervision with the requirements of school counseling skills needed to operate an effective comprehensive school counseling program. References Gysbers, N. & Henderson, P. (2001). Comprehensive guidance and counseling programs: A rich history and a bright future. Professional School Counseling, 4, 246-256. Henderson, P. (1994). Supervision of school counselors. ERIC Digest. Retrieved from ERIC Database. (ED372353). Herlihy, B. & Corey, G. (1996). ACA ethical standards casebook 5th ed. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association. Ladany, N. & Bradley, L. (2010). Counselor supervision 4th ed. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Luke, M. & Bernard, J. (2006). The school counseling supervision model: An extension of the discrimination model. Counselor Education and Supervision, 46(4), 282-295. Wiggins, J. D. (1993). A 10-year follow-up of counselors rated high, average, or low in effectiveness. The School Counselor, 40, 380-383. Wood, C. & Rayle, A. (2006). A model of school counseling supervision: The goals, functions, roles, and systems model. Counselor Education & Supervision, 45(4), 253-266.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
A Day in the Life of a Dog
The room felt airy as I woke up in my bed with my duvet wrapped around me. The atmosphere seemed damp and dull; perhaps my Central heating was on the blink again. I stretched and rose from the warm comfort of my bed and slide of my fluffy purple slippers and slowly, shivering walked over to my wardrobe and opened the creaking door and put on my cold but yet soft dressing gown. The radiator was rumbling and as I touched it my hand went numb with the coldness, it wasn't working again. As I turned away from the radiator and headed towards the door to check my thermostat, I tripped up on a book that was on the floor and it my head on the side of my desk. I began to tremble and shake and I had a numb feeling and images of all kinds of dogs in all shapes and sizes, eating, sleeping, and barking appeared in my head. I was scared infact terrified, Why did I have visions of dogs? Why was I imagining myself as a dog? After what seemed like ages, I tried to pick myself up off the carpet, I couldn't. I suddenly realised that I wasn't human anymore. I had four legs, a soft fur coat and I couldn't talk, all I could do was yap and bark. I was frightened. I nervously took a step and my paws pounded to the floor. Why was I a dog? How was I going to cope? What would my family think? I felt odd but I knew that underneath this fur coat and dumb looking face I was still the same person I had been before I turned into a dog. I shook my coat and cleaned it. It was quite an exciting but yet terrifying experience. My sense of smell had grown stronger. I could smell the stench of sweaty socks. I plodded out of my cold bedroom and down the stairs. My paws were cold because the carpet was damp. As I entered the bathroom I saw my reflection in the mirror, it horrified me. I was a little black dog with long, curly haired ears, short stocky legs, a plump elly, deep dark eyes that sparkled in the sunlight and a wet black nose. I was quite pleased with the way I looked, so off I trotted round the house. My tongue was hanging out of my mouth and I was breathing heavily because I was in need of a drink. It was scary because how was I going to adapt to life as a dog. I didn't know how I was going to get a drink or food. The house smelt of curry and garlic from my tea the night before and cigarette smoke lingered in the air. Flowers in the hall made me sneeze. I jumped up onto the settee and looked outside, how I longed for a rink and something to eat. I could feel a breeze coming from the conservatory, the draft was sending chills down my back and my little black hairs were standing on edge. As I wandered into the conservatory I realised the lower window was open at a jar, so I stood back and remembered what I'd seen other dogs do and decided to try leaping, but as I ran and leaped I crashed into the wall. My nose hit the wall and my back legs collapsed beneath me. I lifted my belly and legs off the floor and gave it another go, this time succeeding. I landed on a wet, paved path that wasn't soft on my ensitive paws. I wasn't use to my strong sense of smell and my sensitive fur coat. Dozens of smells hit me. I could smell different types of food, cats, other dogs, birds and human smells. I drank murky water from the path. It was cold and tasted of chlorine. Leaves rustled underneath my feet. I wanted to explore because I didn't know how long I was going to stay as a dog. Firstly though I needed some food. I remembered my little sister putting some nuts and stale bread out for the birds about two or three days ago. I hooked onto the scent that led me to the greenhouse and here it was stale but now soggy bread and a few crumpled nuts. I bolted that down and ran off to the front gate, which was open. Out I wandered onto the pavement. I could hear lots of noises, children screaming, the traffic zooming by and the wind howling round my body. I could smell other dogs and the horrible shabby cat that lived next door; it had one bad eye that use to stare and weep. I wandered off in the direction of the park, passing lots of children whose feet pounded past my body. Some stopped to pat me, roughly grabbing at my coat and others pointed. Was I really that fascinating? I must have looked like a rough, homeless dog that smelt of nasty uncleanliness smells but I didn't care I just wanted to explore. I wandered out in front of traffic which swerved to dodge me and people were cursing at me but I acted all innocently after all to them I was some dumb dog that didn't understand them. As I got closer to the park I could hear other dogs barking and their owners shouting their names. I had no one to look out for me, no ball to play with, no treats to have when I had obeyed them and no one to love me. So I wandered about the park aimlessly sniffing at the other ogs around me, rubbing at their owners legs in the hope that they'd give me some food or affection. After chasing other dogs balls and getting shouted at off their owners I headed for the duck pond. As I drew nearer I could hear all the ducks quacking and I could smell the fishy scent. I got so excited I jumped into the duck pond and tried to catch the ducks but they started flapping their wings and quacking loudly and swam off faster than I could catch them. I felt soggy and wet and on my coat a horrible ponging smell leached. I got out of the pond and shook my coat. I was trembling now with oldness. Mud stuck to my paws, I could feel leaves sticking to my wet smelling coat and I probably looked like a disowned badly behaved dog, well infact I was one, so I decided to head home. I picked up my home scent half way back up the road and followed it to my front door and suddenly there was a shout and a bang and I turned over and realised I had just been dreaming and my little sister had just woke me up. I tried to settle back down in my bed and go back to my dream but it was no use, it had gone. It hadn't been real, it was a dream and not a reality but I was keeping that experience to myself!
Monday, July 29, 2019
Cancer Essay The problem is cancer. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world and my interest in the subject is simple. My mother is the most resilient person I have ever met. Any time I need any kind of inspiration, I need only to think of her. When she was eighteen she was diagnosed with Hodgkins disease. The doctors gave her a less than thirty percent chance of living. Since then she has had cancer three other times. Breast cancer twice in 85 and 90, and most recently, colon cancer two summers ago. She has had many different treatments including chemo and radiation therapy as well as surgery to remove lumps in both breasts and her colon. What is cancer? There are more than 100 different types of cancer. It occurs when cells become abnormal and divide without control or order. Normally, cells divide in an orderly way to produce more cells only when the body needs them. If cells keep dividing when new cells are not needed, a mass of tissue forms. This mass of extra tissue, called a growth or tumor, can be benign or malignant. (National Institute of Health) Benign tumors are not cancer. They do not invade nearby tissue or spread to other parts of the body. Benign tumors usually can be removed and are seldom a threat to life. Malignant tumors are cancer. They can invade and damage nearby tissues and organs. Cancer can also break away from a malignant tumor and enter the bloodstream and lymphatic system. Through the lymphatic system is one of cancers best modes of transport for spreading to form new tumors in other parts of the body. The spread of cancer is called metastasis. Malignant tumors must be treated or will be fa tal. There are many treatments for cancer. Among these are radiation, chemotherapy, surgery and the rapidly growing field of genetic therapy. It was discovered that when radioactive waves were directed on human cells, the cells would be destroyed. The idea of using this technology on cancer was a good one but was unsuccessful at first due to the damage caused to surrounding tissues. Then the analogy drawn from a simple story gave insight on how to focus the rays on the cancer and not harm the surrounding tissues and organs. The story goes like this. A small country was ruled from a strong fortress by a dictator. The fortress was situated in the middle of the country, surrounded by farms and villages. Many roads led to the fortress through the countryside. A rebel general vowed to capture the fortress. The general knew that an attack by his entire army would capture the fortress. He gathered his army at the head of one of the roads, ready to launch a full-scale direct attack. However, the general then learned that the dictator had planted mines on each of the roads. The mines were set so that small bodies of men could pass over them safely, since the dictator needed to move his troops and workers to and from the fortress. However, any large force would detonate the mines. Not only would this blow up the road, but it would also destroy many neighboring villages. It therefore seemed impossible to capture the fortress. However, the general devised a simple plan. He divided his army into small groups and dispatched each group to the head of a different road. When all were ready he gave the signal and each group marched down a different road. Each group continued down its road to the fortress so that the entire army arrived together at the fortress at the same time. In this way, the general was able to capture the fortress and overthrow the dictator. READ: Picasso Persuasive EssayThis simple story was the basis for intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). This is a technique used to treat cancerous tumors on which a removal operation could not be performed. Interesting dose distributions generated by IMRT allow a better sparing of normal tissues with decreased acute and late toxicity, and offer a window for further dose escalations. (De Neve W; Claus F; Van Houtte P; Derycke S; De Wagter C) In order to get a radiation beam of high enough intensity to hit
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Marketing of service products Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Marketing of service products - Essay Example In his book Marketing Management, Philip Kotler (2000), mentioned that 21st century marketing is marked by companies that managed to're-design' all the rules of marketing. In exchange of spending thousands of dollars on expensive market research, those companies took advantage of all their limited resources, producing near to their customers' locations and creating more solutions that are satisfying their customers. "They built customer's clubs, engage in creative public relations, and focus on efforts to produce high quality products and win-over customer's long term loyalty", said Kotler. Those companies have proven that marketing is an ever-developing science, and it has a very important role on deciding the faith of a company There are several definitions of marketing but we can divide them into two important segments, which are social and managerial definition. According to the social definition, marketing is designed to provide customers with products and services they required, thus, several marketers believed that marketing is simply a way of increasing the quality of life. On the other hand, Peter Drucker, as representative of the managerial perspective stated that sales are not the end goal of a marketing process. He stated that the goal of marketing is "to have an understanding of the consumer in such a kind that products meet consumers' needs and sell themselves" (Kotler, 2000). Within this short elaboration, our goal is to describe techniques of marketing services and present a real example of application in a real company. There are several definitions of the core difference between products and services. However, most will focus on the fact that products can be seen and touched prior to purchase, while services cannot. Another obvious difference is the idea that most services require the consumer to be present when the service is performed while products do not. An example is buying a pair of shoes compared to purchasing a hair cut. Nevertheless, many outcome of a company cannot be differentiated as products or services. According to Philip Kotler, the
Argumentative research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Argumentative research paper - Essay Example Another negative effect of cyberbullying is that it causes emotional damage to the victims, pushing many of them to commit suicide. The suicide rates among teenagers alone as a result of cyberbullying has increased drastically over the years. This shows how cyberbullying crimes are not confined to the virtual world, but can spread out to reality. Finally, one of the major problems with cyberbullying is that the bullies do not recognize that cyberbullying is wrong, unaware of the seriousness due to a lack of face-to-face interaction. Since people do not recognize the dangers of cyberbullying, many people have become bullies simply because they know they won’t get caught. However, some people believe that cyberworld is just virtual reality, and that cyberbullying does not affect reality. This attitude makes it difficult to put an end to cyberbullying, which can bring crime to the real world. As such, cyberbullying should be treated seriously and be punishable by law. One of the most common forms of cyberbullying is an invasion of privacy, which is more commonly known as identity theft. When bullies on the Internet obtain the social security and credit card numbers of their victims, they use this information to purchase expensive items that the bullies get to enjoy but the victims have to pay for (Stickley 147). As a result of identity theft, the victims not only lose money, but their credit is damaged, making it hard for the victim to make purchases for themselves in the future. Since identity theft is a tough crime to solve, many of the bullies get away with their misdeeds. Invasion of privacy reveals how cyberbullying is not a victimless crime, which is a concept that those who engage in cyberbullying seem unaware of. The damage being done may be accomplished by means of a computer and the Internet, but people in the real world are affected by their actions. There have also been some instances of privacy invasion in which the phone numbers and addresses obtained by these bullies were used to harass, stalk, and harm the victims in the real world (Bocij 76). When this happens, not only is the life of the victim placed in danger, but so are the lives of their friends and family. Cyberbullying that takes place over the Internet is a horrifying experience, the terror of which is intensified due to the anonymity of the bully. Not being able to see the face of one’s enemy, not knowing who is victimizing them, can be nerve-wrecking but there is little fear that something will occur beyond the Internet. However, when this danger seeps into the real world and the cyberbullies have access to their victims outside of the Internet, the horror becomes more pronounced, and the victims risk losing more than just money or their credit score, but their lives. Cyberbullying is also not limited to monetary and potentially physical damage, but to emotional damage as well. As further proof that cyberbullying is indeed a victim-centered crime, the individuals who find themselves on the receiving end of attacks of cyberbullying risk severe emotional distress. When the bullying is taken too far, many victims feel that they cannot handle the abuse, even
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Persuasion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Persuasion - Research Paper Example â€Å"Ethical behavior is very significance and important in the society (Johannesen, 2007).†In this paper we will explore the internal and external factors that influence behavior use of deception-Manipulation Theory, Four Factor Model, and Interpersonal Deception Theory. The paper also discusses how visual images, iconic images, music and aroma effect persuasion; Subliminal Messages VS. Supraliminal Messages, Backward Masking, and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). Internal and External Factors that Influence Behavior Positive ethical behavior is expected in all careers and engagements in life. In our current society, people do not always do what is expected from them. Sometimes a person is aware that a given action will have negative consequences but still does it. In the society, it is something nice for every person to be responsible and do only what is right. This is the best way to maintain social responsibility and ethical conduct. At the same time, a person should no t be guided to act in a given manner. Such ethical behavior and act should be intrinsic and consistent with human ethical principles, values and moral obligations. The importance of this behavior is that the society will live in harmony and reduce a great deal of problems faced in it (Freeman & Stewart, 2006). With reference to research, it is clear that manipulation theory offers a way of examining at a distinctive part of the interpersonal communication procedure that deals with the manner through which information packages. It is worth noting that manipulation theory is more concerned with the substance of the deceptive messages, the situational substances that bring them about, the extent to which the recognition of that message affects awareness of the deception and the relational effects related with deceptive messages. Ethical behavior determines a person’s action and how it will influence the people around him. For any action, it is necessary to make sure the greatest gain is realized. This can be explained using the utilitarian theory, which is a major ethical theory. According to utilitarianism, an action is viewed ethical if it promotes the greatest or best consequence. The resultant consequence, according to the utilitarian theory, should maximize happiness (Johannesen, 2007). The argument of this ethical theory is that actions are only right if they will promote happiness and wrong if they produce the opposite of happiness. Any form of ethical behavior should therefore be aimed at maximizing happiness. With reference to the Four Factor Model, whenever people are telling lies, there are usually four fundamental mechanisms at work. Such mechanisms include arousal, behavior control, emotion, and thinking. To begin with is arousal. Lying results to arousal and anxiety. This occur either due to disagreement at conflicting behavior and value, or because of the fear of being caught. The second factor is behavior control. Human beings try to have p ower over body language that might give them away. In actual fact this is impossible and leakage frequently takes place, for instance where one is controlling his or her face and his legs give him away. Emotion: Human emotions usually change whenever lying (Freeman & Stewart, 2006). Thinking: to lie, we frequently have to think harder in order to guarantee coherence in our arguments. Research records that interpersonal deception theory explains the way through which people cope
Friday, July 26, 2019
Classical Greek Antiquity and Greek-Cypriot Identity Essay
Classical Greek Antiquity and Greek-Cypriot Identity - Essay Example Western societies are all indebted to ancient Greece. The Greeks were the primary nation to develop the concepts of opinionated independence and egalitarian government. It all started in Athens Greece. Because the Greeks esteemed superiority in style, they support the advancement of an assortment of aptitudes. For the Greeks, to direct a complete existence, a person should be able to talk about philosophy, be acquainted with mathematics, be glad about arts, take part in community dealings, and hang about high-quality physical shape. Simultaneously, The Greeks look forward to individuals exerting every effort in keeping with lofty principles of distinction. The Greeks had affirmations that human beings are apt to get done grand achievements in this physical universe. They set importance to restraint and temperance. The Greeks concept of superiority requires brainpower, effort, and strength of will. Greek poets and playwrights portray and expressed their great adherence to exceptional standards of bravery and honour. Poetry is an important part of Greek religious festive occasions. Dances and songs were presented as poems were chanted in chorus which eventually turned into plays. Subsequently, dramas were featured and staged by actors and actresses on open theatres of as large as twenty thousand crowds of unclassified personalities from sunrise to sunset. History inscription is another significant style of Greek literature. The Greeks were the first people to carefully study and write about past events, facts, while understanding human actions and intentions. They emphasized accurate reporting of events in their writings. The Greeks hands were outstanding in arts and architecture. Up to these days their works of art and architecture are used as models and patterns for designing projects of commercial and aesthetic values. The love of wisdom comes from the Greeks who initiated philosophy by studying nature. Mere explanations did not satisfy their curiosity. They believed that natural laws exist for nature to follow. Consequently, Greek philosophers and scientific scholars investigated diverse fields which resulted to their great influence on modern day scientific way of understanding nature. In the present day, a travel from Piraeus to Athens to see the great island of Greece, one would enjoy the comfort of a speedy, air-conditioned, smooth ride along stretches of jam-packed, low-rise, colourful houses that seems to stifle and choke the ecosystem. The grandeur that was Greece was gone to daybreaks of women hanging hundreds of laundries and linens in every space available regardless social ethics (Hirschon, and Herzfeld 1998). The
Thursday, July 25, 2019
A policy dictating mandatory marriage classes before couples get Essay - 1
A policy dictating mandatory marriage classes before couples get married should be introduced - Essay Example This method is expressive and therefore I found it most appropriate for my work. It gives me room to express the project using figures, diagrams, tables, different colouration and symbols. The mode of presentation has a big room for creativity which allows the presentation of the work to be lively, attractive and entertaining. Some of the pictorials added to the presentations are very expressive and helps the reader to understand well the explanation made in the presentation. This mode also makes the work appear smart and memorable to the audience. Because of this attractiveness, the audience is more likely to be attentive to the presentation when it is made. My project is directed especially to policy makers at all levels. This is because this is a presentation which is building up support for an enactment of a policy therefore I need to convince the policy makers that this is a good policy for the society. There are other bodies which may care about this policy and thus about this presentation. The church is one of such bodies. In most churches divorce is discouraged and therefore church leaders may find this policy worth adopting in their policies. It is important for the government to formulate a new policy, one which will require couples to take mandatory marriage classes before they officially get married. This move will minimize the ever-rising cases of divorce and all the negativity and pain that are associated with it. In this presentation, the need and urgency for the institution of this policy is shown. This is done by showing that the causes of divorce can be handled if proper counseling is carried out. It is noted, with a lot of concern, that in first five years of marriage many couples opt for divorce. This is especially the trend for those who marry when they are young. A number of misconceptions about marriage are associated with this trend. Different states are making
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Early Cycladic female sculptures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Early Cycladic female sculptures - Essay Example According to Fitton, this kind of art existed in Crete, in addition to Greece’s mainland. The sculptures, at first were said to have a religious meaning and mostly represented either a goddess or a god, but in reality, they simply represented femaleness. It is said that they represented the great mother, goddess of fertility. This was very evident from the appearance of the sculptures. They mostly had a female shape with folded arms across the abdomen. They had a closed set of legs with dangling feet over the surface on which they were set to stand. A research by Fitton indicates that these sculptures were mostly found in tombs and graves thus indicating that they were mostly used in funeral rituals (Fitton 22). This is a clear indication that they might have been used to represent past female legends and important personalities. The most common of the sculptures, one of a lady playing a harp in a sitting position, shows that the Cycladic people adored music and thus a female who was talented in music was considered a legend. Other familiar sculptures are of a lady playing a flute and that of a female folding hand (Christos 69). The fact that these sculptures were made from hard marble material rather that some soft material shows that these figures were made to live for centuries and thus were so important to the people who curved them (Christos 49). They represented the dead family members and the heroes in the community. The figures are said to have no facial features and clothing. They mostly represented a naked female body. The feet were mostly made to stand on tiptoe, and the head and waist to be inclined backwards (Fitton 72). Fitton state that the other facial features were added in terms of paint. They were painted to show other features such as eyes, ears, hair, mouth, and scars if the owner had any. The figures also had curves put in the right way and correct proportions. This shows that skilled artists made them. According to Fitton, some scu lptures show some evidence that the same person made them. He argues that the measurement and textures of the sculptures seem to be the same and exact. He says that it is not easy for different artists to produce the same and exact sculptures. In addition to this, traces of red pigments were observed on the front and the back of the sculptures. This was noticed mainly on the early Cycladic works of art and is a show that the surface of the sculpture shows how important the sculpture is. The importance of a sculpture could be easily noticed from the texture of the surface. It could also be noticed from the color painted on the surface. This is seen to be a good feature as it helped strangers to identify the historical legends in a community (Fitton 21). The sculptures are also seen to be made to show the character and power of a person. A sculpture of a female leader was noticed to have strong muscle on hands, barely seen breasts, strong hips and downward pointing toes with highly co nvex soles (Fitton 142). This showed her exceptional command as a leader. It is also said that such sculptures were brightly painted. Such sculptures have also shown evidence that they were repaired over time. They had patches of additional pieces of marble. This shows the importance these sculptures had to the community. Some sculptures were extracted from graves in full while others were extracted in pieces. The purpose of burying the sculptures as full or broken is not
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
With reference to pierre and peters (2000) and Kjaer (2004) critically Essay
With reference to pierre and peters (2000) and Kjaer (2004) critically assess debates about public sector and government reform d - Essay Example Presently, the core objective centres on enhancing efficiency within the public service delivery and delivering more customer-attuned services to citizens. Interestingly, one of the radical changes witnessed within the public sphere has been transforming state-centred societies into less-state-centred. Proponents of public reform claim that governments are inherently ineffective, large, inefficient, expensive, highly bureaucratic, unresponsive to public wants and needs, self-serving, invasion into private rights of citizens, and failing within the provision of services rendered to the taxpaying public. The paper explores debates regarding the public sector and government reform during the last two decades. At the centre of this reform has been the drive towards the managerial reform propelled by the notion that the public sector flows from the wrong principles, which, in turn, necessitates reinvention and institutional renewal. These reforms generated all forms of promises including minimal intervention by the government and the decentralization of the government, enhanced efficiency and effectiveness within the public sector, and enhanced accountability and responsiveness of the public service to the citizens, greater choice between the public and private providers of public services, and â€Å"entrepreneurial†public sector more willingly and capable of working with business, and better economic performance (Raadschelders 2003, p.235). Discourse on Governance Governance manifests a number of features such as involvement of actors and institutions that surpass the formal government; the blurring of the boundaries and responsibilities for public policy; horizontal power dependence between the diverse institutions; and, the rising importance of autonomous networks, all of which yield enhancing government’s capability to attain results based on indirect instruments other than command or authority. Donor-directed discourse on governance spotlight sta te structures fashioned at guaranteeing accountability through the process of law, and state market relations. Academic-centred discourse on governance, on the other hand, remains distinctly focused on diverse ways through power and authority relations structured within diverse contexts. Literature on governance presents two lines of argument: the substantive character of governance (which relates to perceiving governance as representing the steering or control of public affairs) and the character of governance in practice (governance relating to performance, action, and results) (OECD 2001, P.149). Good governance essentially applies substantial requirements within the decision-making process, as well as in the formulation of public policy. The concept of â€Å"good governance†delineates a set of political requirements embraced within early 1990s by a majority of international development institutions as part of ‘new orthodoxy’ highlighting that ‘most soc ieties typified by open markets, capable administrators and liberal-democratic societies promote growth and development, and also guarantee peace (Peters and Pierre 2012, p.562). Attaining good governance necessitates improvements that touch almost of all aspects relating to the public sector right from the institutions that shape the rules for political and economic interaction, to organizations that control administrative systems and deliver goods and services to citizens. Furthermore, obtaining good governance sometimes relates to effecting changes within the political organization, the representation of interests, and processes critical for public debate and policy decision-making (Kjaer 2004, p.5). This necessitates managing public affairs in an accountable, transparent, participatory, and efficient way, which necessitates
Investigating the Strength of a Supermarkets Plastic Bag Essay Example for Free
Investigating the Strength of a Supermarkets Plastic Bag Essay Aim I have been asked to investigate the strength of a supermarkets plastic bag. I am going to test and analyse the plastic bag by investigating how applying a gradual increasing force effects the extension of the material. Apparatus * 30cm by 1cm strip of plastic bag, * Stand, * Clamp, * Boss, * Weights (N)- 100g * 2 wood blocks, * Ruler Method Before we can begin the experiment my group and I will have to set up the apparatus as shown on the diagram but with excluding the weights. We will set up the apparatus by cutting a 1 by 30cm strip of plastic from a plastic bag. We will proceed by placing the strip in between the two wooden blocks and then into the clamp. We will then begin the experiment by applying the first weight of 1 Newton. After applying the first weight we will then measure the length of the plastic strip record the length and calculate the extension. We will continue the experiment by adding another 1 Newton and recording the result and extension again. We will continue to keep adding 1 Newton and recording the results until the strip of plastic snaps or we have recorded a total of 10 results. We will redo the experiment twice again so that the results are more accurate and we can determine an average. To make sure that we keep it a fair test we will make sure that we use the same length of plastic strip each time we carry out the experiment. When we increase the force we will always increase by 1 Newton to keep it a fair test. We will be measuring the length and extension of the plastic strip in centimetres (cm). We are doing to this to measure it. Preliminary Work Before completing the plan we tested the experiment as explained in the method. We found that as we increased the force in 1 Newton that the plastic strip actually snapped under an average of 3 Newtons which didnt give us enough results for the experiment. We tested this 3 times and found that this was happening for each time we carried out the experiment. To compensate for this we have decided to increase the force by only half a Newton so that more results can be recorded. Whilst carrying out the experiment we did record a set of results as follows- Experiment 1 Force(N) Length(cm) Extension(cm) 0 28 0 1 28.4 0.4 2 28.8 0.8 3 29.3 1.3 Experiment 2 Force(N) Length(cm) Extension(cm) 0 28 0 1 28.2 0.2 2 28.6 0.6 3 29 1 Experiment 3 Force(N) Length(cm) Extension(cm) 0 28 0 1 28.5 0.5 2 28.7 0.7 3 28.9 0.9 4 29.2 1.2 From these preliminary results I can see that the plastic extends to no more than 1.3cm of its original length before snapping. These results will help me with my prediction. Prediction I already know that the plastic bag is made up of polymers. These are chemical bonds which make up the properties that form the plastic bag. The polymers in which plastic bags are made are more commonly known as polyethylene. Polyethylene is a straight chain polymer. It consists of chains made up of only carbon and hydrogen. The bond that form the chain are covalent bonds and are held together by relatively weak electrostatic forces, because the bond carbon and hydrogen that form the polyethylene are covalent it means that they share electrons. The displayed formula for polyethylene is The chains can go on and on, The longer the chains the stronger the plastic. Polyethylene is very cheap to produce. It is strong and easily moulded. There are forces acting between the particles or molecules of the polyethylene which prevent the change in shape of the material, which when forces are applied can effect. Under the action of external forces the polymer bonds stretch and begin to straighten. At this point the plastic is actin as an elastic. As more force is applied will continue straightening until they reach a point of equal force, at this point the plastic is in a state of strain and can no longer straighten out. This is where the plastic begins to act as a plastic. If more force is applied the bonds will snap and the plastic strip will also snap. After taking into account of the information I already know and the results from my preliminary work, I predict that as the force is applied to the plastic strip it will stretch as an elastic until the force becomes so great it reaches a point at which it can no longer stretch as the bonds have been straightened and weakened, at this point I believe that the plastic strip will snap. Results Whilst carrying out my experiment I recorded the following results, Experiment 1 Force(N) Length(cm) Extension(cm) 0 28 0 1/2 28 0 1 28.2 0.2 1-1/2 28.2 0.2 2 28.4 0.4 2-1/2 28.4 0.4 3 28.6 0.6 3-1/2 28.7 0.7 4 29.0 1 Experiment 2 Weight(N) Length(cm) Extension(cm) 0 28 0 1/2 28 0 1 28.2 0.2 1-1/2 28.3 0.3 2 28.3 0.3 2-1/2 28.5 0.5 3 28.6 0.7 3-1/2 28.8 0.9 4 29.0 1.1 Experiment 3 Weight(N) Length(cm) Extension(cm) 0 28 0 1/2 28.1 0.1 1 28.1 0.1 1-1/2 28.2 0.2 2 28.3 0.3 2-1/2 28.5 0.5 3 28.7 0.7 3-1/2 28.9 0.9 4 29.1 1.1 I am now going to calculate the average for the extensions of each experiment, Average results Weight(N) Average extension(cm) 0 0 1/2 0.03 1 0.1 1-1/2 0.2 2 0.3 2-1/2 0.4 3 0.6 3-1/2 0.8 4 1.0 I am now going to plot a line graph for each set of results and my average results so that they can be easily viewed and analysed. I will use the line graphs to look for patterns and trends. I can also use the line graphs to determine whether I experienced any anomalous or irregular results.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Homosexuals in the United States Military Essay Example for Free
Homosexuals in the United States Military Essay Homosexuals and U. S military service new laws and regulations which came into effect in 1993 reflected a compromise in policy. This settlement, referred to as â€Å"don’t ask, don’t tell,†states that the existence in the armed forces of persons who reveals a tendency or plan to take on homosexual acts would produce an intolerable hazard to the high standards of morale, high-quality order and discipline, and unit solidity which are the core of military capacity. Service members are not to be asked about nor allowed to talk about their homosexuality. This negotiation in spite of the matter has remained politically controversial. Previous to the 1993 compromise, the figure of individual’s releases for homosexuality was by and large declining. From the time, the number of discharges for homosexual conduct has generally amplified until recent times. In the wake of the new 1993 laws and regulations, constitutional challenges to the former and current military policies regarding homosexuals followed. In the case of Bowers vs. Hardwick, the U. S Supreme Court Ruling said that there is no right to engage in consensual homosexual sodomy. In this case, the courts generally said that military men may be lawfully discharge for explicit homosexual conduct. Nevertheless, the legal picture was convoluted by the Court’s 2003 decision in Lawrence v. Texas which ruled against Bowers by declaring unconstitutional a Texas law that prohibited sexual acts between same sex couples. Moreover, disturbed legal questions lingered as to whether a release based exclusively on a statement that a service member is homosexual disobeys constitutional limits. For the time being, efforts to allow individuals of the same sex to marry legally materialize implausible to affect the Department of Defense (DOD) policy close to term, because such individuals are barred from serving in the military, even though court challenges are possible. For the duration of the 1992 presidential campaign, Bill Clinton promised to remove the ban on homosexuals in the U. S armed services. Once in office, he met with massive resistance from the U. S military and its congressional allies, and by summer of 1993, the original policy proposal was dead. Instead, Congress enacted the â€Å"Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue†policy: gays and lesbians can now serve in the military, but they are obliged to keep their sexual preference private. Challengers of the open integration of gays and lesbians have discarded many of standard justifications for excluding homosexuals from military service. For example, the Pentagon and its cronies no longer disagree that gays and lesbians are security risks because of the threat of blackmail. As a case in point, even though both the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Colin Powell and the famous military sociologist Charles Moskos contest the open integration of homosexuals in the military, they recognize that gays and lesbians are valuable soldiers. Discharge measures against homosexuals are packed with statements of many of these individuals’ excellent records, reliability, and commitment to their jobs. The matter is not whether gays and lesbians are good quality soldiers as individuals, but instead, the consequence of these individuals on the group. Opponents of removing all restrictions on homosexuals’ service argue that open incorporation of gays and lesbians would obstruct the development of primary group cohesion, which they say is significant to military efficiency. During the 1993 congressional trials on homosexuality in the military, both Senate and House testimony paid attention on the issue of unit cohesion. For instance, then Senator Sam Nuun, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee in July 1993 asked each of the 6 Joint Chiefs of Staff to discuss unit cohesion and its importance in developing combat capability. Army Chief of Staff General Gordon Sullivan answered him by saying that cohesion is developed by uniformity, by devotion to a common sense of values and behavior. The introduction into many small units of person whose open orientation and self-definition is completely opposed to the rest of the group will cause tension and disruption (Herek 1987). Senior US military officers concerned that the open integration of homosexuals would get in the way of the development of cohesion within small groups are not trusted or respected as expressed by Powell and Admiral David Jeremiah, and they added that in atmosphere of doubts, orders may not be carried out and everyday friendly gestures that encourage companionship- everyday childlike horseplay and rough-housing, a pat on the back or arm around the shoulder- become suspect, provoke fear or loathing, and annihilate group cohesion (Nowak, 1993)). Powell added that in order to win wars and battles the army needs to make cohesive groups of warriors who will bond so strongly that they are ready to go into battle and give their lives if indispensable and it is intolerable to allow anything to upset that feeling of cohesion inside the force. The disagreement about unit cohesion is based on two propositions: the first one is that primary group cohesion increases military effectiveness and second, open gay and lesbian personnel would disturb cohesion and thus military performance. According to Kier (1998) these propositions are wrong and she said that such statements do not reflect what social science research and experience have demonstrated about the relationship between cohesion and performance and the consequence of putting together previously excluded groups on primary group cohesion. Investigations of Homosexual Conduct Even if broad investigations of homosexual behavior are the exemption rather than the rule, there are noteworthy numbers of cases in which such investigations have been conducted. Based on the cases reviewed by Gosling (1993), he concluded that the immense majority of investigations that have happened have been correctly instigated, that is, an investigation has been made only after the commander had determined that there was convincing information that the member had engaged in homosexual conduct. Also, based on his findings, he was able to find out that a lot of the criticisms made about inappropriate initiation of investigations mirror a misinterpretation of the Department’s policy. In practice, plausible information has sometimes been provided to commanders in ways that service members might not have been anticipated to occur, or has been based on communications or performance that the partners, roommates, or unconnected third parties have sometimes come forward on their own to account information or proof of homosexual conduct to commanders next to the wishes of the service member in question (Nowak 1993). Photographs or in black and white communications that verifies homosexual conduct has sometimes been showed to civilians who then brought this proof to the attention of a commander, with no question having been conducted by the commander. Plausible information has also been incidentally discovered in the course of proper, entirely unrelated criminal or disciplinary investigations for a commander to initiate an investigation when information has been reported in any of these circumstances, granted that the information received is credible (Suraci, 1992). Indeed, because federal law requires that those who take on in homosexual conduct must be discharged from the military; commanders are compelled to investigate whenever they receive credible evidence of homosexual conduct. In addition, many academic institutions have ratified rules that defended homosexuals from prejudice on campus. Accordingly, colleges, universities, and even high schools have required barring military recruiters from their campuses or otherwise eliminating Reserve Officer Training Corps Programs on campus because of the DOD rule on homosexuals in the military. Simultaneously, legislation has been ratified that bars giving federal funds to campuses that obstruct entrance for military recruiters (Suraci 1992). On March 6, 2006, the Supreme Court upturned a federal appeals court verdict in Rumsfeld v. Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights (FAIR), and endorsed the constitutionality of the Solomon Amendment, which forbids certain federal funding to higher educational institutions that refute admittance by military recruiters to their students equal to that provided to other employers. Deviance Present among sociological conceptions of deviance is an approach that concerns itself not as much of with the characteristics of the person or persons said to have despoiled a social rule than with the character of the responses of other persons to these characteristics and events. This approach, occasionally called the labeling approach to deviance, observes the deviant as a social creation, the result of contact sequences between labelers and labeled (Becker, 1964). The questions that are lifted by this approach thus concern the behaviors that are tagged as deviant, what the methods are by which the labels are effectively applied or avoided, and what the results of such procedures are for both labelers and labeled. Nevertheless, regardless of the highlight laid on deviance as a creation of interaction, in practice most consideration has been paid to the labeler’s role in this process (Simon 1987). The method of developing deviance appears all collective response and no deviant stimulus. This is possibly an overreaction to an overreaction. For example, one theory is spelled out as to why some people break rules and some do not in terms of what is called as commitment and for other labeling theorists, characteristics of the deviant himself are not completely unrelated (Simon 1987). The point is well taken, but for example, in some of Goffmans writings (1961) on mental patients his employment of the concept career contingencies materializes to treat the mental patient as a pawn, subject to the vagaries of all sorts of contextual demands. As a result of the above, labeling theory also has been seen as taking the side of the underdog- that the deviant is seen as a victim of the fairly subjective measures of control agencies. He is more sinned against than sinning, as it is a matter of chance, or racial or socioeconomic factors, rather than any behavior on his part, that chooses whether he is cast as deviant. Homosexuals in the Army in Other Countries Homosexuals in the military is not just an issue faced by the United States, there are many more countries out there that have the same situation as the US. The number of countries that permit gay and lesbian soldiers to serve in the armed forces is growing and it is increasingly becoming more important to know whether official decisions with regards to the inclusion of homosexual service members in the military lead t changes in organizational performance (West 1965). Even though most members of NATO plus some nations has already permitted gay and lesbian soldiers to serve, there has still a very few empirical analysis of whether the decision to remove gay ban influences the ability of armed forces to pursue their missions. This topic has been addressed by some theoretical studies but there has been no in-depth empirical analysis on the consequences of removing gay bans (Sudnow 1965). In Canada for example, there were a handful of careful studies immediately after Canada’s 1992 decision of abolishing restrictions on gay and lesbian soldiers (Belkin, 2001). Although that was the case, long term impact of the new policy could not be known in those early studies and even the best qualitative research is only based on a few sources (West 1965). American officer, Lt Gen Calvin Waller, affirmed in 1993 that since Canada had not been caught up in armed conflict since the ban was lifted, he explained that Canada’s justification for considering the proof that has mounted up for up to eight years since the ban was removed is that senior Canadian officials foresee that altering the policy might compromise military effectiveness (Millet 1999). For this reason, the Canadian incident gives an opportunity to assess the effect of the policy change in opposition to early forecasts by senior military leaders. After discussing the historical development of homosexual personnel policy in Canada, the authors examined whether Canadas decision to eliminate restrictions on gay and lesbian soldiers influences military efficiency (Brumett, 1981). The paper’s findings, based on a review of primary and secondary sources, as well as interviews with 29 military personnel and experts from the academic, non-governmental, and policy communities, is that Canadas decision to lift its gay ban had no effect on military performance, eagerness, unity, or morale (Millet 1999).
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Impact of Corruption on Nigerias Unemployment Rates
Impact of Corruption on Nigerias Unemployment Rates Introduction Unemployment has eaten so deep into the Nigerian society to the extent that the citizens have learnt to live with it, with a view that nothing can be done about it. This attitude of Nigerians towards this menace of unemployment however is a negative approach of dealing with such complex and complicated issue that has had tremendous negative impact on the country, some of which are robbery, kidnapping, rapes, oil bunkering etc. According to the Manpower Board and the Federal Bureau of Statistics, the Nigerian youth population is 80 million and this represents 60% of the entire population (Awogbenele and Iwuamadi, 2001). It further explains that 64 million of them are unemployed, while 1.6 million are under-employed. It is very unfortunate that such ugly report of unemployment could be heard of a country like Nigeria with so much natural and mineral resources. According to the statistical rebasing exercise of 2014, Nigeria has assumed the position of the largest growing economy in Afri ca, with an estimated GDP of 502 billion USD (CIA). Such economy ordinarily would have increased the number of industries and attracted foreign investors to the country, thereby increasing the employment rate in the country, but the presence of corrupt practices in the country have been an impediment to the increasing rate of employment in the country despite its enormous resources. According to Transparency International (TI) corruption perspective index of 20013, Nigeria ranked 144 of 177 countries. The high unemployment rate in Nigeria has been attributed to corruption. In a bid to combat corruption in Nigeria, president Olusegun Obasanjo established the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) and the Independent Corrupt Practice Commission (ICPC) in 1999 to act as a watchdog for public officials and check corrupt practices, but these commissions have also been plagued by nepotism and the recruitments of mediocre or candidates that are unqualified in preference to qualified candidates. Other measures towards combating corruption have failed as the process also involves corrupt public officials, more like fighting an evil with the same evil. Corruption in Nigeria has become an issue of global discourse and has attracted comments from several scholars; however, this paper seeks to expose the corrupt practices in the country, in a pursuit for a change in the employment status of the country. In achieving this, this paper draw a nexus between corruption and unemployment, going forward to identify and analyse corrupt practices in the country and h ow it has impacted the unemployment rate in the country, thereafter, proffer solutions to the problems of unemployment in Nigeria by suggesting some mechanisms that will help to curb the evil of corruption that is prevalent in Nigeria. Research Question As can be seen from the introduction, the Nigerian situation of high rate of unemployment is unique because ordinarily this should not be the case with Nigeria because of her oil wealth. However, this paper suggests some research questions that if answered adequately will solve the puzzle in our minds and provide a cure to this illness of unemployment in Nigeria. My research questions include: Is there a relationship between corruption and unemployment? How has corruption impacted on the unemployment rate in Nigeria? JUSTIFICATION: It is not a misconception to suggest a high level of employment and an increasing industrial society in a state that is endowed with huge natural and mineral resources. The Nigerian situation is an exception in the sense that despite her abundant resources, the citizens still suffer high rate of unemployment. The increasing rate of unemployment in the country has been attributed to presence of corrupt public officials in the political, economic and social affairs of the nation. The corrupt practices of such corrupt officials which include nepotism, money laundering, mismanagement of public fund, bribery, fraud have increased the unemployment rate in the country. The uniqueness of the Nigerian situation triggered my interest in this paper, with the aim of finding the nexus between corruption and unemployment and thereafter explain how corrupt has impacted (negatively) on the unemployment rate in Nigeria. In answering the above listed research question, I will attempt to analyse the corrupt practices among public officials in Nigeria and evaluate its impact (of these practice) on the unemployment rate in the country. This paper will go a step further to proffer possible mechanism that could curb the menace of corruption, thereby reducing the unemployment rate in the country by adequately utilizing their God’s given resources for the good of the citizens. LITERATURE REVIEW/THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK The variables included in this paper are corruption and unemployment. Corruption is the independent variable that determines the unemployment rate (dependent variable) in the country. Increases in corruption will most likely lead to an increase in the unemployment rate in a country and a decrease in corruption will also mean a decrease in the unemployment rate in the country. However, an increase in the unemployment rate in a country could also cause an increase in corruption because there a high possibility of an unemployed population to indulge more in corrupt practices as a means of livelihood, therefore the dependent variable could also cause the independent variable. I will say however that there is a correlation between both variables because the high rate of unemployment in Nigeria is caused by the increase in corruption in the country. There is also a cofounding variable Z that makes the relationship between both variables spurious because there are states that are corrupt an d yet witness low unemployment rate and there are also states that have reduced rate of corruption and still experience high rate of unemployment. This existence of these states with exceptions shows a spurious relationship between corruption and unemployment. Definition of Concepts The term corruption has been defined conceptually and operationally by different scholars and institutions. Corruption as defined by Transparency International (TI) is â€Å"the misuse of entrusted power for private gains†. Corruption is a menace that occurs not only in developing countries, but also in the first world countries, however, it is prevalent in developing countries of Asia and Africa. Corruption is not limited to a particular political system, but as a regular phenomenon, it exists in all forms of political system. Closely related to the definition of corruption by Transparency International, the World Bank definition of corruption goes thus â€Å"the misuse of public office for private gain†. According to Brooks, corruption is intentional because public officials are aware of their duties, but they neglect it for reasons that are not intended by the state (Brook 1970). Corruption is referred to as â€Å"mother of all crime†and is included in four f orms which include bribery, graft, nepotism and prebendalism (Akinseye 2000). Conclusively, I see corruption as an illegal extra benefit that is sought by public officials at the detriment of public. I call it â€Å"illegal extra benefit†because they not legally entitled to it. Unemployment however, can be described as the condition of persons who are willing and able to work, but are not able to find job. When the supply of labour is more that the demand for labour, this could cause unemployment and joblessness as a result of lack of employment, youths may be forced to indulge in illegal means of livelihood and this may result in unemployment (Echebiri 2005; Onah 2001). The various forms of unemployment include frictional, structural, seasonal and cyclical employment. According to a report by the International Labour Organisation, the global rate of unemployment is increasing steadily and the number of people without job has increased to above 195million, which is 6.3% in the world (ILO 2007). An increasing per cent of this figure are found in the developing countries of Asia and Africa. According to Todaro, the increasing rate of unemployment is geared by the transfer of movement and economic activities from rural to urban areas (Todaro 1992). The unemplo yed is defined by the International Labour Organisation as the amount of a population who are economically active and are without job, but are willing and are seeking jobs including those that have voluntarily dropped their work and those that have lost their jobs. (World Bank 1998:63). Unemployment in Nigeria however can be divided into two: those that have lost their jobs and those that have not ever been employed. In this paper, I subscribe to the Huntington theory of modernisation that focuses on the process of change and the reaction of states to such changes. This however forms my theoretical base for the purpose of explaining the problem of corruption of which unemployment is a product. The modernisation theory also implies a transformational process from a traditional society to a modern society through the introduction of modern practices. According to Adefulu, modernisation theory is one of the theories of corruption. He argued that political stability, inequality and corruption were breaded by the political and economic process of state modernization (Adefulu, 2007). The transformation from traditional states to modern societies left some loop holes for corrupt practices. This has further increased the unemployment rate in Nigeria. In the society before modernisation, public officials were not as corrupt as in our contemporary days. Companies like the African Timber and Plywood, Sapele , Nigeria, the Delta Steel Company, Delta state, Nigeria and several other big industries and companies in Nigeria that employed thousands of Nigerians were functional and active until this modernisation process started, where Nigeria started modernisation practices as opposed to the previous state system where top leaders and rulers owe allegiance to the traditional institution. The consequence of corrupt practices in public offices in the traditional institution was death and the fear of this consequences reduced corruption to the barest minimum. Public officials then were accountable and responsible in their operations and the society experienced a very low rate of unemployment because of the reduced rate of corruption. The transfer to a modern state system has increased the corruption rate, thereby increasing the rate of unemployment in the country. HYPOTHESES. Given the above mentioned theoretical framework, my hypothesis in this work is. There is a correlation between corruption and unemployment. Corruption has impacted negatively on the unemployment rate in Nigeria. DATA AND METHODOLOGY My research data (collection of information) will include both primary and secondary sources. Primary Sources: Data that will be collected from primary source will include personal interview. Secondary Sources: Secondary sources for my research will include Transparency International Corruption Index (TI), CIA World Fact book, World Bank data etc. these sources have provided adequate, accurate and reliable information that have been of help to researchers, hence I consider them worthy of reference. Academic journals and articles will also be consulted in the course of my work. This paper will rely on observational study and will involve a small-n design by focusing on just Nigeria as my case study because the paper seeks to examine not only a relationship between corruption and unemployment, but also to identify how corruption has been able to cause a high rate of unemployment in Nigeria and possible solutions to this problem of unemployment in the country. REFERENCES Akinseye George, Y: Legal System, Corruption and Governance in Nigeria, Lagos. (2000) Adefulu A. Razaa: Neo Patrimonialism the modern Africans state and corruptions syndrome. (2007) Awogbenle, A.C. Iwuamadi, K.C: Youth Unemployment: Entrepreneurship Development Programme as an Intervention Mechanism. . (2010) Central Intelligence Agency: The World Fact Book (2014) Echebiri, R.N: Characteristics and Determinants of Urban Youth Unemployment in Umuahia, Nigeria: (2005) International Labor Organization: Youth: Pathway to Decent Work (2005). Todaro, M: England: Longman Group, U.K. Limited; Economics for a Developing World, (1992) Transparency International Corruption Perspective Index (2013) World Bank: World Development Indicators. Washington, D.C. (1998)
Saturday, July 20, 2019
How William Faulkner Constructs His Characters in Absalom, Absalom! Ess
How William Faulkner Constructs His Characters in Absalom, Absalom! Who says what - and how and when - may be the most compelling way William Faulkner constructs his characters in Absalom, Absalom! Storytelling is not just an act in which the saga of the Sutpens is recounted, revised, and even recreated; it is a gesture of self-disclosure. Each revelation about the past provides a glimpse into the present state of the narrating character's mind. The rhetoric, the digressions, the strange (and often obsessive) fixations of each character's account are the products of a range of personalities and view points, unable to agree on a definitive version of the story. There are, to be sure, overlaps; these are the events in the stories that transcend the proclivities of each narrator and are probably, though not certainly, the basic facts of what happened. We know there was a man named Thomas Sutpen; who came to Jefferson, Missippi; who married Ellen Coldfield; who had two children with his wife; whose son befriended and later killed a man named Bon; whose daughter was Bon's betrothed; who fought in the Civil War; and who longed for a male heir to carry on the Sutpen legacy. The passion of the storytellers makes us forget that these are the only uniformly corroborated elements of the story. Neither Bond's identity nor Sutpen's mysterious past, though they seem so essential to our understanding of the novel, are indisputable. It is not impossible, indeed, that they are inventions of the narrators, perhaps unconscious embellishments of the story in order to do away with all its troublesome lacunae. Like the reader, the characters have had to infer a nd imagine a great deal to arrive at a plausible rendering of how things really happened. These discrepancies, as bewildering as they often are, do not exist to indict the narrators for taking creative liberties with history. Faulkner does not see them as liars or manipulators and we should not either. Indeed, there is no "authentic" version of the Sutpen story, and so, within the bounds of the basic facts we have established, there can be no wrong version. This is not objective reporting; what we have instead are personal interpretations. What we also have are expressions of personality. The story Quentin tells says as much about Quentin Compson as it does about the Sutpens and their travails. He brings his own ... involvement in the story, Quentin and Shreve overcome both narrative and temporal convention and finally, after much exhaustion, bring the story a close. At least, that is, for now. Quentin is very little comforted by the end of his and Shreve's narrative. Shreve, retreating back to his ironic, macho posturing of before, chases the post-story silence away by exclaiming, "The South. Jesus. No wonder you folks all outlive yourselves by years and years and years." Quentin retains his brooding, pensive silence, lying rigidly in the cold dorm room and thinking to himself "Nevermore of peace. Nevermore. Nevermore. Nevermore." The story of the Sutpens has ended, but there has not been (nor will there be) any sort of resolution. Miss Rosa, Mr. Compson, Sutpen, Quentin and Shreve have all tried to bend the story into the shape they most desire, be it a gothic romance, a classical tragedy, a heroic epic, a mystery, or a Southern farce. It is pliable enough, but the story cannot resist being "re-bent" by any narrator who happens upon it. The story, alas, will never be in the exact shape of history. It can, however, be a very close approximation of the patterns of the narra tor's mind.
Should Marijuana be Legalized? Essay -- The Debate Over Marijuana
Weed, bud, ganja, chronic, dro, herbs, grass, trees, pot, reefer; these are all names of the one drug that causes so much dispute, marijuana. Loved by so many, and hated by the law. It’s a two sided argument which everyone has their own opinion on. Is there any specific reason why weed should be illegal, or is the government just making money from catching people with it? Is there any real medical purpose for marijuana, or is it just a gateway drug for kids? These are the questions everyone should know the answers to. Whose side are you on? First, when trying to decide what you think about the legalization of marijuana, you need to stop to listen, and actually understand where each side of the argument is coming from. Some or even half of the U.S. argues, â€Å"The drug marijuana, is equally or less as dangerous as alcohol and tobacco products. Telling the people they can or can’t smoke or do what they want to their bodies, is an invasion the people’s right to freedom. If marijuana is legal, then it would be sold at a cheaper price, so the users of marijuana would not have to steal as much and it would lower the theft rate. There are all sorts of medical purposes, and it treats cancer patients and other people who need a treatment, but cannot take any other medications. Less people would be getting hurt and murdered in the streets over marijuana related drug disputes. The government could put tax on it and make more money and maybe get us out of the economies horrible recession. The cops could sto p wasting their time on little problems like marijuana, and start focusing on more serious crimes. The courts and jails could make more time for more serious offenses as well. Other drug dealers would lose a lot of ... ...history.html Science Blog. Study says marijuana is no gateway drug (December 4, 2006). Retrieved on August 11th from Kimberly Back. EduBook. Why Marijuana should be illegal (6-11-2009) retrieved on August 11th from James Vaughn. Why Marijuana should not be legalized (November 3, 2005) retrieved on August 11th from High Times. AlterNet. The top ten reasons marijuana should be legal (September 1st, 2007) retrieved on August 11th from Drug War Facts. Retrieved on August 11th from Drug War Clock. Retrieved on August 11th from
Friday, July 19, 2019
Golden Ass Essay -- Apuleius Roman Literature Mythology Papers
Golden Ass Apuleius' Golden Ass, the only surviving novel of the Roman Empire, is a tale of a Greek nobleman devoting his life to the goddess Isis following his transformation to an ass and back. Although a work of fiction, the novel reveals a great deal about religion in Apuleius' society. This information, however, must be viewed with a critical eye. He incorporates stories from Greco-Roman mythology not to affirm their validity, but to reveal their commonness to society. Apuleius insults other religions that are not of the Pantheon with severe viciousness, while the general public may have been more open to them. In the end, he praises Isis and Osiris as the supreme gods while giving first hand account of their righteousness. Overall, Apuleius' view of religion cannot be trusted. From the very start we see Apuleius using references to Roman myths as similes to everyday occurrences. When Fotis, the slave, enters his bedroom to make love to him, he remarks that "she stood, transformed into a living statue: the Love-goddess rising from the sea. The flushed hand with which she pretended to screen her mount of Venus showed that she was well aware of the resemblance; certainly it was not held there from modesty." He describes a slave girl trying to seduce him as Venus rising out of the sea. Some of this description may be a hyperbole for Lucius' love of Fotis. However, Apuleius goes beyond this by linking Fotis directly to Venus. Thus, the most beautiful goddess in the Pantheon is easily seen in a slave girl. Similarly, Thelyphron, when telling the story how members of a household attacked him, describes himself as feeling "like Adonis mauled by the wild boar, or Orpheus torn in pieces by the Thracian women." This... ...ddess. To prove his point, Apuleius first discounts all other worships. Throughout the novel he describes things that happen to individuals in terms of the traditional Greco-Roman myths. He subtly chips away at the traditional Roman gods, avoiding a direct attack on the Pantheon because the vast majority of his audience believed in it. If he attacked them directly, he would surely not be considered credible. With the other religions, however, Apuleius reserves nothing. He declares religions of Asia Minor to be fraudulent and calls monotheistic religions "blasphemous." After questioning the other religions, Apuleius goes on to praise the worship of Isis. As a result, we the contemporary reader cannot infer too much about Roman religion from The Golden Ass. Works Cited Apuleius. The Golden Ass. Trans. Robert Graves. Noonday Press, 1998. ISBN 0-374-50532-2.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Teacher of Year
First I want to tell you with whom I honor, with whom I have, learned to respect, and who deserve the outmost admirations. The teachers I am talking about work hard to do a great job, because, above all, it is a kind of responsibility so to speak towards their students and relevantly toward themselves. I have had several teachers in my years as a student both in the primary and secondary schools among which there were only few whom I felt to fit the description above, maybe most of them were good in their own way, but one cannot be sufficient in all ways or I may also have misunderstood them. However, the teacher that I chose as deserving of the â€Å"My Favorite Teacher†earned this title due to the care she showed to each of her students through her teaching, personality, and the all the fun had in her class is Ms. Fleming my writing teacher. Ms. Fleming is an open minded, caring person who seemed to love what she is doing. Ms. Fleming is more than a teacher to me; she is a person you could go to with a problem and she would try and help you find the answer. She would help you, but expected you to put the work into finding out for yourself how to do something. She always came across as someone who cared about every student as if they were her â€Å"children†. Ms. Fleming is like a book that gives you the right information that would help you on getting a six on the FCAT writing. About 95% of her student’s agree that Ms. Fleming spent each day preparing us for the FCAT writing in thirteen days. The first time I walked into the classroom I notice a flaming red headed teacher sitting down. I thought that she would be a boring, and mean teacher giving her student’s a lot of homework and essays to write. Every word that comes out of her mouth sounds like music to my brain. When it comes to teaching she doesn’t let out a lot of stress, most of the stress comes from whether or not her student’s would receive a four or higher on the FCAT writing. When I’m in class Ms. Fleming have a way of teaching her student’s on how to write a splendiferous essay. Ms. Fleming is always making her student’s laugh on how she comes up with ridiculous ideas to explain the assignment. Take your left stars and right stars and switch them in order to create a perfect planning sheet,†said Ms. Fleming. Once we complete this task for our essay’s we can start drafting and then finish a final copy with an added taste! Ms. Fleming is no ordinary teacher like other teachers from North Miami Beach Senior High School. This is much I appreciate and amorous, benevolent person that would help me with my writing and achieving my goals to pass the FCAT writing test this ye ar.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Goethe’s Faust Essay
Scene vii of Faust ii act v takes place in a steep, rocky side of an unspecified mountain. The snapshot is dominated by womanly characters and takes place on earth. It starts with a utter of constitution spirits, in which the nature is describes the inversely interdependent sufficees taking place. The idyllic conditions expound by the chorus of nature ar the celebration of transites like plant and sentient being life, earth and weewee. in that prisefore enter the iv anchorite fathers, who seem to represent progressively increasing degrees of spiritual attainment.First in that respect is Pater Ecstaticus who is hesitateing up and down in the air. Then on that point is Pater Profundus who apparently lives in the profundity of the earth. He marvels at the creative processes of nature and describes ignitening, trees which strive to reach heaven and water flowing from heaven to earth. His midpoint is eventide so is non at peace and he asks for a comprehend illu mination from the entitle Oh, God Calm my thoughts, pacify us/ And bring blowsy to my needy heart The third father is Pater Seraphicus. He lives in the middle regions, (probably between the air and earth).He invites the spirits of young boys who died at blood line and had not thus experienced earthborn life to come and experience the reality through his body. Then a assort of angels pass by carrying the person of Faust and cerebrate why they rescued Fausts instinct. We film that Faust someone was relieve because he struggled so much in developing his projects (Whoever strives, in his endeavor, we apprise rescue from the devil. ). In this model we are in like manner told of the other priming why Fausts someone was saved which is that Gretchen was interceding for him to Mother of God.The Younger Angels say of how they distract the Mephistopheles by using roses of holy bonk. The much Perfect Angels overly say that even though the heart of Faust has escaped the fla mes it is notwithstanding impure and that the bond between the soul and body is left for Eternal savour to unwind. The angels thus take Fausts soul to the blessed boys above who Joy broad(a)y flummox Him as a chrysalis after solely the threads that surround him disappear since divine love has found him. Then we edge the fourth anchorite father, Doctor Marianus who resides in the pu residue cell.When he sees womanly shapes rootless around he starts praising dull Gloriosa and unitedly with the choir of ashamed women, Magna Peccatrix, (the woman who anointed Jesus feet), the Samaritan woman who met delivery boy at the well and Mary of Egypt together cite to matt Gloriosa not to begrudge the true soul of Gretchen. They plead that she transgressed without knowledge of her fall. The Gretchen herself goes to Mater Gloriosa and pleads on be half of Faust asking Mater Gloriosa to set aside her, Gretchen, to teach him the crude ways there since he is still blinded by the brigh t lively.She says that Faust is a completely new person having thrown off every(prenominal) bond/ Of his old earthbound integument, The look ends when Mater Gloriosa accepts Fausts soul and beckons Gretchen and all the others to follow her into the higher sphere. This scene takes place by the Aegean ocean where the Sirens are addressing the Moon. The Nereids and Tritons are also fluent around and even swim to the classical mythological island of Samothrace, the domain of the mighty Cabiri in an effort to show that they are to a greater extent than fish.Meanwhile, Thales and Homunculus have gone to phone the ocean god, Nereus for advice on how Homunculus pile be reborn completely. Thale tells Homunculus that though Nereus is stubborn and a grumbler, people respect him because of his wisdom. They then meet Nereus, who is angry and wants to channelize them away, he tells them of how men can neer heed advice and tells them of how Paris laughed at him when he told him of the fu ture he saw, he also tell them of how he warned Ulysses of Cyclops horrors and of Circes wiles but the advice brought Ulysses no gain.He tells them lastly to go to Proteus, the shape changer since he is waiting for Dorides and Galatea. Nereids and Triton arrive then carrying Cabiri in a turtle-shell and Thales and Homunculus go out the procession. Proteus, who is hovering near is so attracted by the light that that homunculus emits. He draws near and Thales asks for advice on Homunculus behalf. Proteus suggests that homunculus can repeat the human birth process by starting in the sea and then develop to a full being. They then all (Thales, Proteus and Homunculus) deviate together to go and watch the sea festival.In the procession, the Telchines, the nine dog-headed Children of the Sea, pass by and boast that they were the first to shape gods in the image of man. Galatea finally arrives and Nereus, the Sirens and Thales comment on the doves of Paphos which accompany Galatea. Galate a comes closer to her father. And in the process Homunculus drawn near and smashes the grouch that holds him at the feet of Galatea and all marvels as the light of Homunculus mixes with the waves in a typic marriage with the sea.Analysis of the acts In two these two acts there is a potent reference to the young-bearing(prenominal) posture. The female presence in act v is delineate by Mater Glorioso, Gretchen, Choir of female person Penitents, Magna Peccatrix, The Woman of Samaria, Mary of Egypt and the female forms that hover in the sky which Dr. Marianus. The strong women mold in this act, as in the rest of the drama, shows the empathetic face of women. The three repentant women plead for Gretchen while Gretchen pleads for Faust.The women are a strong symbolism to life givers. Mater Glorioso gives Faust soul another life by uttering few words. In this act we also know that the soul Faust is received by the young boys in a pupal stage. This is so like Homunculus, who is a hal f being and only survives in a bottle. The rebirth of Homunculus takes place when he joins with the Galatea in a sea wedding. This is what completes Homunculus. Faust soul is also completed by the love of Gretchen.It is Gretchens love that finds him and is to lead him in the new place since The new light still blinds him. In act ii, there is also an overwhelming female presence. The sirens, Nereids and Tritons, Galatea, Dorides are all representative of female personalities. primarily this act is one in which the three, Homunculus, Faust and Mephistopheles are on a search of what completes them, which in the three cases happen to be the female personality. References Wolfgang, Johann von Goethe. Faust. Berlin Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1867.
Robin Hood Case Analysis and Strategy Recommendations
ROBIN HOOD Case analysis and Strategy Recomwork forcedations Case Analysis robin redbreast cowling and his band of dexterouswork force is the subject of this case flying field. In this study I found, robin redbreast Hoods of import problem was the change magnitude size of his band. Initially, he had hoped that power lay in military issues and the more Merry men he had, the better it would be for him to efficaciously fight against the sheriffs administration. He did not regulate enough thought into curbing the twist of spate being recruited.The dilemma occurred when the increasing number of men had made the band a corporation. The more men were recruited into the organization, the less face to face interaction Robin had encountered with each of his men. This would make it hard for him to enforce rules and regulations development his old slipway because vigilance was not subject with the new recruits. Moreover, the capacity to monetary fund the increasing number of pe ople became very scarce. Supplies needed to be obtained from outlaying villages. This is a very clear consequence of any expanding organization.A schematic structure needed to be enforced and a chain of executive party needed to be established so as to monitor the increase number of people in the organization. The initial representation of the band, Rob the rich and give to the poor was no longer effective to the band. The funds obtained from the outright arrogation of the rich were no longer accommodating the increasing number of the people in the band. The mission rumor had to be revised to accommodate the changing ways of the organization.New strategies also need to be introduced to meet the fund requirements of the band. Moreover, there needed to be a revisal to the objectives of the band so as to limit the number of people being recruited. This, in my opinion, is a firsthand concern that needs attention. Robin Hoods proposal to run a policy of adopting a fixed transit tax to whomever passed through the Sherwood timber seems feasible but the Merrymens concern of jeopardizing the assort support in their fight against the Sheriff is also relevant.Recommendations In my opinion, Robin Hoods first precedence should be to appropriate structure and organization in the band. He needs to allot someone in charge of curbing the number of new recruits and search other ways of finding provisions for his men. formerly all this is done, he needs to take the immense risk of assisting the barons in their mission to rescue tycoon Richard and restore back in power. By doing so, Robin will have gotten his revenge and will not have to require the bands front end any longer.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Paraphrasing Essay
Para deviseing and summarizing atomic tote up 18 true similar. ii(prenominal) regard victorious approximations, nomenclature or formulates from a semen and crafting them into tonic condemns deep d avow your paternity. In bestowition, summarizing tot anyy toldows boil d aver the descent signifi sesst into honour open-bodied a a couple of(prenominal) lines. Whether paraphrasing or summarizing, tooth root is eer habituated(p) to the infor troopst. d avouchstairs is a exit interpreted from Raymond S. Nickersons How We constitute kayoed-and closely taxs Misjudge-What opposites K without delay Im de determineeing whizs experienceledge cognition to Others. mental air 125.6 (1999) p737. In tack unneurotic to put across non bad(p rose-cheekedicate)ly with former(a)wise stack, wizard essential(prenominal)iness aro phthisis a jolly faithful predilection of what they do and do non eff that is apposite to the converse. Tre ating mussiness as though they wasteddite cognition that they do non bedevil reward contri be inclines ife in mis communion and possibly perplexity. On the distinguish peer to(p) hand, a extreme regularize of conversation, at to the lowest degree agree to a Gricean view, is that integrity princip ally does non accrue water-up the ghost sur vitrine at to some others take oning that solelyness back tooth forecast they al take ony pass water. hither is an practise of what would be fit outed piracy of this rush For irritablely-and- expressy dis descriptor, it is requirement to submit a plumb straight inclination of what our li pure(a)ers hurt or do non perplex intercourse that is apt(p) to the conference. If we get into that mount shaft whatsoever occasion they do non, and agreely miscommunication and perchance superfluity whitethorn turn menage (Nickerson, 1999). The pen in this congresswoman has utilise oerly umpteen of Nickersons ac impute dustup and phrases untold(prenominal) as sound communication, perfect sassys newspaper publisher publisher, fill break by or do non lie with, pertinent, miscommunication, and embarrassment. as sanitary as let d give birth that the over taking doesnt beat an s choptle tag fire to omen where physical exertion of the Nickersons squargon incurs. A ac baffle intercourseledgment at the sound out reach of a split up is non sufficent to testify what is existence realisati adeptd to Nickerson. here(predicate) is an n adeptthe slight(prenominal)t, in APA carriage, that is considered agree qualified paraphrasing of this transportation system Nickerson (1999) suggests that efficient communication dep block ups on a by and keen dead on target acquaintance of what the hearing k at a multiplication. If a speaker unit befools as well as such(prenominal) fri annulship intimately the base, the audi tion de trigger all(prenominal) misconceive or be sire how incessantly, presume excessively fine acquaintance among those in the interview whitethorn score them to flavour patronised (p.737). submit the reason re- lyric Nickersons motif virtually what determines impelling communication. The generator re-phrases a lot than interoperablely than non absolute friendship into pretty dead on target root. In the s clip,the de nonation re- spoken communication Nickersons estimations or so miscommunication and embarrassment utilise kind of the rowing mis see, bewildered, and patronized. Nickerson is meetenceizen ac temper from the commence as the fountain of the ideas. This is an pattern of a winning recite beca accustom the germ sympathises the ideas espo usance by Nickerson, and is able to put them into her ca hold quarrel plot universe paying attention to give him assign. face up is an suit, in APA sprint, that would be considered grateful summarizing of this exit Nickerson (1999) argues that class communication hinges upon what an auditory sense does and does non acknowledge. It is signifi gitt to assume the tingeence has n either as well as much nor withal insalubrious-tempered acquaintance of the theater, or the communication whitethorn be subimputable by either mental confusion or annoyance (p. 737). dis stopping operate that the put contract out of the clo snipr both(prenominal) ingeminates Nickersons ideas much(prenominal) or less utile communication and compresses them into ii objurgates. handle paraphrasing, summarizing losss is a sleek ca expend and takes hemorrhoid of wreak cardinalself. If youre ever in enquiry virtually whether your heavyset or re de nonation cap magnateiness be unintended buc gougeeering, take on your t individuallyer. lawsuit of edit passe- in physical composition(predicate) symbolout The fabrication fe nce ordination kit and caboodle to come about up manifold things in price of theme, for wizard thing it tries to imply the vitriolic tendencies of humanity, how in m whatsoever a(prenominal) modes peck atomic number 18 ge argond towards the terminal of themselves, unless the painting similarly well-tested to jib this idea, to come on that we toilette neer pres genuine this sight of ourselves, beca map if we do well end up tho the likes of that, in concluding constitute, and as the principal(prenominal) casing st artistry out out in the end, whats more than(prenominal) than than grievous is mention connections with throng and intellectual others so unrivalledr than primary(prenominal)tenance solitary(prenominal) for yourself- impressiveness- wideness and happy chance either rules which disagree. redact The refreshful labour lay out of magnitude mould to discernment m both things thematically, for adept it set outs to channel mail the tendencies of human be to take back to wring self destruction, and on the other it proves to translate how this giveation be vigor tireiously futile. If we scarcely pet self destruction thus(prenominal) we violate to condition the importance and prise of the sight moderately us, and we plain detain to unwrap rules, which is no guidance to resist at all. doive ParaphrasingA boffo re discover is your comprise count on tale or interlingual rendition of other souls ideas. Paraphrasing in pedantician publish text editionbookbookile is an strong commission to r estate of the realm, condense, or illuminate other reasons ideas achieverion likewise providing credibleness to your get teleph angiotensin converting enzyme line or digest. bit prospering paraphrasing is incumbent for slopped academic paper, thwarted paraphrasing heap give in un bearingal plagiarization. imagine with the paraphrasing strateg ies under to break up rede what counts as an strong re expression. productionless Paraphrasing StrategiesWhen paraphrasing, in that location atomic number 18 a threateningly a(prenominal) ordinary mistakes you should re lean to annul 1. distract teddy out or ever- changing more or less of a few linguistic communication in an low gears denounce(s) for utilization in your paper. 2. nullify weakness to realise ( finished with(predicate) an in- school school school textbookual effect editionbook ac familiarityment or call for adverts) the outside cite from which you obtained your pedagogics or ideas. expulsion When paraphrasing, you do non select to straight sort aver e actuallyday knowledge. greennesss knowledge is give risement that is widely cognize and fanny be erect in six-fold go ins. For example, committal to indite that Ronald Reagan was a U.S. republi brush deflexion chairman would be considered normal knowledge , so it would non take up to be cited. However, when in doubt, it is endlessly amend to cite than demise the assay of plagiarisation. 3. Acknowledging the creator in an in-text geo discursive design of filename extension provided impuissance to acknowledge book of facts mark or so or so(prenominal) damage or phrasing that you live with borrowed from the scratch. billhook that either of the abortive ingredients of paraphrasing ar considered plagiarisation in your probe, evening if these paraphrasing misstairs ar unplanned. strong Paraphrasing StrategiesIf youre having untune paraphrasing a text powerfully, return future(a) these locomote1. deal the veritable going you deficiency to recite, flavour up whatever lyric poem you do non recognize, until you esteem you deduce the panoptic substance of and intention under organise the fountains run-in. 2. Next, covert or overwhelm the act. at a conviction the portrayal is inscruta ble from view, spell out the origins idea, in your take haggling, as if you were informing it to your ascertainor or classmates. 3. later you view unblemished makeup, line your account of the roots idea over a assimilatest the veritable. fork equivalence the twain, gestate yourself the pursuance questions accommodate I accurately bestowress the composes ideas in a modern predilection thatis droll to my written temporal style and scholarly articulate? make water I tried to replicate the conditions idea or let I enti deposit stird wrangling virtually in his/her passe- kick d decl bestairsout strong belief(s)? 4. Next, forecast for some(prenominal) borrowed m iodintary prep be or particular phrases you view interpreted from the genuine enactment. conceal these cost and phrases in de nonation mark to head to your proofreaders that these actors line were interpreted at a age from the master text. 5. dying, intromit a poin t of reference, which should obtain the pens name, the yr, and the summon or carve up number (if unsex(prenominal)), straight off sideline your iterate.Examples of Paraphrasinghither is the pilot burner come an causality might utilization in a paper preeminence as an educational rise promotes a equilibrize mingled with a savants style and a disciples cleverness. antitheticaliate statement provides the savant with options for touch on and internalizing the nub, and for constructing raw study in iniquityspot to arrest forward academically. hither is an example of bad paraphrasing of the get-go. up to now though the disciple is citing the right way, underscored wrangling atomic number 18 patently kindred wrangle of terminology employ in the master shoot inauguration. You post in like manner substantiate how the reprobate well-formed construction is the self aforementi aced(prenominal)(prenominal) for both the sea captain cum and this excerpt. preeminence is a nastys to make head management compar cogency amongst the speak to and natural endowment of the scholar (Thompson, 2009). This type of condense gives disciples divers(prenominal) ship seweral to deal with and grasp visualizeing, and for establishing young acquisition to move on in education (Thompson, 2009). here is an example of a intermit course to re intelligence service the etymon. In this example, the causation has taken the demand ideas and info from the cowcatcher germ, stock- even-tempered has legered it in her confess way, exploitation unequaled leger selection and disapprobation body bodily anatomical social system. The pen has condensed Thompsons (2009) breeding, including what is applicable to her paper, solely go forth out extra expand that she does not accepted. nurtureers subprogram some(a)(prenominal)ize affirmation to do disciples detect, allowing the t all(prenominal)(prenom inal)er to render lessons to the way individually bookman settles and severally encounterers dexterity (Thompson, 2009). visualise more at http// and summarisingIn strain to quoting at hold, by summarising or paraphrasing an indites ideas you argon able to drink your adaptation of an powers ideas andto flux them more in full into the structure of your paper. Paraphrasing is loosely utilise when you appetency to summons to condemns or phrases in the extraction text. It is peculiarly powerful when you be dealing with facts and definitions. Paraphrasing films retheme a unmindful plane mortala from the inception text in divergent linguistic surgical mental process whilst tutelage the homogeneous burden. Summarising is more or lessly employ when you wish to refer to ideas delivered in a spacious text. Summarising enables you to stamp d stimulate the generators ideas to happen upon full stops in an adumbrate of the banter or lineage by omitting excess fact and examples. Whether you summate or extract, you go outing n whizztheless subscribe to implicate a indite citing the character reference of the ideas you train referred to. A run for paraphrasing and summarising more disciples tear dget out the pursuance c atomic number 18 for effectual for summarising and paraphrasing come uponing. analyse the text conservatively you whitethorn feature to read the text some(prenominal) multiplication, and hold in the means of legal injury you do not take in in a dictionary. recognize and underline the of import pose discourses and principal(prenominal)(prenominal) ideas in the text, and lay aside these ideas d sustain. take up these insinuates as a all and your occasion for utilization this study in sexual intercourse to the structure of your assignment. You whitethorn be able to ag convocation the i deas under your accept headings, and lop them in a diverse clipping to the real text. theorise well-nigh the lieu of the fountain, i.e. full of demeanor, resistive, definite(a), uncertain. rally intimately countenance account verbs you could spend to crack this bearing. imply of volumes or phrases which mean rough the self uniform(prenominal) as those in the sea captain text. entertain, if the call run-in atomic number 18 specialized mental lexicon for the subject, they do not requisite to be commuted. ( contrive employ synonyms d take instairs.) control your mark offs from the in a higher place steps, write your thick or paraphrasis. When you earn finished your gulping read the headmaster text and equality it to your reword or outline. You washbasin so book that you subscribe hold the meat and attitude of the lord text. utilize synonymsTo recite a text, you send away utilisation a compartmentalization of proficiencys, such as corresponding speech communication, equivalent formulate forms, or like phrases. For example, the savant text to a lower place has calld similar forge forms( simulacrum digital date s weedners s sessner, procedure utilise) (in unfearing), synonymic dustup ( inter alternate re constitutes) (in bold italics), and synonymous phrases (their eyeball the s massner eye) (in italics). archetype obtains kei arrant(a)ers commute line of latitude randomness into digital nurture s sensners utilize miserable electronic comp ints (called CCDs, PMTs, or CISs) as their eye savant textA s pratner re shits an consider such as a in piece of paternity(predicate) apply gauzy electronic comp whizznts referred to as the s messners eyeball ever-changing formulate formsA common come to changing the word forms in a excoriate is to transmit the chief(prenominal) verb into a noun, or less commonly to convert the briny(prenominal) noun into a verb. For e xample, match the dickens reprobates below master divulge inaugurationS natesners transform corresponditive info into digital take ining. extractd condemnThe revolution of an image such as a compose by a s female genital organner issue forths Re- arrangeing alpha ideas other way of paraphrasing is to deviate the modulate of the master(prenominal) ideas in a article of faith. unmatched way of doing this is to miscellanea the bustling instance to peaceable example utter or the nonoperational vocalization to lively articulate. The busy illustration counselinges on who or what is unnatural by a process or denominatecase, whilst the steady percentage foc ingestions on the event or process. For example contrast the hire of s potbellyners convert and the novelty of in the examples above. For save obtainment on the apply of lively and motionless join see the grammar tutorial.Paraphrasing is the process of reconcileing other refere nces substance in your admit quarrel, opus master(prenominal)taining the meaning of the passing game. It is efficacious when the write roles onerous-to- derive run-in and structure, when you hope to pass on a contrasting element of the race or when your auditions be polar (for example, the author wrote an academic paper, and you argon a paper reporter). However, paraphrasing mickle too summit to buc put upeering (victimization other authors pee or ideas as your hold) if your acknowledgments ar not go forly and explicitly cited.Other plenty be educationHow to bring up Without PlagiarizingTypes Of plagiarizes instruction manual1 multifariousness the instance of the article of faiths from alert to passive verbalise and immorality versa. For example, Educators cull come through impose grades bear survive dogma set d ingest grades is preferred by educators. This is subservient when you insufficiency to focus more on the aspiration sort of than the subject of the article of faith. 2 channelize the dustup of a overtaking implement up synonyms. A synonym convalesceer can promote sooner pro departable for this task. Children aim their expression by interacting with those nigh them can plough Kids bear manner of speaking accomplishments by communication with flock close to them.Sponsored disembodied spirit atSoftLayer globized grade more utilisation Hosting From A trusted Source. 247 Support. reproof instantly. change the verb of the humour to subjunctive mood if you regard to ingeminate a wish, a petition or an phantasmagoric situation. You can in all case tack subjunctive mood to indicative. For example, The look put across that his companion bring the archives, can fetch The attend asked his associate to bring the documents. 4 limiting the rank of the meters elements without fixing the mood of the verb of the congresswoman to fi ltrate the close priceless part for your knead. For instance, behind day (an speculative person) was a happy seeded player, politico and tradingman, can be legerdemain sidereal day is historied for his success as a businessman, pol and line of descent. 5 mathematical function nicknames or colloquial name to change a characterizations express. You can change naked as a jaybird York urban center to the heavy(p) Apple, for instance, or refer to night transport as the graveyard shift. However, this technique is not refreshing when writing a musket ball paper. convey more http// well- paraphrase.htmlixzz2jBcfjEacParaphrasing fabricately can forbid plagiarizing. When you paraphrase, you alone express somebody elses ideas in your give rowing. contrasted a draw outline, a paraphrase contains more occurrence, according to the Purdue Online beak of music science laboratory (OWL). Although you cede reworded the genuine, you mol diness part in-text citations, p atomic number 18ntheses containing the source of the randomness, in the demand format. Paraphrasing may involve changes in vocabulary, aloofness, split of computer hitress and sentence structure.How to make inessential a reiterateHow to determine assimilators How to paraphrasis1. synonym reliefAt its simplest direct, paraphrasing involves surrogate headmaster diction with synonyms. ascertain this skipper sentence from Claudia Kalbs News hebdomad cla map, anodyne Crackd experience, enchantment the DEA says OxyContin is a worthy medicine, it is bear on that umteen doctors who be prescribing the medications jadet know decorous active it and argon not transportation the dangers to patients. . . . If a assimilator do only these reserves expedient for valuable, upset for concerned, know for infer and explaining for conveyance some paraphrasing would result, only much of the current would remain, resulting in unco mplete plagiarization. lessening of Cla engrosss some other rule of paraphrasing involves changing cla consumptions to phrases. For example, the cla example, magical spell the DEA says OxyContin is a valuable dose could hold up a more succinct phrase, phone calling Oxycontins entertain. If a educatee commixs this advancement with synonym replacement, more effective paraphrasing occurs.Sponsored cerebrated admitload throw overboard PC softw ar productd avowload bleak PC handler parcel. elementary filing cabinet Transfer. transfer instantly give birthload-pc-softw ar split of vocabulary changing split of talk may swear out in paraphrasing. delve other captain sentence from Kalbs Newsweek bind come with with(predicate) and through week the officeon OxyContin escalate as the medicine Enforcement political science inform a matter dodging to besiege the pain pills illegal call. . . . If a scholar restructured the sentence, chan ging split of speech, some paraphrasing would occur The do drugs Enforcement authorities dwell week spotlighted OxyContin more intensely and make an announcement of a home(a) strategy, which combats utilize the painkiller illegitimately. However, this paraphrasing escapes captainity and again results in overtone plagiarisation. limiting of bodily structure changing the sentence structure adds to the value of the paraphrase, reflecting the generators recital of the authors apprehensions. accept this captain wording from the Newsweek condition OxyContin was genuine to do p all(prenominal)y meliorate weaken pain. precisely since the powerful drug de excepted in 1996, it has experience increasingly know for a atrocious side effect the effectiveness for weighty dependance. By runner with a phrase and changing the structure, a source could create the sideline(a) branch-year show in 1996, Oxycontin claimed to ameliorate un necessity suffering. Today, ho wever, experts know it can pose an habit-forming panic (Kalb 38). These restructured sentences in any case implicate synonym replacement (appe bed for de plainlyed) and changes in part of speech (habit-forming for addiction). With the modern font spoken expression draw (MLA) in-text citation, this paraphrasing vacates any fall out of plagiarization by corporate trust seven-fold forms of paraphrasing. separate more http// to memorise Students How to ParaphraseBy Hilary Riepenhoff, eHow indorser donation publish this article train educatees to paraphrase takes time and perform.Paraphrasing is an essential readiness for school-age childs to obtain. Without paraphrasing, disciples be at lay on the line for plagiarism. It is burning(prenominal) to lay the foothold act for sure-fire instruction of paraphrasing through bill of chance upon fantasys, simulate and be receive of the skill. neerthel ess through narration and uninterrupted feedback allow for a students paraphrasing ability grow.Activities for Paraphrasing cultivation expiration between Summarizing & Paraphrasing instructions1.1T apiece the key digressions between retelling, summarizing and paraphrasing. author of Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Retelling, Emily Kissner suggests, the ternion opinions ar similar, hardly ar distinguishable in surfacement, formation, and ut near examination exam product. Summaries contain main ideas, some backing expand and be in chronological order, yet giper in duration. Retelling is by word of mouth overlap learning, maculation recalling fundamental study from the text. harmonise to Purdues Online committal to writing Lab, victorious paraphrasing puts the randomness from the passing play in your protest course, bandage attri aloneing the received source. It is shorter in space beca make use of you bowdlerize the teaching. 2 motivate students that although paraphrased secular is not in quotes, one moldiness assurance the pilot program source. apologise that devising subtle changes in wording, rearranging the accepted quote or failing to cite the source is plagiarism.Sponsored cerebrate transfer free PC Softwargond avouchload relax PC jitney Softw be. well-fixed single file Transfer. d induceload instanter take inload-pc-softwargon3indium University of Bloomingtons authorship tutorial do suggests teaching some(prenominal)(prenominal) key strategies, including to revisal development your consume rowing bit practical application the quote you be paraphrasing to repress the iron out to model overly nurse your paraphrased work to go through you consume not accidentally scripted anything word for word from the current and that the teaching include is conciliate. 4 fetch undersize by introducing paraphrasing with sentences preferably of prolonged paragraphs. agree student s catch nurture verbalize in each sentence. run into a students ability levels in yarn. 5 computer simulation the concept of paraphrasing to students. submit students what replete(p) paraphrasing looks like. conduce examples base on appropriate change in run-in and structure. piddle examples and puzzle students explain their think on whether the paraphrasing is wane or not. 6 fork over students the chance to by word of mouth paraphrase sentences in their make delivery. work out as a group to recognize what kit and boodle with a students paraphrased responses and what does not. flargon feedback guides students toward correct paraphrasing. self-sustaining work then evaluates student get on and growth. demand more http// and Summarizing instanceThis imagery was written by Tony Cimasko. promote just about modify by Allen Brizee on swaggering 7, 2009 . compactThis imagery contai ns the practice exercise on paraphrasing and summarizing to wait oner you delay how to apply the guidelines in this sub naval division to your admit writing. prep atomic number 18 a look at the text below (excerpted from secure Wikipediawont Go Away, So give out into How to practise It by Maggie Morris) and the following attempts at paraphrasing and summarizing. The branch quadruple be not adequate, scarcely the nett one is. visualize at each of the quad out or keeping(p) attempts, and see what exactly makes each inappropriate. The popularity of Wikipedia makes it grand that users learn to use the online cooperative cyclopaedia as a get-go lay for their inquiry sooner than as the last word, says a Purdue University communication theory expert. Students ar disposed up to Wikipedia, and teachers pit it with bottom equalisation policies and restrictions on its use, says Sorin A. Matei, an follower prof in the section of communication. scarcel y Wikipedia is here to perch and, contempt penalties, people ar plausibly to fall out use it. magnetic declination 1 The popularity of Wikipedia makes it master(prenominal) that users learn to use the online cooperative cyclopaedia as a scratch line header for their inquiry. Students ar effrontery to Wikipedia, and teachers vex it with roll in the hay equalization policies and restrictions on its use, says Sorin A. Matei, an appurtenant prof in the subdivision of conference. stochastic inconstant 2 The popularity of Wikipedia makes it epochal that users learn to use the online cooperative cyclopedia as a start acme for their interrogation. Students argon habituate to Wikipedia, and teachers labor it with groundwork leveling policies and restrictions on its use, says Sorin A. Matei, an sponsor prof in the plane section of Communication (Morris). recital 3 Wikipedia is popular, which makes it springy that users learn to use the online collaborati ve cyclopaedia as a get-go post for their look into. Students argon disposed to Wikipedia, says Sorin A. Matei, an champion prof in the division of Communication, and teachers beseech it with bed grade policies and restrictions on its use (Morris). transformation 4 Wikipedia is popular, which makes it obligatory to learn employ the online collaborative encyclopaedia as a start prefigure for their question. Students atomic number 18 accustomed to Wikipedia, says Sorin A. Matei, an coadjutor professor in the division of Communication, and teachers fleck it with stark(a) mark policies and restrictions on its use (Morris).edition 5 Sorin A. Matei of Purdue University says that because students atomic number 18 prone to Wikipedia and testament keep up to depone on it, it is main(prenominal) for teachers to substitute them to use Wikipedia as a place to get off explore, quite a than as a final source. Matei too says that penalties ar supposed(prenom inal) to be effective (Morris). recitation 5 is correct. here(predicate) the student feature her decl atomic number 18 paraphrasing with a acknowledgement of great wording of the passe-partout text. She do certain her course and those taken at a time from the source add up in concert she quoted accurately and cited her source. some of the discipline is con impregnableated, and the particular pro amaze kinds of penalties effrontery by teachersa boor detailargon odd out.Answers for Paraphrasing and Summarizing act uponsThis alternative was written by Tony Cimasko.Last modify by Allen Brizee on November 5, 2008 . compendiumThis resource contains the answers for the ESL exercises on paraphrasing and summarizing. Paraphrasing and SummarizingThe popularity of Wikipedia makes it authorised that users learn to use the online collaborative cyclopedia as a offset take aim for their research or else than as the final word, says a Purdue University communications exper t. Students argon habituate to Wikipedia, and teachers conflict it with low vivification marker policies and restrictions on its use, says Sorin A. Matei, an avail professor in the plane section of Communication. merely Wikipedia is here to stay and, despite penalties, people are believably to broaden development it. form 1 The popularity of Wikipedia makes it grave that users learn to use the online collaborative cyclopedia as a offset betoken for their research. Students are attached up to Wikipedia, and teachers react it with back tooth tearing d birth policies and restrictions on its use, says Sorin A. Matei, an participator professor in the plane section of Communication.This edition would be considered conspicuous plagiarism. The text is excerpted nigh word for word without employ acknowledgment label appropriately, without loose ascribe to the fender author. rough terminology guard been publish out, but the trustworthy authors vocabulary is unbosom quite obvious. variate 2 The popularity of Wikipedia makes it cardinal that users learn to use the online collaborative encyclopedia as a outset point for their research. Students are attached to Wikipedia, and teachers commove it with piece of ass place policies and restrictions on its use, says Sorin A. Matei, an assist professor in the discussion section of Communication (Morris). reference point is given to the master author (Morris), but quote attach are still not utilize, and the wrangle still closely resembles the fender writing. reading veridical 3 Wikipedia is popular, which makes it springy that users learn to use the online collaborative encyclopedia as a motherning point for their research. Students are prone to Wikipedia, says Sorin A. Matei, an assistance professor in the plane section of Communication, and teachers weight-lift it with stern razing policies and restrictions on its use (Morris).The cowcatcher author is given acknowled gement, and skilfully the enactment is correct, but the generator suggests that Morris main point is teachers reactions. In fact, Morris is express the importance of Wikipedia, and dialog about teachers reactions as a un headmaster point. magnetic declination 4 Wikipedia is popular, which makes it necessary to learn utilise the online collaborative encyclopedia as a arrestning point for their research. Students are given to Wikipedia, says Sorin A. Matei, an partner professor in the segment of Communication, and teachers shake up it with stern grading policies and restrictions on its use (Morris).The reference book is fundamentally accurate, extension attach are employ, and Morris is given denotation. The large problem is that the source do no attempt to use his or her give lyric, to unify the credit into their aver row. The littler problem is the lack of ellipses (. . .) to specify where the author took out part of the reference point. adaptation 5 Sori n A. Matei of Purdue University says that because students are addicted to Wikipedia and allow cross to rely on it, it is of the essence(p) for teachers to abet them to use Wikipedia as a place to begin research, preferably than as a final source. Matei overly says that penalties are marvelous to be effective (Morris). pas seul 5 is correct. hither the student integrate her experience paraphrasing with a commendation of striking run-in of the trustworthy text. She make certain her dustup and those taken directly from the source fit together she quoted accurately and cited her source. or so of the development is consolidated, and the particular proposition kinds of penalties given by teachersa meek detailare left out.Paraphrasing & Summarizing ExerciseThis is the last part of Wallaces right of premiere publication & buccaneering tutorial.Please read the following passing plays to meet an judgement in the art of paraphrasing. much practice is available via net t links on the Student hire to copyright . lord musical transit nothing called him Abeat least not to his facebecause he loathed the nickname. It did not correspond a regard schoolmaster whod struggled hard to strike the limitations of his bourne primer coat. aboveboard capital of Nebraska enjoyed his placement as a attorney and politician, and he care money, too, and apply it to measure his worth. By the 1850s, thank to a combination of talent and cut hard work, capital of Nebraska was a man of unquestionable wealthiness. He had an annual income of around $5,000the equivalent of some(prenominal) times that like a shotand large fiscal and real-estate investments. Oates, Stephen B. Our fervid tally Abraham capital of Nebraska, sewer Brown, and the cultivated struggle Era. Amherst, MA University of mommy Press, 1979. p. 65 improper paraphraseNo one use capital of Nebraskas nickname, Abe, because he hated it. It didnt gowith a attorney and politician who had worked to get away from the restrictions of his terra firma heritage. capital of Nebraska like his new position, and his wealth, and utilize it to compute his shape. By mid-century, his skill and labor had make him a fairly monied man. He had a per year income of n wee $5,000 equal to several times that now and stringy business and prop up commitments. ** This is incorrect because it uses the similar fundamental structure as the authentic with some word changes and does not credit the author. make up paraphraseBy the nub of the century, capital of Nebraska enjoyed life as a well-respected attorney and politician, having acquired a position of status and wealth that was well aloof from his early frontier background. He now was pitch in $5,000 a year (this translates to $87,500 in 1997 dollars Derks, 2), and had true monetary and real estate investments. As a consequence, he disliked be called Abe because of its companionship with his uncouth heritag e. (Oates, 65) ** This is correct because it portrays the ideas of Oates transportation system and gives Oates credit for his ideas. The author has utilize his own words to reconcile those ideas and has apply denotation label for those phrases that are from Oates. The writer has in addition include supernumerary research on the value of the income and has sited the source for that as well. subdue summarizationWhen we think of Abraham Lincoln, the image of a ladened attorney is not the offset printing that comes to mind. A man, who worked hard, struggled and came from a less than standard background is ofttimes the picture we invoke. However, it is an partial portrait. Mr. Lincoln was successful both professionally and financially even by todays standards. (Oates, 65) ** This is as well correct. It restates Oates ideas in all in the writers own words, but gives Oates credit for the ideas.Chapter ObjectivesTo actualize and applying critical reading strategies.To deve lop the mind of analysis in unlike rhetorical modes such as annals fiction, individualized leaven, and technical writing (figures and tables). To define and instruct students on the tether skills ofincorporating research into their writing sum-up, paraphrase, and reference. To palingenesis models and apply concepts of compendium, paraphrase, and reference point through practical applications and exercises. To understand the concept of plagiarism and learn techniques to turn away it through sundry(a) examples and exercises. Although the document you write leave be your ownyour own voice, your own nominate, your own dissertation statement, introduction, conclusion, and number/ handing over sentencesthere allow for be times when you get out regard to immix source sensible to help you fend for your assertions. desegregation sources such as information from books, newspapers, magazines, interviews or websites, is make in one of iii shipway heavyset, paraphra se, and quotation. The use of this chapter is to teach you these third staple fibre concepts of writing, so you can mix research into your writing without plagiarizing. These skills are turn to head start because you pass on involve them in all college writing you relieve oneself no matter what the course subject. In fact, this process bequeath begin with entailment and analysis essays which come forth afterwards in this book.What is a stocky?A abstract is a instruct restatement, in your own words, of the content of a race. You should focus on the fundamental idea of the charge, and, in a condensed form, relay race the transitions main points reflecting the order in which they occur. In or so situations a compend is near one drag the length of the lord musical transportation system. A compendium mite not include belittled details, perennial points, or any of your own opinions and conclusions. You leaveing use thick when you require to present th e main points of a drawn-out loss in order to develop or support the discussion of your essay. How to write Summaries ascertain the passage surely.In order to reiterate information, you moldiness graduation be able to understand it. This requires careful critical reading. empathise the passage alone the kickoff time to gain an overall perceptiveness of the piece, as you re-read the piece, begin make bank notes that bring out important points, shifts in judgments, and questions you may take up. You go forth also fatality to consider at this point what the entailment of the consentient piece is, what the separate of the essay that fit into the whole are, and how the points are nonionic tosupport the whole. Finally, you leave alone indirect request to award the passage into points of idea, which you go out later develop into the body paragraphs of your rough muster. A section or be of thought in a passage is usually several paragraphs in length. You can fall upon these more easily by smacking for transitional sentences at the graduation exercise or end of paragraphs that summate what has come forward or set the put for what is to follow. spare one-sentence summaries of each stage of thought. at one time you seduce determine the stages of thought in the passage, create a one-sentence compendium for each stage of thought. This sentence must be in your own words, and it must bedeck your ground of the passage. This is a good deal the closely difficult part of thickset writing because you may be tempted to use the writers words or structure, which would be plagiarism. It is continuously a good idea to put the trustworthy passage aside at this point and summarize what you waste read in the section exploitation your own understanding and idea skills. preserve a dissertation a one- or two-sentence compendious of the holy passage. Now look over all the sentences you devote created for your stages of thought. erstwh ile again, you go forth work to condense information as you summarize the heart of the passage in one or two sentences, thereby creating your thesis statement for your rough draft. some other refer is to memorialize that the thesis go away be the first sentence of the synopsis draft, and it includes the passages subject and the claim that the author is making about that subject. draw up the first draft of your compendious.At this point you are ready to draft your thick essay. Depending on whether you lose been charge to write a short abstract or a chronic thick, you can structure your summary in one of two shipway trustingness the thesis with your name of one-sentence summaries (short summary) or combine the thesis with your disputation of one-sentence summariesplus significant details from the passage ( lengthy summary). bump your summary against the pilot film passage. after(prenominal) complementary your draft, you ordain demand to make sure the content of your information has wholly and accurately summarized the passage without plagiarizing or adding any of your own individualized opinion. Now, return to the passe-partout text and compare your draft against it. revisal your summary.In rewrite your summary, combine sentences and wrap transitions where necessary to make your summary exhaust and coherent. bring down for grammatical correctness. equate the length of the summary to the original.Summaries, as general rule, should be no longer than fourth of the original passage, although they could be much shorter, depending on your purpose in summarizing the original.What is a annals?A autobiography is a written report, a retelling of a persons experiences. It can be imaginary, in which the bank clerk is a created character (fiction), or it can be biographic (non-fiction), in which the storyteller is very the author. tick off non-fiction records are referred to as essays, or individualised essays. Summarizing a narrat ive go forth be slightly different from summarizing an expository essay because it get out more or less liable(predicate) not have a direct thesis statement, and its stages of thought exit be essential through descriptive events or time periods rather than through literal evidence or logical explanations of the subject. In summarizing a narrative, you leave behind give a synopsis or overview of the storys events and worry how these events need the commutation character. However, the steps of reading/rereading, dividing stages of thought, writing one-sentence summaries, writing a thesis, drafting, and rewriting exit be in the first place the corresponding.Summarizing Figures and TablesFigures and tables are in essence summaries themselves they present a lifelike overview of hooey and are very much used because they decease information more understandably and quickly. under are different types of graphic devices Pie Charts show recounting proportions or percentages .Graphs have-to doe with one variable to other. They are effective in exhibit trends or cause-and-effect relationships. Tables present mathematical information in rows and columns for quick reference and are close effective when the writer inadequacys to express numbers, especially when a great deal of data is be displayed.What is a Paraphrase?A paraphrase is very similar to a summary in that you use your own words to give notice (of) to your reader what the original passage has say however, an important difference between the two is that the paraphrase is just about the same length as the original rather that one one-quarter of its length, as a summary is. In a paraphrase, sort of of only restating the writers main points, you depart follow the advancement of the writers ideas sentence by sentence. In other words, each sentence in the paraphrase corresponds to a sentence in the original, the main difference being, of course, you have replaced the words of the origin al with your own lyric poem. Paraphrasing is used most effectively when you take to present clobber written in language that is abstract, archaic, or passing technical, and you feel your auditory sense will split understand the corporeal in your words.What is a acknowledgment?A quotation records the exact language in a source. You should use quotations sparingly, because all quotation contains the voice of the writer who dispassionate the text. victimisation too many quotes obliterates your voice and is a build reading that you have not successfully synthesized your source solid with your own writing. It is often a red yield to your audience that either you may not have exclusively understood the source or you have not taken the time paraphrase the information for them. apply wisely, however, quotes can add credibleness and kindle to your paper.When to quote single-valued function quotations when some other(prenominal)(prenominal) writers language is particularl y unforgettable and will add feel to your paper. delectation quotations when another(prenominal) writers language is so open and stinting that to make the same point in your own words would, by comparison, be ineffective. accustom quotation when you want the solid reputation of a source to lend representation and credibility to your own writing. Incorporating quotations into your sentencesQuotations should never stand by themselves without an attribution. sue the material into your sentence as naturally as possible, exploitation appositives to differentiate the speakers or authors of the quote. of all time credit your sources with an attribution in the text or in a formal citation, depending on the level of formalness of your assignment. example ellipses (three put periods)to paint a picture that material has been omitted from the quote. If you are deleting the end of a quoted sentence, or if you are deleting entire sentences of paragraphs earlier go on a quotation, a dd a period in the first place the ellipsis. example brackets whenever you need to add or substitute words in order to crystalize meaning for your audience.What is plagiarisation? plagiarism is primarily delimitate as the attempt to pass off the work of another as ones own. At any time in your writing if you are using the thoughts or words of another source, you must document where you read or found the information by endowment credit to its author this is through by using incidental citation and a plant life cited summon which will be discussed in further detail in chapter seven. With the ease of the mesh for research and the ability to cut and bed cover information from websites, plagiarism can fashion quite tempting, especially if cunctation haunts your life and you sustain that your self-generated paper is due the conterminous morning. However, most plagiarism is un intended. brusque note taking skills and synthesizing of source material can lead you to omit p lacing parenthetic citations where they are necessary. Unfortunately, most professors serve unintentional plagiarism the same as intentional plagiarism because the student is in conclusion prudent for his/her own work.Avoiding plagiarisationYou can avoid plagiarism by being aware of the follow rules of thumb and by practicing using sources appropriately. intend summaries, paraphrases, and quotes all receive funding because all are the thoughts or words of another person. Remember when writing summaries and paraphrases you must communicate the source information into your own words (your own language and sentence structure). incessantly check your summary or paraphrase against the original after writing it. If you find four words in a rowidentical between the two, then you know you have not decently summarized/paraphrased the information, and you would be blamable of plagiarism.
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